Home > Charlotte(34)

Author: Lisa Helen Gray

Charlotte waves over her shoulder. “It was nice to meet you.”

I begin to laugh. Bringing Charlotte was the best decision I made. Until I spot Eloise coming our way. I quickly steer Charlotte to the left.

“Where are we going?” she asks.

“Let’s dance.”

“I love dancing,” she gushes.

I swing her around, pulling her into my arms. Now we’re away from the family, from Natalie’s rude behaviour, and it’s just us, everything from before comes rushing back and I’m back in the moment.

As she presses her body against mine, my cock twitches.

“I love this song,” she whispers as she places her hands on my shoulders.

My arms lay limply at my sides because I don’t know what to do with them, but then she closes her eyes and her expression… it pulls at my heart strings. I can’t think of anything more beautiful in this moment.

I find myself reaching for her, placing my hands at her waist. At first, my touch is light, almost hesitant, but the longer I watch her savour the music, I forget about it all, pulling her in closer.

It’s Ed Sheeran’s, Thinking Out Loud playing. It’s not something I normally listen to, yet with Charlotte in my arms, my feet are already moving, and we slowly begin to move to the beat.

“I’m sorry about Natalie. I promise she isn’t always like this,” I tell her.

She smiles gently up at me. “I’m sorry too. It wasn’t until we moved away that I realised she has had fillers. They freak me out.”

My lips tug up at the corners. “Another thing that freaks you out?”

She nods solemnly. “Yes. It’s like your fear of being blind. You said you go on people’s expressions. This is just the same. We’re blind to them. And… it really just freaks me out. It’s not attractive at all. Not when they go too far with them.” She groans, dropping her head forward, banging her forehead against my chest. “I’m being judgemental.”

I laugh, swaying us to the right. “Then I think they injected my mum’s face to be permanently set in a resting bitch face.”

Her hair falls back as she tilts her head up, laughing. “Don’t be mean.”

“It’s true,” I declare, chuckling as the song comes to an end. “Why don’t we get you a drink?”

When an acoustic song comes on, her grip tightens. “This is a favourite song of mine. Let’s have one more dance.”

I smile, pulling her closer until her head is resting against my chest. “Who is it?”

“It’s Lover by Taylor Swift,” she whispers, before I feel her humming along to the song.

I rest my head on the top of hers, soaking in her vanilla scent. “One more song,” I whisper back.






I busy myself near the edge of the dance floor as I wait for Drew to come back with our drinks. I spot him at the bar and give him a small wave and a smile.

He’s a good dancer. A great date. And if this was real, it would be the best first date of my life. Not that I have had many.

Many think a first date is successful because of the food they ate, the place they went to, or the activity they took part in. They’re mere contributions. It’s the person you spend time with, the connection you feel, that matters. It’s in the way they touch you, look at you, hold you.

And he’s done it the opposite to how he looks. He’s been gentle, respectful, and I’ve had tingles in all the right places.

I was hesitant to leave the dance floor when the last song ended. I could have stayed in his arms all night and been content because in that fraction of a moment, it was us and it felt real. Not just some favour to a friend.

He was treating me the way I’ve always dreamed of being treated. The only thing missing was the stolen kisses. And there had been moments tonight when I wanted to lean up and steal a kiss.

I immediately put those thoughts to the side when a tall, slender woman comes to stand in front of me. I have no right in thinking them anyway, not when Scott still haunts my dreams. I was a fool then, and I’d be a fool now if I thought it would be any different. He’s just being a gentleman. It means nothing.

The woman with upturned eyes continues to stare down at me.

“Can I help you?”

Her lip curls—or at least I think it does. It’s hard to tell since that area of her face has more fillers than cheeks. “You are here with Andrew?”

My brows pull together. “Andrew?”

She flicks her perfect, honey-blonde curls over her shoulder. “I guess you would call him Drew.”

I smile, wondering if this is another relative. “Yes, I’m here with Andrew.”

“I’m surprised he brought a girl.”

“Why? Does he normally bring a guy?”

She looks at me like I’ve grown two heads, a look I’m accustomed to. “No. I meant I’m surprised he brought you. Any date really, but mostly you.” Her eyes run over my attire again, and she grimaces.

I shake my head, unable to fathom what she’s trying to get at. “I’m sorry, I’m not sure what you mean. We get on really well, so why wouldn’t he bring me? Did he say we were arguing? Because we aren’t. We’ve never argued.”

“Oh my gosh, you really are weird,” she bites out, her venom coming from nowhere.

“I’m sorry, have we met before?”

“God no,” she spits out.

“Then what is it you want?”

“I did feel sorry for you, but now I think I should feel sorry for him.”


“Well, he’d never go for anyone like you,” she tells me, running her gaze up and down my body. “Too much meat. He’s into his fitness— likes them flexible.”

“I’ll have you know I can do the splits, and I’m not fat. I’m perfectly healthy, thank you.”

“You are chubby.”

This girl is rude and I’m growing frustrated. If only I could mimic Hayden… I quickly run through everything she would do or say if she were here in my shoes.

And there’s only one thing I can come up with.

“Fuck you!”

Her expression drops and she gawks at me. “Excuse me?”

I take a step forward, and she takes one back. “I’m sorry. I’m not sure what came over me.”

“Save it for someone who cares. Grace will be hearing of this. I’m sure she’ll love to know who her son is loitering with.”

“Mother knows exactly who I’m spending my time with, Eloise.”


This is the girl his mum was trying to set him up with. I run my gaze over her once more, this time sceptically. She isn’t his match. Not at all. For one, he’s kind, whereas she’s not. He’s filled with life, and she seems vapid and shallow.

And she’s so skinny he’d probably snap her if he gave her a hug.

“She just told me to—”

“Eloise, why are you here?”

She pastes on a fake smile, sticking her chest out. For the first time I notice her cleavage and wonder if she realises the move isn’t attractive.

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