Home > Born in Blood Collection Volume 2(196)

Born in Blood Collection Volume 2(196)
Author: Cora Reilly

I hoped the sheer force of my determination would be enough to prove my words correct. Leonas stood and came toward us. He looked mostly confused but I could tell he was scared as well, only trying to hide it. He touched Anna’s shoulder. “Dad and I will protect you.”

Pride filled me. I pulled him against my other side and squeezed his arm. Val got up, her arm wrapped around Sofia who looked completely shaken. I kissed Anna’s and Leonas’ head then gently untangled myself and went over to my niece. I sank down on the pew to be at eye level with her. Tears ran down her cheeks, and her nose was red.

“Where are Fina and Sam? And Mom and Dad?”

“Your mom and dad take care of Samuel. He was hurt but he’s going to be fine.” I hesitated. How to tell an eleven-year-old that her sister had been kidnapped by the enemy that wasn’t any better than the worst monsters from her nightmares? Her eyes held mine hopefully and terrified at once. I touched her cheek. “We’re looking for Fina. Someone took her but we’re going to find her.”

Her face twisted and she covered her face with her palms, starting to sob. She sank against me, her face buried in my neck. I lifted her in my arms as I stood. She was a petite girl, smaller than Anna. Her arms came around my neck, clutching tightly. “It’s okay, Sofia,” I murmured.

“Let’s get you to a safe place,” I said to Val.

Val made a brave face and wrapped her arms around Anna and Leonas.

“I’ll drive them. One of you drive a car in the front another in the back,” I ordered Taft and Enzo. I regretted not having more guards for my family. Once we were back home, I’d have to consider new options.

“Will do, boss,” Enzo said, and he and Taft jogged out of church. Drawing my gun, even though the outside was protected by my men, I stepped out with Sofia on my arm, and Val, Leonas, and Anna behind me. The parking lot was mostly deserted by now, as most guests had already vacated the place. As Capo, I couldn’t leave among the first even if I wanted to protect my family. I headed toward my bullet-proof Mercedes, glad that Indianapolis was close enough to Chicago to drive, so I had my car with me. I set Sofia down on the back seat but she clung to my neck, trembling. “It’s okay, Sofia. I’ll protect you. Once we’re back at the safehouse, I’ll let your parents know where we are so they can join us with Samuel.”

Anna slipped into the car and linked her fingers with Sofia. “I’m here.”

Sofia pulled back, sniffling. She had Ines’ eyes. Overcome by a new wave of protectiveness, I stroked her head again before I straightened and closed the door. Leonas sat beside his sister, trying to make a brave face. I gave him a tight smile and he lifted his shoulders a bit more.

Val took my hand the moment I got behind the steering wheel. She was shaking, but held her head high, trying to appear calm.

I gave the coordinates of the safehouse into the GPS then gave Taft and Enzo a sign before I set out. We arrived thirty minutes later.

It was a house surrounded by high walls and a vast garden, designed to give home to people in need of protection, especially important visitors.

I didn’t relax before we were inside. Val took care of the kids, leading them upstairs so they could change out of their clothes. The house always offered a wide array of clothing, for children, women, and men, so I was sure Val would find something fitting for herself and the kids.

I took off my jacket then lifted my phone, calling Giovanni. “Where are you?”

“In the hotel, picking up your and our luggage. We’re going to take it to you.”

“Good. Who else is in the hotel?”

“Most of the Underbosses and Captains have already left. They’re trying to bring their families to safety.”

“Can you tell someone to pick up Ines and Pietro’s things? I don’t want them in the hotel. They need to come to the safehouse as well.”

“Of course. Do you want me to stay? Or should I return to Chicago?”

Giovanni had taken over as my Consigliere while Rocco remained locked in that cell. I had a feeling his life might be of value soon. Sighing, I sank down in an armchair. “I need someone to hold the forte in Chicago while I’m not there.”

“Then Livia and I’ll return today. We’ll just drop your suitcases off at the safehouse.”

I hung up then called Danilo. It took a while before he picked up. “Any leads?”

“They headed out of town on Interstate 70 then switched to smaller roads. We lost their trail around Terre Haute but I have sent out every available man. We have to stop them from leaving our territory.”

“They’ll try to take a private jet or helicopter because it’s safer and quicker than taking the road.”

“We can’t let them take her to their territory…” The despair in Danilo’s voice was palpable. This was supposed to be a day of celebration for Serafina and him, instead they experienced hell. Serafina… I couldn’t allow myself to consider what she might be going through at the hands of Remo, or I’d lose any objectivity.

“The Outfit is looking for them. I’ll head out to join you as soon as Samuel and Pietro get to the safehouse.”

Taft and Enzo came into the living room and I ended my call with Danilo.

“We checked the premises and turned on the surveillance cameras. But we should add more armed guards in the surrounding streets.”

“See who isn’t needed for the search for Serafina.”

“I could ask my son and a few of our men to come from Chicago. He’s the best.”

Pride rang in his voice and he had every reason to feel that way. Santino was one of my best soldiers.

I nodded distractedly. “They should hurry. We’ll stay for a couple more days at least, until things have calmed and we’ve found Serafina.”

“Do you think we’ll get her back quickly?” Taft asked.

I stood. “We have to. Now ask for reinforcement.”

They left and I stared out of the window, trying to consider my options. Remo was a monster. Unfortunately, he was a clever monster if rumors could be trusted. I’d never met him or his brothers, only his father. That man had been a narcissistic maniac who could be driven to rash decisions. I hoped Remo would be the same way.

Steps rang out. Tension shot through my body and I turned around, my gun drawn. Val froze. She was dressed in jeans and a simple T-shirt, a rare sight.

Now that she didn’t have to keep up appearances for the public or our children fear shone clearly in her eyes. I crossed the distance between us, cradling her face and kissing her. “You are safe. No matter the price, I’ll keep you safe.”

Val swallowed, her eyes swimming with tears. “I’m so scared for Serafina.”

I gave a terse nod. “Once Pietro and Samuel are here, we’ll head out to join the chase for Serafina.”

“Be careful,” Val pleaded.

“I’m not worried for myself. I can handle the situation.”

Val closed her eyes and pressed her forehead to my shoulder. “How are we going to protect our children in this world? War with the Camorra and the Famiglia…” She shuddered. “How can we all get out of it unscathed?”

I kissed the top of her head. “You and our children will, I swear.”

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