Home > Born in Blood Collection Volume 2(217)

Born in Blood Collection Volume 2(217)
Author: Cora Reilly

“I couldn’t allow that. I need you. The Outfit needs to be strong.”

“We would have been stronger with Remo dead,” Danilo said bitterly. “You took our revenge from us.”

“You got revenge. You tortured him for two days.”

“And what good was that? The fucker didn’t cry, didn’t beg for his fucking life once. I bet he’s laughing at us now,” Samuel said.

Pietro stepped up to me. “You still didn’t answer my question, Dante. Would you have let Anna go if she loved the enemy?”

I wasn’t sure.

Pietro shook his head. “I lost my daughter today. I won’t ever get her back.”

I touched his shoulder. “You don’t know that. Remo Falcone is a monster. She’ll realize it eventually.”

Danilo scoffed. “Aren’t we all?”

I sent him a hard look. On any other day, he would have been dead by now, but emotions were still running high.

“I won’t have a war at two fronts. The Camorra and Famiglia only cooperate loosely right now, but if they both attack with full force we’ll have a hard time holding them off.”

We walked into the hall where Pietro grabbed his coat and motioned for Samuel to follow him.

“Where are you going?”

“I have to tell Ines that our daughter is gone, that you gave her up without good reason.”

“I’m heading back home. Or do you need me for anything else?” Danilo asked, his voice clipped and eyes hard. “I have a duty to the Outfit to fulfill after all.”

“No,” I said, fighting to keep my own emotions in check.

Danilo left without another word, and Samuel and Pietro followed shortly after. I ran a hand through my hair, my eyes following the trail of blood on the floor that Remo had left behind. Was this the best for the Outfit? I believed so. Remo had given his life for his brother. What would he do for his children?

I had thought about the way he had looked at Serafina when he called her angel. In some twisted way, he cared for her and he would for the twins as well. He had something to lose now, and it would make him more restrained. Since Luca had kids, he’d held back with rash actions too.

But even if it wasn’t the best solution for the Outfit, it was the choice that would keep my children and Val safe. I’d always choose them over the Outfit. One day Leonas would take over but I had to make sure he was protected until then.

Grabbing my keys and coat, I headed to my car and drove back to the mansion, knowing full well I’d be greeted with chaos.





A door slammed shut, and I sat up in bed where I’d been reading, unable to fall asleep while Dante was in the safehouse torturing Remo. I slipped out of bed and slid a bathrobe on. I walked closer when a female cry rang out: Ines.

I froze on the staircase at the scene playing out before my eyes. Ines was clutching Pietro’s shirt, shaking her head. Her hair was a mess and her face frantic.

Sofia, Anna, and Leonas crept down the steps but hovered close to me, obviously as confused as I felt.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

Samuel shot me a glare. “Dante let Remo go!”

I headed downstairs. “Why would he do that?”

The door opened and Dante stepped in, looking as if had come straight from a battlefield.

“Ask him,” Samuel spat.

Dante narrowed his eyes.

Ines staggered toward Dante, accusation looming on her face. “You handed my daughter over to the man who raped her?”

“Ines,” Dante said in a voice meant to placate her, his gaze briefly darting to the children. “Serafina chose him. She helped him.”

Ines raised her arm and struck Dante across the face. Leonas gasped beside me. Anna and Sofia watched with open-mouthed shock and my own body seized up with horror.

Pietro quickly grabbed her wrist and pulled her against him, but his expression was full of fury toward Dante as well. “She’s confused! You should have stopped her. You stole my daughter from me. You took her away.”

Tears slid down Ines’ porcelain skin.

“I did what I thought was the best,” Dante said as if Ines hadn’t just slapped him.

“For whom?” Ines whispered harshly, nodding toward Anna. “For your daughter?”

Dante simply looked at her.

“What about the twins?” I asked.

“She took them with her,” Samuel muttered.

“Wasn’t it her choice then?”

Dante gave a small shake of his head, wanting to keep me out of the conflict but I wouldn’t let him brave their anger alone.

Ines gave me a sad smile. “Of course, you stand by him even when he sacrifices my family.”

“Leave Val out of this,” Dante clipped.

Ines began shaking. “Out of my house. All of you.”

I blinked.

“Mom,” Sofia began but Ines stormed toward Dante and pushed against his chest. “Out. Of. My. Home!”

“Ines—” Dante tried again but she shook her head and stormed off.

“Leave,” Pietro said.

Dante straightened his shoulders and gave a nod. I wasn’t sure what was happening, completely stunned and overwhelmed.

“Grab your things,” I told Leonas and Anna. They hesitated but I nudged them upstairs and finally they moved.

I followed quickly and put on jeans and a pullover over my nightgown, then slid into sneakers barefoot. Grabbing my overnight bag, I hurried back out.

“Leonas, Anna!”

They joined me a moment later, looking completely terrified. “What’s going on?” Anna asked.

I shook my head. I wasn’t sure.

When we arrived in the lobby, Pietro held the front door open as if he couldn’t wait to have us out of their house as quickly as possible. Santino waited on the front steps while Taft and Enzo sat in two cars.

Samuel and Ines were gone.

Sofia was pressed to Pietro’s side and it broke my heart when she and Anna hugged tightly as if this was a final goodbye. It wasn’t. It couldn’t be.

I took Dante’s hand, needing to show him my support. He squeezed lightly. “I hope you’ll understand my decision soon.”

Pietro held Sofia even tighter against his side. “I understand, Dante. You protected your own children and gave up one of ours in turn. It’s not the first time.”

I wasn’t sure what he meant.

We stepped out and Pietro closed the door.

I took Anna with my free hand and Dante gripped Leonas’ hand, and together we headed toward our car.

I didn’t look back, not willing to make this feel like a true goodbye.

We drove a while before Leonas spoke up from the backseat, sounding confused. “Why did you allow Uncle Pietro to throw you out? This is your city too.”

Dante nodded, not taking his eyes off the street. He looked exhausted. How long had he been awake? “It is, but it’s Pietro’s home, it’s his family, and even as Capo I have to respect that, and especially as part of their family. They need time to mourn.”

“But Fina isn’t dead,” Anna whispered.

“No, she isn’t,” Dante said. “But she’s lost to us.”

Anna bit her lip, glancing out of the window. “Sofia said Fina is in love with Remo, and that she wants to raise the twins with him.”

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