Home > Say Yes (Second Generation Series)(12)

Say Yes (Second Generation Series)(12)
Author: C.M. Steele

“Yes. Yes,” Greta cries out. I stretch out and grab the little box under the pillow and pull the ring out, sliding it on her finger as I claim her pussy. She squeezes my cock and lets out the sexiest moan, her body shaking as she comes. I pump into her twice more before I shoot my load deep into her womb, making her mine.



Chapter Eight


My new family is super sneaky. First, they moved my things into the condo while Dean and I spent the night fucking like bunnies. Then, they came home with a birthday dinner for me along with a beautiful cake. It had to be the best birthday ever. I stare at my ring as Dean and I drive to our first date as a couple. It’s crazy because we’re already engaged, but the man has had my heart for so long it’s natural that I want to be with him forever.

“Are we moving too fast?” I ask aloud.

“I’m going the speed limit.” He cracks a half smile. “We’re not. If I could have married you last year I would have. Are you having second thoughts?”

“God, no. It’s just I haven’t told my parents about it or us for that matter.”

“Do you want me to call them?”

“No,” I shout.

“Why? Are you afraid they can convince you to leave me?”

“No. My mom will be happy for us, but I don’t know how my dad will be. Although, I think it worries me that they won’t even care.”

“I’m sorry that you even have that thought in your pretty head.”

“Me too.” I shouldn’t bring the mood down. We’re finally a couple. “Forget it. I want tonight to be wonderful.”

“It will.” He brings our intertwined hands together and kisses the back of mine. “I love you so much, Greta. Whatever happens I want you to always know that. You can be assured as hell that you’re the love of my life and the most important thing in my life, and I’ll always take care of you.”

“Don’t make me climb over onto your lap, mister.”

“Don’t make me pull over or we will be late.”

“Fine. Drive.” I reach out and brush my fingers through his hair as he drives into the city. Twenty minutes later, we arrived at the restaurant he picked out. It’s a nice Italian spot, so I get to see my man in a suit. I love it. He’s so fucking sexy that my pussy throbs.

“We’re here, baby.” He pulls up to the valet and they assist me out. Dean brought his cane even though he didn’t want to, but he has no idea how hot he looks. My mind goes to regency England. Some Darcy or Wentworth look going on. He hands the valet the keys and then we walk inside. It’s busy, but we have prime seats.

“How long have you had this planned?”

“Since the day of your graduation.”

“Are you serious?”

“Yes, Greta.” He presses his hand on the small of my back as he leads me to our table. We thank the hostess and then we’re quickly met by our server.

“It’s a pleasure to have you with us tonight. Can I start you off with a drink?”

“Just water for now. Thank you,” Dean says.

“Wonderful. I will give you some time. Please let me know should you need me sooner.” He steps away and we glance at our menus.

“You look perfect tonight, Greta.” He reaches over the table and takes my hand. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” I can’t stop blushing.

“So, have you decided what you want?”

“This all looks great. I’m not that hungry, but I’ll have the cheese ravioli.”

“Sounds good to me.” So he calls over the waiter and we place our orders and then get a few minutes to ourselves.

“So let’s talk about school. You can drive yourself there on days when you have class, but how many classes are you scheduled for?”

“For the semester I’m taking thirteen, so that I can get a feel of college. It’s a huge change and I’m not sure how I’m going to handle it.”

“That’s good. I’m glad you’re not pushing it. It’s not easy for everyone. It might be. Emily always told us how brilliant you are, but you never mention it.”

“It’s hardly an accomplishment when I’m surrounded by completely successful people. Your whole family works hard while being independently wealthy.”

“It’s just the way our parents raised us. We work hard and earn our keep even if we have an inheritance. It builds character, but it doesn’t change that you’re amazing in your own right. You did it without the advantages of wealth on your side. So don’t ever feel like you’re not pretty damn wonderful because that would be a lie.”

“Thanks.” I take a drink of my water to hopefully give me the minute I need. The man makes me hot just by being sweet.

“So what are you going to do while I’m busy at school all day?”

“I don’t know. Physical therapy for sure. I don’t want to have to rely on a cane for the rest of my days. I’m only twenty-five.”

“You can do it. You’ve come so far in two short months. It’s almost as if nothing happened. Although that’s a day I’ll never forget.”

“Speaking of that day…I never knew who you were supposed to go to prom with,” he asks me as the waiter comes with our food.

I wait until he walks away before I answer Dean. “With Emily.”

I cut a piece, blow on my hot food and bring it to my mouth, avoiding the question in his eyes. He’s adorable when he’s jealous. “Yeah, I know that. But, that’s definitely not what I meant. Who is the asshole who almost met a terrible fate if he tried to kiss you at the end of the night?”

I let him off easy and say, “I never had a date for the prom. I couldn’t do that to you. It felt like I was cheating, and we weren’t even a couple. Hell, I didn’t even know you liked me.”

“Liked is an understatement, but you have no idea how long I’ve been thinking about that.”

“You should have said something.”

“I should have,” he grumbles, taking a bite of his meat ravioli. I do my best to not laugh, but he looks so cute even though he feels silly. I’d feel the same way too.

We make small talk, laughing many times over and I feel like something terrible will happen. We’re having too much of a good time. It’s strange, but then a man I don’t know walks up to us.

“Hey, Evans. It’s so good seeing you.”

“Hello, Detective Ruskin.” A look comes over Dean’s face that concerns me.

“So I heard you’re coming back as one of Boston’s finest. I thought I saw you leaving the station the other day.”

“That’s up in the air at the moment.” As if he reads the tension, the guy excuses himself. I must have my upset written all over my face. The waiter approaches to see if we need anything.

“The check please,” I say. Then, as the waiter leaves, I grab my purse and turn to Dean. “I need to use the ladies room. I’ll be ready to leave the second I get out.”

I stand up and walk to the back without another word. My mind and heart are at war with each other, and I’m not sure how to deal with it. I’ve dealt with enough embarrassment in my life, so I want to hold onto my dignity until we’re alone. I gently wipe away the tears. Another woman enters and hands me a tissue. “It’s going to be okay. Talk it out. I thought he looked familiar. He’s the cop who was hurt on the job, isn’t he?”

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