Home > Hot SEAL, A Forever Dad(33)

Hot SEAL, A Forever Dad(33)
Author: Maryann Jordan

Standing, he stared at the yard like a SEAL staring at the ground searching for IEDs. There was no pattern to the holes, although they were spread out over a ten-foot square area that was not close to the house.

The ground didn’t appear to have been shoveled, more like a piece of sod had been lifted and a pole inserted, rocked back and forth, loosening the earth about a foot deep before the sod had been replaced. Nothing was buried here, so he must have been searching. No way was this a teen… had to have been an adult who was specifically and systematically looking for something.

Babciu came to the back door and waved toward him. Jumping over the fence, he jogged up to where she stood. “Everything okay?”

“Yes, of course. Lily’s resting comfortably and is watching TV. I see Violet is back from the store?”

He looked over his shoulder to see Violet carrying a few groceries through her backdoor after waving toward them. His grandmother’s hand on his arm drew his attention back to her.

“I’d like you and Violet to go out to have a nice lunch… or stay in for lunch… whatever. I’m fixing my special grilled cheese sandwiches for Charlie and Lily and would love for you and Violet to have a little time to yourselves.”

His breath caught in his throat at the offer. He knew exactly how he wanted to spend the little time… with his arms around Violet and his lips on hers. Reining himself in, he blew out a long breath. “I don’t know how she’ll feel about—”

“I’ve already discovered the kids are excited about my special grilled cheese sandwiches, and I called Violet while she was still at the grocery and she’s more than happy to have some time with the kids here.”

Blinking, he stared at the little smile curving his grandmother’s lips. “I… you…” He shook his head. “Aren’t you kind of sneaky?”

She laughed and patted his shoulder. “Go on… have a nice time. The kids are safe right here.”

Looking over his shoulder again, he saw Violet through the kitchen window, smiling at him. Bending to kiss his grandmother’s cheek, he trotted down the deck stairs and across the yard, vaulting over the fence, and then picking up speed as he raced through Violet’s backdoor. His feet stuttered to a halt when she came into view. Standing in the kitchen, she looked much like she had when she left for the store… and different. Same jeans that hugged her hips and legs, and yet now it was hard to take his eyes away from her curves. Same pink T-shirt that now seemed to cast a rosy glow over her cheeks. Same ponytail, and yet now his fingers itched to pull out the band and let the waves cascade down.

Her fingers were clasped in front of her as though she had no idea what to do with her hands. He stalked closer, and her head dropped back as her eyes remained on his. Stopping when their toes were almost touching, he lifted his hand and cupped her face. “I guess you heard Babciu has the kids for a while.”

She nodded, her eyes bright and her smile curving her lips.

“There are no expectations here, Violet. We can sit and eat a sandwich. We can lounge on the sofa and talk, or—”

“I don’t want to talk.”

His thumb had smoothed over her cheek but now held perfectly still. He said nothing, giving full control over to her.

Her tongue darted out and licked her bottom lip. “I don’t want to eat. I don’t want to talk. I want to kiss.”

He grinned and drew her closer. Her hands moved to his arms, gliding up his biceps to his shoulders, her fingers digging in slightly. His lips had barely skimmed hers in a soft kiss when she mumbled against his lips.

“I want more than a kiss, Ben. I want whatever you want to give.”

He moved back an inch and held her gaze. “You have to be careful what you wish for, babe. I know what I want with you, but you’re in control here. You need to let me know what you want.”

Without hesitation, she lifted on her toes and wrapped her hands around the back of his neck, pulling him down so that their lips met once again. He wanted nothing more than to plunge into her warm mouth, kissing her until he was the only thing she could see and feel.

Mumbling against his lips again, she said, “I want to keep kissing you, but I want you to take me upstairs. We might only have an hour, but I want it to be an hour together in my bed.”

His heart threatened to beat out of his chest, and he bent, sliding one arm below her ass and scooping her up. Moving quickly, he mounted the steps and turned at the top of the stairs to head into her bedroom. Just to make sure they wouldn’t be surprised, he closed the door and clicked the lock.

Carrying Violet to the bed, he slowly let her legs fall free until her feet touched the floor. Still uncertain, he hesitated and stared down into her beautiful face, hoping she wouldn’t but wanting her to feel free to stop anything she wasn’t comfortable with.

The only thing that greeted him was her wide smile just before she pulled him down for another kiss.






As Violet gave herself over to the kiss, she was sure. Sure of Ben. Sure of them. Allowing herself a few seconds to cast her mind into the past, she couldn’t remember being this sure even with Matt. They’d been so young when they began. He was her first kiss. Her first everything. In fact, she’d only kissed one other man. A year ago, allowing herself to be set up on a blind date, she’d been miserable during the entire dinner, and shocked when the man pulled her in for a good night kiss. Now, Ben’s lips erased all other thoughts.

He lowered her slowly until just her toes touched the floor, her front gliding along his. His hands moved up her sides, skimming her breasts until he moved further and held her cheeks. Letting him guide the kiss, she felt a slight pressure that angled her head, giving him deeper access. As though every cell in her body was electrified, her senses were heightened. Thick muscles met her fingertips as she clung to his arms. The height difference only served to make her feel more surrounded as he bent toward her. He slid a jean-clad thigh between her parted legs, and her hot core felt the friction.

His lips were soft and forceful. His hands were gentle and claiming. Her soft curves were pressed against the hard planes of his body. And she was very aware of his erection pressing against her tummy, unable to stop from grinding against his thigh.

She slid her hands down to the bottom of his T-shirt, aware of the muscles and desperately wanting to feel skin. Slipping her fingers underneath the soft cotton, she trailed along the dips and curves, dragging his shirt upward along with her hands. When the material would go no further, he separated from her lips just long enough to reach behind and grabbed the T-shirt, jerking it over his head and down his arms, tossing it to the side. Before she had a chance to admire the tanned skin covering hardened muscles, he was clutching her again, the kiss taking away all other thoughts.

She was barely aware when his hands moved over her body the same way that hers had caressed his. His fingers slipped underneath her T-shirt, and she felt each touch like a fiery brand. The material glided up and over her breasts, and they once again separated so he could pull the garment over her head and raised arms before it landed in a crumpled pile on the floor as well.

His eyes skimmed over her torso, snagging on her breasts before he lowered his lips and kissed along the mounds covered by satin and lace. She spent little on herself but had found a discount store with pretty albeit inexpensive lingerie. Now, his eyes flaring just before his lips dropped to her breasts, she was glad that she was wearing the soft pink bra. He bent deeper, and with his arms around her waist, lifted her into the air, her feet dangling as his lips closed over her satin-covered nipple. If she thought her body was electrified before, it was nothing compared to the tingling she now felt.

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