Home > Hot SEAL, A Forever Dad(36)

Hot SEAL, A Forever Dad(36)
Author: Maryann Jordan

Violet laughed. “Oh, Anna, I was going to say they are overwhelming!”

“It often feels overwhelming, but you’re a wonderful mother and your children are delightful.”

Ben assisted his grandmother into the back seat before escorting Violet to the passenger side.

“I hate that you have to take me home before you two go out for drinks,” his babcia said.

He smiled into the rearview mirror. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Soon, he walked into the house with her and made sure she was settled for the night. Ensuring she had her phone near the bed, she shooed them away with calls to have a good time and she’d see them in the morning.

Violet blushed as Ben hustled her back out to the SUV. “I feel so naughty!”

He nuzzled her ear, whispering, “I like you naughty.” Closing her door, he hurried around the front and climbed behind the steering wheel. Twisting his body, he stared at her face, illuminated with only the streetlight on the corner. She was beautiful, and with her gaze locked on him as well, he slid his hand to the back of her neck and drew her forward as he leaned over. Her lips tasted of wine and dessert and he drank her in. As the kiss ended, she was slow to open her eyes, her face peaceful as she smiled.

“What are you thinking, babe?”

She ran her tongue over her bottom lip and sighed. “So much, Ben, I could burst with everything on my mind.”

“Break it down for me.”

She sucked in a deep breath, then let it out slowly. “Okay. I was thinking about how much more time I’ll have with the kids, and you, and even my parents now that I am finished with classes.”

“That’s a good thing, but you forgot someone. You. You will now have more time for just you.”

At that reminder, her smile widened, and she leaned forward to kiss him again. “Thank you for that, Ben. You’re right.”

“Okay, what else?”

“Umm, well, I was thinking that I can now officially look for a better job. And I know this sounds crazy, but I’m not looking for the greatest job in the world. Maybe that makes me sound like I don’t care, but I want something that pays the bills and allows me to save some money. A job that is interesting but not overly stressful. A job that doesn’t mind me being a mom and is understanding if there is a sick child or a school event that I need to get to.” She hesitated, her brow crinkling. “Does that sound terrible? Like I don’t care?”

“Violet, you know what that tells me? It tells me that the most important thing in your life is Charlie and Lily. And you want a good job that utilizes your skills but is never going to be the most important thing to you. So, you look until you find something that fits what you need.” He watched as she heaved another sigh and realized it was in relief. “Okay, what else?”

“I’m glad you got to meet my parents tonight.”

He cocked his head to the side, waiting to see what else she was going to say. As usual, she didn’t keep him guessing.

“They’re important to me… important to Lily and Charlie. But so are you. And, well, I guess that I wanted them to meet the man who has become… um… important.” She giggled. “That was a lot of importants all at once, wasn’t it?”

He loved to hear her laugh. A little giggle or a belly laugh, it didn’t matter. Her smile lit the room and filled his heart. “I’m glad you wanted me to meet them. I’m glad you feel strongly enough about what we’re building that you wanted us to get to know each other. And I’m glad I’m important to you, ‘cause the feelings I have for you are real and growing, and I don’t see them going anywhere.”

“Okay,” she whispered, her lips still curving.

“Okay,” he agreed. Turning, he started the engine and pulled onto the street. “Do you have any place special picked out for us to grab a drink?”

She shook her head. “With two kids, I never go out for drinks. I’ll gladly let you make the choice.”

“There’s a pub off the Inner Harbor that’s a decent place to go. It’s out of the way so that it’s not overrun by tourists. I’ve only been a couple of times when in town on leave. But I remember it’s near one of the precincts, so there’s usually a lot of first responders there.”

“That sounds good, let’s try it. What’s the name of the pub?”

“The Celtic Cock.”

Violet stared for a second, then burst into laughter. “Really?”

“It’s my understanding that it’s owned by a brother and sister who got it from their grandfather when he retired. Their grandfather’s family had owned the pub in Ireland. I’ve been to a few pubs when I was in the British Isles that had great names.” They parked along one of the streets near the harbor and walked along the area with trendy shops on one side and the water lapping against the concrete pylons on the other. Streetlamps were on, offering plenty of light for those out wandering along the waterfront. Turning down a side street, they walked for several more blocks until he looked up and pointed. “There it is.”

Hanging over the door was a heavy wooden sign of a rooster enclosed in a Celtic circle. The words Celtic Cock were carved underneath.

“Oh, my gosh, you’re right. That name and the sign are fabulous.”

He pushed open the door and held it for her, his fingers resting along her lower back as he guided her through the bar. It was just as he remembered it. A large space with plenty of room for friends to gather. High top tables were along one side near the exposed brick wall. Heavy paneling was on the back wall and a huge, mirrored bar was on the right. Looking around, he spied a table with two empty chairs. “Looks like we’re in luck.”

Making their way to the table, he assisted her into a chair and scooted the other one next to her before sliding in. A moment later, a server came by to take their order. He asked for a Guinness, and she ordered a cranberry vodka.

“Other than a glass of wine, I can’t tell you the last time I went to a bar and got a drink. Not since… well, not since before Matt died.”

He leaned back in his chair, his arm resting on the back of hers with his hand gently massaging the back of her neck. His attention was focused completely on her beauty as it stole his breath, and he wondered if it always would. Their drinks were delivered and he lifted his, waiting to tap against her drink. “I feel like I’m going to repeat everything your father said, but I want to make sure you know how proud and impressed I am with you. Getting your degree with everything you’ve had to deal with is huge. But you did it, babe.” Their glasses clinked and they sipped their drinks before he leaned over to steal another kiss.

“I thought I saw you sitting over here and wanted to come to say hello, but then I hate to interrupt you and your beautiful lady.”

Ben looked up and spied Daniel Anderson standing next to a man that was so much like him Ben felt sure it must be a relative. Leaning over, they shook hands. “Daniel, good to see you again.” He turned toward Violet, placing his hand on the back of her chair. “This is Violet Mayfield. And this is Daniel Anderson, who owns Anderson Construction.”

Daniel and Violet shook hands, and Daniel smiled. “It looks like the two of you are celebrating.”

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