Home > Hot SEAL, A Forever Dad(10)

Hot SEAL, A Forever Dad(10)
Author: Maryann Jordan






Violet kept an eye on the clock in the corner of her computer as well as on the other employees in the office. She never left early but never wanted to be alone in the office with her boss, Fred Marsdale. Finishing the document she was working on, she sighed in relief as she hit save and shut down her computer. Seeing several others stand from their desks and begin waving goodbye, she stood as well. Before she had her purse out of her desk drawer, she felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise and knew Fred was nearby.


She refused to look at him until she’d retrieved her purse, then turned to face him. Tall and thin, with his typical combover. She often thought that if he would simply cut his hair short, he would look younger. With his height advantage, he peered down at her, and as usual, his gaze dropped from her face to her chest. She longed to snap her fingers and remind him that her eyes were about ten inches higher. Clearing her throat loudly, she refused to plaster another fake smile onto her face, instead lifting a brow and tilting her head to the side. “Yes?”

“I wondered if perhaps you could stay a bit longer and help me organize the Barker files. Then afterward, we might be able to grab a drink.”

A few more weeks and she would finish her degree, be free to look for a new job, and finally tell him where to shove his files. She opened her mouth, then hesitated. It would be so easy to tell him she was giving her notice. So easy to sling her purse on her shoulder, turn with a dramatic flounce, and stomp out. But she needed this job. At least until another one came along. One that would pay her bills, allow her to take care of her kids, and give them health insurance. But she was tired of avoiding his dinner and drinks invitations.

“Mr. Marlsdale, as you can see, the others have left the office and it’s the end of the business day. I have a certain time that I need to pick up my children from their after-school care.”

His nose wrinkled, an expression she was well acquainted with. Deciding to not give him a chance to rethink things, she walked around the far side of her desk, no easy task considering hers was jammed between several others. Turning sideways, she sucked in a breath to shimmy through the small opening between desks, which in truth would have only helped if a deep inhalation would take a few inches off her ass. But, making it through, she had a clear path to the doorway. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” she said, forcing enthusiasm into her voice, and with a little wave, made it out the front door. Once on the sidewalk, she breathed a sigh of relief and quickly walked to her car.

Driving home, she thought of her situation and grimaced. She couldn’t wait to walk out. The reality, though, was that until she had another job, she couldn’t afford to leave the one she had. But the idea of a job with more managerial duties loomed large in her mind. Even a small company. She had no dreams of working in a huge downtown high-rise, wearing fancier clothes and heels every day. I just want to use my brain and be appreciated for what I accomplish. A car horn honked behind her and she startled. Looking up, she saw the green light and grimaced once again. Pulling up in front of the rec center where Charlie and Lily stayed for a few hours after school, she sighed heavily, hoping the cares of her workday would drift away with her exhalation.

Waving to the rec center school coordinator, she smiled as her two dark-haired, bright-eyed children ran toward her. Offering squeezing hugs and kisses, the three of them piled into her car.

“I learned what we are in school today,” Charlie said, bouncing in his booster seat.

Looking into the rearview mirror at his adorable chubby cheeks which she knew one day he would grow out of, she asked, “What are we?”

“I learned that a duo means two, and a trio means three! So we’re a trio. You, me, and Lily.”

She was glad she was facing forward in the driver’s seat and he couldn’t see the moisture gathering in her eyes. He was right. They were a trio—but not by choice. Matt had been gone for years and the emotions surrounding his death had lessened a bit over time. But we weren’t supposed to be a trio. She listened to her children’s excited banter as they drove down their street. There were no parking places directly in front of her townhome, and not for the first time was she glad they had an end unit. Turning at the corner, she easily parked on the side street.

As the kids piled out of the car, she glanced forward. From this angle, she could see the back of Anna’s house and had a perfect view of Ben working. His muscles flexed underneath his t-shirt as he lifted old pieces of lumber and tossed them into a pile. He turned and bent, and she had to admit the view of his jeans-covered ass was amazing.


She startled and threw open her door, quickly climbing out. Embarrassed that she’d ogled him while hating being ogled by Fred, she followed her children to the front door. The narrow living room offered little space for messes, so the children had been taught to make it to the tiny dining room before they dumped their backpacks and headed into the kitchen.

“We’ve already had snacks at after-school care, so can we go outside and play?”

Bending to kiss Lily’s head, she nodded. “Stay in the yard.” As both children ran out the back door, she called out, “And don’t bother Ben!” Following them to the door, she stared out the window as her children began kicking a ball back and forth in the yard. Her gaze automatically drifted to where Ben was still working.

Charlie ran to the fence and climbed up, his arms hanging over the top as he yelled his greeting toward Ben. Her breath hitched as she waited to see what Ben’s response would be. She knew Charlie was fascinated with the presence of another man close by, one who was strong and kind.

Ben turned, and a smile spread across his face. “Hey, Charlie! Hi, Lily!”

Her breath left her lungs in a rush as she watched her children, thrilled to be acknowledged, hanging on the fence, their attention riveted by what was happening at Anna’s house. As her gaze moved over Ben, she realized she was doing the same thing.

Ben’s head lifted slightly, and now, his eyes were on her. His smile widened, and he waved. Her face flamed hot at being caught staring, but she lifted her hand and waved in return.

Forcing herself away from the back door, she took advantage of the few minutes of solitude while the kids were playing safely outside and another adult was present. Dashing upstairs, she pulled off her work slacks and blouse, toed off her sensible pumps, and wiggled her toes in relief. Slipping on a pair of leggings and a comfortable shirt, she ran a brush through her hair and pulled it away from her face with a clip.

The previous evening, she had breaded and baked chicken breast strips, and it didn’t take long to put together chicken Parmesan, leaving out several of the chicken strips for Charlie. Tossing together a salad that would be mostly for her since Charlie also had an aversion to eating green things that looked like grass, so she heated green peas just for him.

Walking to the door, she started to call the children in when it dawned on her that Charlie was right. They were a trio. When Matt was alive, they were more. But now, she was satisfied with her little trio. Even if, occasionally, I feel lonely in the midst of our chaos. Squelching that thought, she walked out her door and across the yard to the fence.

As soon as she reached the fence, she placed her hands on each of her children’s shoulders and bent to kiss first the top of Charlie’s head and then Lily’s. Standing, she started to call out Ben’s name when she realized he was staring at her already. His gaze was on her face, and while she had no idea if he’d checked her out earlier, at least now his eyes were boring into hers, not her chest.

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