Home > Say Yes (Second Generation Series)(13)

Say Yes (Second Generation Series)(13)
Author: C.M. Steele

“Yes. Dean is.” I remember reading it in the papers and online. The death of the mother and child had been a big story and people wanted the guy caught.

“Sorry. I don’t mean to be nosy. Men don’t always do or say the right things. You’re young and in love. It happens they are idiots, but he looked at you all night like you’re his world.”

“Thank you.” I check my reflection and step out. Dean’s eyes are trained on the bathroom, waiting for me to appear. There’s no relief in his eyes because I’m sure he can read the pain in mine. As I reach our table Dean tosses two hundred dollars down into the black receipt folder.

“Are you ready?” I ask him. He hands it to the man, and I turn on my heel.

“Greta, wait for me.” I walk quickly, but I don’t make a scene. Then, suddenly remembering that he can’t walk as steady, I slow down and wait until he reaches my side.

“We’ll talk when we get to your condo.” He groans but doesn’t respond other than to give the valet his ticket. This night has indeed been ruined. I’m afraid I’d been right. We were rushing it. I want to see what he has to say, but I’m not ready to deal with it.

The car comes and he helps me inside without a word.

We don’t speak the entire ride home because I bite my tongue every time I want to say something.



Chapter Nine

Dean Jr.

I’m going to kill him. It’s all my fault, but I haven’t decided yet because I haven’t told Greta about the offer or ask her what she wants. Now she’s fucking pissed off and I don’t blame her at all, but I’m not letting her ass runaway that quick because she’s scared. I saw that shit all night. She keeps waiting for the other shoe to drop. I should have discussed this with her, but I took the coward’s way out.

We get home, not just my condo like she called it, attempting to put that distance between us. I can’t let that happen. I set my suit jacket on the nearest chair along with my cane before sitting down. My leg’s killing me like a motherfucker today, but I let the pain radiate because it’s the least I deserve for making her cry.

“Tonight was an eye opener. So you were down at the precinct?”


I drop my head and wait for her to lose her shit. “You mean to tell me that you planned to go back and not say a word to me?”

“It’s not that,” I attempt to explain, but I know nothing I have to say is going to be okay.

“It’s exactly that. Dean, I can’t believe you.” She stands up straight, her head slightly tilted up to the sky and I know I’m a fucking idiot because tears are streaming down her face. “How can you do this to me? I don’t even know what to say. I can’t believe I canceled my dorm.” She finishes that last part to herself as if she’s pissed at herself because she’s going to be homeless.

“Don’t think you’re fucking leaving. We can talk this out, but there’s no way I’m letting you walk out of my life.” I reach out for her and she pulls away.

“How dare you! You expect me to wait for someone to come here and tell me my husband is dead because he wanted to go back into the same job that nearly got him killed. I can’t do this, Dean. What other secrets are you keeping from me?”

“Nothing. Fuck, Greta. It wasn’t so much as a secret. I haven’t taken any job. I was offered a desk job, but I wanted to talk to you about it first. I hadn’t worked up the nerve.”

“If that’s true then why were you at the station?”

“I had some legal documents to deal with that could have been mailed in, but since I’d tried to kill time and attempted to stay away from you, I dropped them off.”

“So you’re thinking of going back?”

“Look, I wanted to talk to you about it. I hadn’t said yes at all. In fact, my decision is based solely on what you want and it’s clear that’s a hard no for you. I love you, Greta and I have no intention of letting you go now or ever. My love of catching criminals pales in comparison to the love I have for you.”

“I’m tired. I can’t do this tonight.” I nod. She goes into the guest bedroom, so I walk into ours and use the bathroom and brush my teeth before snatching up another blanket and follow her.

“What are you doing?” she asks when I come into the room.

“If you’re sleeping in here, so am I. You can think all you need, but I’m not going to let you push me away.” I empty my pockets onto the nightstand, but not before I send a text to my former boss and tell him that I’m not interested in returning. Then I strip down to my boxers and tuck myself under the cover I brought in while laying on top of the other one, so we have some separation. Unfortunately, that’s all she gets. She has no idea how much I live for her.

“Goodnight, my heart and soul.”

“Who’d you text?” she mutters and my heartbeat does double time. That was jealousy in her tone and I’ll take that as a win.

“My old boss. I told him I’m not taking the offer.”

“What?” she screeches, flipping onto her elbows to glare at me in the dark room.

“What? You don’t want me to do it, then I won’t. It’s that fucking simple, Greta. Now get some sleep and you can be mad at me in the morning.”


The following day, I wake up alone in bed and I’m fucking freaking out. “Greta,” I shout, but she doesn’t answer. Jumping out of bed, I go on the hunt for her. Son of a bitch. She’s not in the apartment. Where the hell could she go? I’ll chase her anywhere, so she’s just silly for running.

I quickly and painfully walk into our bedroom and slip some clothes on. Opening the closet, I breathe a sigh of relief, Greta’s clothes are still there. I remember that I left my phone in the bedroom, so I hurry as best as I can and under it is a note. Went out for bagels. Be back soon. I take my phone and call her.

“Hey, where the hell are you?”

“I…” The phone cuts out. I try her again and it’s not going through.

I get my shoes on and as I do the door opens. “Fuck, there you are.” She sets the bag on the front table. “I thought you left and then you didn’t answer my call.”

“I was in the elevator. I lost my signal for a minute. Didn’t you get my note?”

“Yes, but I’m scared.”

“So am I, Dean. I love you and I’m not going anywhere, but if you ever keep something from me again, I’m going to rip your balls off and feed them to you.”

“Understood. God, I love you.” I pick her up and carry her to the sofa. I’d bring her to the bedroom but that’s as far as I can make it. I grunt and she doesn’t miss a beat.

“Damn it, Dean. You have to take the medicine.” She tries to get out of my arms, but I tug her back. “You’re in pain.”

“I deserve it. Besides, I need to hold you. It’s all I’ve ever wanted to heal me.” She drops her mouth down on mine and my heart does fucking flips. Pain completely forgotten.





Five Years Later…

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