Home > Hot SEAL, A Forever Dad(11)

Hot SEAL, A Forever Dad(11)
Author: Maryann Jordan

“Hello, Violet.”

“Hey, Ben. I hope my children haven’t been bothering you—”

“Mom!” Charlie complained, twisting his head around to look up at her. “We’re not bothering him.”

“Maybe to your way of thinking it’s not bothering, but if you’re keeping Ben from working, then it is.”

“No, no,” Ben called out. “They’re fine… no problem at all.”

“Mom?” Mimicking Charlie’s position, Lily remained clinging to the fence while twisting her head around to look at Violet. “Mrs. Popovich has gone to her church meeting tonight. That means Ben doesn’t have anyone to fix him dinner. Can he eat with us?”

Blinking, she quickly calculated the amount of dinner she’d fixed, wondering if it would feed the three of them plus a hungry man. Just as rapidly, the words hungry man hit her. Other than when her brother had visited, their trio hadn’t had a man sitting at their table since Matt died. Even then, Charlie was still in a booster seat at the table.

“Mom?” Lily prodded, at the same time Charlie lifted his hands over his head and shouted, “Yay!”

Charlie’s action caused him to wobble, and her hands snapped out to steady him, giving her a few more seconds to think of what to say.

“That’s nice, but I’m good,” Ben said. “I’m pretty self-sufficient, but my grandmother has leftovers in the refrigerator for me.”

Considering the invitation had never made it out of Violet’s mouth, Ben’s generous reply gave her a reprieve at having to extend or rescind the offering of dinner with them. Suddenly, the idea of Ben heating leftovers by himself when she had food seemed ridiculous. It’s just a neighborly dinner.

Lifting her gaze back to Ben, she smiled. “We’d love to have you eat dinner with us. Really. It’s nothing fancy, but from the looks of what you’ve accomplished back here, I’d say you’ve been working all day. If you don’t mind eating with a couple of rugrats, you’re more than welcome.”

While Lily and Charlie complained about being referred to as rugrats, she forced her gaze to stay on Ben. Warmth moved through her as his smile widened.

“Well, if you’re sure I won’t be intruding.”

Waving her hand dismissively, she rolled her eyes. “Please, we’d love to have you.” Nerves slithered through her stomach, and she wondered if her voice sounded as wheezy to him as it did to her.

“Well, let me wash up, and I’ll be over.”

His gaze moved past her toward her house, and she anticipated his thoughts. “You can just come to the back door.” As soon as she spoke, she realized the fence between their yards had no gate. Opening her mouth to amend her instructions, he laughed.

“Don’t worry about having no gate. I think I’m tall enough to jump it easily.”

With his height, she had no doubt it would take little effort for him to hop over the fence, and the thought moved through her mind that she hoped she could witness him doing just that. With a wave, she called out, “It’ll be ready whenever you get over.” Assisting Charlie and Lily off the fence, she watched the kids run toward their house. Walking at a slower pace behind them, she wondered if Ben had gone back to work, gone inside his house, or was still standing there watching her. Not sure if she wanted him to be or not, she refused to look around until she stepped inside, turning only when the screen door shut behind her.

And yes, his eyes were still on her. She walked into the kitchen quickly, trying to ignore the fast beat of her heart. Thoughts of Ben were quickly swept away by the sounds of her children squabbling in the powder room as they fought over washing their hands in the sink. Pushing an errant strand of hair behind her ear, she rolled her eyes. These leggings might make my ass look good, but I’ve still got a mom’s body, a mom’s concerns, and a mom’s life. Stepping in to referee the water and soap argument, she grinned at the children that centered her world and held her heart together. Yeah, we’re a trio… and that’s fine with me!






Ben stood at the sink in his grandmother’s kitchen staring out the window. He’d taken a shower, washing off the sweat and grime from his workday. He’d changed into clean jeans before standing at his closet, trying to decide what shirt to put on. Was a T-shirt too informal? Was a dress shirt too over the top? Finally, in frustration, he’d grabbed a Navy polo and pulled it on, smoothing his hands over the material.

Now, he stared at the back of Violet’s house. What the hell am I doing? He could tell Violet had been surprised when Lily suggested he come to dinner. Her deer-in-the-headlights expression was a definite giveaway. Ready to beg off, he was surprised when she smiled and extended the invitation. A polite refusal was on his mind, but when he’d opened his mouth, different words came out.

It’s nothing. It’s just dinner with neighbors. One beautiful neighbor and two kids. It wasn’t as though he’d never been around kids, just not a lot. Back in California, being around Jeremy for holidays and times between missions, he felt like he related to kids. Well, not as well as Zig. The big guy had fallen head over heels for Jeremy and his mom, Andi. They were now a family, and it looked good on Zig.

His fingers gripped the sink’s edge tighter. Why the hell am I thinking of Zig and his new family? Pushing away from the counter, he stalked to the back door, locking it behind him. He’d sent a text to Babciu letting her know he’d pick her up when her meeting was over. He knew she could get a ride with someone but figured he might need an easy way out if the neighborly dinner felt awkward.

Stalking through the backyard, he placed his hand on the top of a fence post and easily vaulted over. Now, he headed directly to the Mayfields’ back door, having more dread for dinner than he did for a difficult mission. Lifting his hand to knock, the door was thrown open and Charlie looked up at him with a wide smile on his face.

“You’re here! You came!” Charlie shouted.

Unable to keep from grinning at the little boy’s enthusiasm, he nodded. “I said I would come, buddy.”

“Charlie, stop shouting and let Ben come into the house.” Violet appeared at the end of the kitchen counter, and Ben swallowed deeply as he stepped forward, two things hitting him at once. She was gorgeous with her deep blue eyes peering at him. And dinner smelled wonderful with Italian spices filling the air.

“Uh… it smells great. Thanks for inviting me.” He suddenly wondered if he should have brought something. A bottle of wine? Maybe she doesn’t drink with the kids around. Or at all. Dessert? Where the fuck would I have gotten dessert unless I raided my babcia’s cookie jar?

“Are you okay?” she asked, her gaze still pinned on him.

Jerking, he nodded. “Oh, yeah. I’m sorry I didn’t bring anything with me.”

Her smile brightened. “Goodness, I didn’t expect anything. After all, we invited you.”

He was saved from embarrassing himself further when Lily walked over and took him by the hand. “You can sit next to me.”

“No, me!” Charlie shouted.

Rolling her eyes, Violet stepped in and said, “That is not how we act with company. Plus, there are only four of us at a square table. You can sit in your regular seats and Ben will be at the end, technically between both of you.”

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