Home > Born in Blood Collection Volume 2(222)

Born in Blood Collection Volume 2(222)
Author: Cora Reilly

We all had something to lose. Wives, children.

Ines pulled back. “I’m happy for you and Val. I can’t wait to hold my niece in my arms.” She smiled bravely. “And what do I hear about you having political ambitions.”

“Not me. I’m not good at schmoozing others.”

“You prefer to give orders and have them obeyed.”

I tilted my head. “But we’re making efforts to establish bonds with the political elite.”

“It’s just another shark tank, isn’t it? Intrigue is their form of public torture.”

I smiled because Ines hit the nail on the head as usual.

“Dad, can Samuel show me how to shoot a crossbow?”

Val’s eyes widened. She always worried about Leonas but I was glad he was daring. “Sure.”

“Be careful!” Val added as Samuel and Leonas walked outside. Anna and Sofia followed curiously, their heads together as they whispered excitedly.

Val hurried over to me. “A crossbow?”

I chuckled and rubbed her side. “He’ll be fine.”

“Why don’t we settle on the porch and watch the spectacle?” Pietro suggested.

Val didn’t need to be told twice. She wanted to keep an eye on Leonas. We settled in chairs outside but Val practically perched on the very edge. “Don’t stand so close, Anna, Sofia!”

The girls took a few steps away from Samuel and Leonas but Val moved closer. Her pregnancy had made her even more protective.

“She’s overprotective,” Pietro said. “I’m surprised she agreed to have Anna go to school.”

“It was actually her idea. She wants our daughter to grow up normally, or as normal as is possible. And Santino will be with Anna at all times.”

Pietro’s gaze settled on Santino who sat with the other guards in front of their cabin. “I’m surprised you chose someone that young to guard your daughter.”

“He’s one of the best. An attacker will have a hard time getting past him.”

“Still. He’s a good-looking guy.”

I cocked an eyebrow. “He’s ten years older than Anna and she’s a kid. He’s good at his job.” Not to mention that he knew what would happen to him if I ever caught him looking at my daughter with more than professional interest.

Pietro shrugged. “Your age difference to Val is bigger. Danilo made his point very clear when it came to choosing Sofia’s bodyguards. They need to be my age, and he insists she’s being homeschooled, which we’d wanted to do anyway after the thing with…” He trailed off, pain flashing in his eyes.

“Understandable,” I said, allowing Pietro to gather himself. The wound of Serafina’s loss was still fresh. Maybe it would never heal completely. “Anna will probably be promised to Clifford Clark.”

Pietro looked surprised. “Really? His father agreed?”

“He’s open to the suggestion. His wife and father are in favor of the bond, and he enjoys spending the money we gave him as an incentive. It’s not going to be official for a while. We have to see how things go between us but it’s a possibility.”

“I never thought you’d consider marrying Anna to an Outsider.” It was a difficult decision, one I still wasn’t entirely comfortable with, but Val had made a valid point. Anna would be safe in a marriage with a politician. She’d grown up among Made Men, she’d be able to handle a mere Outsider and it would open many doors for her. She loved art exhibitions and music. As the fiancée of a politician’s son who would undoubtedly follow in his father’s footsteps as well, she’d have the opportunity to study art or music.

Anna laughed when Leonas missed his target by several yards and as usual, it filled me the sense of peace that had been absent from my life so often in the past.





Beatrice was born on the hottest day of the summer, in the last few hours of August. As with Leonas I had gone full term.

Returning home with our daughter filled me with relief and joy, especially when I saw Anna’s and Leonas’ excitement over the newest addition to our family. Leonas was relieved over not being the youngest anymore, and Anna was just excited about having a little sister she could potentially dress up.

“She looks like Leonas!” Anna said as she looked down at Beatrice in her crib. “Can I hold her?”

“Here,” I picked Beatrice up and showed Anna how to hold her. When Leonas had been born, she had been too young to hold him.

Leonas watched curiously but made no move to hold her as well. He glanced up at his dad almost questioningly. Dante only smiled but his eyes followed everything closely.

I handed Beatrice to Anna who cradled her carefully. “Oh, she’s heavier than she looks.”

Leonas rolled his eyes.

“Why don’t you hold her too?” I suggested.

He nodded slowly and came closer. Anna proudly demonstrated how to hold Beatrice before she handed her to her brother.

“My heart’s going to explode,” I whispered as I moved to Dante’s side.

“It’s something I never considered in my future when Carla died. I was willing to give up without a fight even if it isn’t in my nature to admit defeat. I’m glad you came into my life and showed me that love is worth taking risks.”

I smiled up at him. “I know you prefer to take safe gambles but I’m glad you bet on me.”

Dante chuckled. “A safe bet you aren’t that’s true. You keep me on my toes, Val. I’ve never met anyone who tests my patience more often than you do.”

I nodded toward Leonas. “Give it a few more years. I’m sure he’ll fight me for the position.”

Dante moved his eyes skyward. “Don’t tempt fate.”

“You don’t believe in fate.”

“I don’t. But Leonas having your temper can only be fate’s way to pay me back.”

“We all just want to keep you young and agile.”

Dante kissed my lips.

“Ewww, can’t you do that behind closed doors?” Leonas shouted, waking Beatrice who began crying. His eyes grew wide in shock.

Dante walked over to him with a stern expression. “Troublemaker.” He didn’t say it angrily and Leonas only grinned as Dante took Beatrice from him.

He rocked Beatrice gently while Anna hovered next to him. Dante kissed the top of her head then Beatrice’s forehead. “Can I call her Bea?”

“As long as she’s this small she can’t really say no,” Dante said with a chuckle.

Anna grinned, her eyes gleaming excitedly. “I can’t wait to dress her up. I’ve seen so many cute plaid outfits.”

“She’s not a doll,” Leonas said.

“You’re a dork.”

Leonas jumped at her and tickled her. She shrieked and tried to shove him off but he was almost her height.

Beatrice mewled. I opened my arms. “My cue to nurse her. You can play referee.”

Dante slid Bea into my arms. “All right. Can’t be worse than listening to Clark senior’s never-ending stories from his youth.”

Dante let Giovanni and Dario do most of the political schmoozing, but on occasion, it was required for us to make appearances, especially on social events. Working our way into certain circles proved challenging, mainly because we were still regarded as more of an oddity or attraction than a part of the scene. Yet, people were curious and that was better than suspicion.

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