Home > Charlotte(35)

Author: Lisa Helen Gray

“Let’s start over,” she tells him sweetly. “It’s so good to see you and I don’t want our first time to be clouded by…” Her lip curls when she turns to me. She clears her throat, her expression relaxing somewhat. “Thank you, I’m parched.”

His lips part as she takes the drink from his hand. Nuh uh. No way. I smile sweetly, quickly taking the drink from her. “Whoopsie, that’s mine.”

Drew chuckles as he comes to stand closer to me. “Well, it’s been… something, but we’re going to find some food.”

She places her hand on his arm, stopping him. “Why? We’ve not seen each other in nearly a year, if not longer. I’m sure…”

At her snide look, I reply. “I’m Charlotte.”

Her smile tightens. “I’m sure she wouldn’t mind if we go somewhere and catch up.”

I wave her off. “Of course not.” I choke on my drink when Drew nudges me. “But then who would remind me to take my meds?”

Eloise’s eyes widen. “Meds?”

I nod. “Exactly.”

Drew chuckles as he pulls me against his chest. I lean against him, loving the scent of his cologne. It’s enough to make my vagina tingle. The rich, spicy scent filling my senses.

“Eloise,” a replica of Alison greets.

Natalie’s back, and although her and Alison are twins, they’re nothing alike. And the difference isn’t because of all the surgery and Botox Natalie has had; it’s their personalities.

“Drew, brother, not trying to run off again, are we?”

He steps away, giving his sister a hug, though not a warm one like he had given Alison. This one is standoffish, tense.

“Be good,” he warns, thinking I can’t hear him.

She shares a look with Eloise. “I see it didn’t take you long to find Eloise.”

“She found us,” he tells her.

“I was just saying, we should go somewhere a little quieter so we can catch up, but his friend—”

“Girlfriend,” I interject, hoping they believe the sweet lie.

“Girlfriend, doesn’t feel comfortable with us being alone.”

“I never said—”

Natalie clucks her tongue. “I’m sure you can bear to be apart for just a short while. After all, they were very good friends once upon a time.”

I gulp the rest of my drink, already feeling the effects of the alcohol running through my system.

“Charlotte and I have other plans.”


“Natalie, it might have escaped you but you can’t pull the wool over my eyes like you do everyone around you. I’m here with my girlfriend and I’d like for you to respect that.”

“Of course I respect that. Why don’t I keep her company while you and Eloise catch up?”

“No,” he tells her sharply, before taking my hand. He pulls us away from them and I turn a little, waving to them over my shoulder.

“Nice to meet you,” I call out, earning death stares in return.

“I’m sorry about that. She can be a little… much.”

“It’s okay. I’m used to it.”

He gently pulls me to a stop, staring so deeply into my eyes it almost feels like he can read my thoughts.

He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. “Never get used to it.”

My lips part as I sway toward him. “It’s fine. Sometimes people just don’t get me.”

“Because they’ve never seen a star shine so brightly,” he tells me, his eyes widening slightly at his own words. “Let’s dance.”

He goes to take my drink and for a moment, I nearly let him.

“One minute.” I gulp the rest of the drink down before leaving the empty glass on the table.

“Drew, dear. Drew.”

I see his mum walking as steadily and as fast as she can toward us without actually running. Drew’s fingers tighten around mine as he ignores her calls and swings me around. I’m not sure what song is playing, but it doesn’t matter. This one has a faster beat, and I laugh as he twirls me around, causing the edge of my dress to spin around me.

I’m bursting with joy as I slam back into his chest. “Thank you for inviting me.”

“Thank you for coming and putting up with my torturous family.”

“Alison isn’t that bad.”

“She’s the good twin,” he teases, twirling me out and then back in.

I place one hand on his chest, grinning. “We should make this night good for you too.”

His eyes darken as he pulls me closer. “And how do you think we are going to manage that with my mum circling like a shark hunting its prey.”

I chuckle. “My uncle always says alcohol solves everything.”


“Yeah, you can handle anything with alcohol in your system.”

He grimaces. “I wish, but I’m driving.”

I shrug. “We’ll find another way home.”

He pauses for a moment, thinking about it. “You know what? Fuck it. Let’s go have a drink.”

I laugh as he pulls me off the dance floor, but it fades away the minute his mum stands in front of us, her arms crossed over her chest as she frowns disapprovingly. “Really, Andrew? You must have heard me call you.”

“Mother, it’s so good to see you. How are you?” he asks, leaning down to peck her on the cheek.

She eyes me much the same as her daughter and Eloise had. “I see you brought a date.”

“Alison said I could bring a plus one.”

“Yes, well, it didn’t mean bring just anyone.”

“I’m his girlfriend,” I announce happily, watching her expression strain like she’s constipated.

“I’m sure,” she snidely replies before turning to her son. “Have you had a chance to catch up with Eloise? She is looking remarkably beautiful tonight.”

“We’ve seen her,” he replies tersely.

An older man with greying hair steps up to Grace, placing a hand on the small of her back much the same way as Drew is doing to me. The reminder only makes me more hyper aware of his hand touching me. A shiver runs down my spine every time his thumb caresses my back.

“Drew, it is so good to see you, son,” the man greets happily. “And who is this beautiful young lady?”

“This is my girlfriend, Charlotte,” he answers, before sharing a man hug. They slap each other on the back before putting space between them. Drew comes back to my side, placing his hand lower on my back. I shiver, stepping closer. “Charlotte, this is my step-father, Wesley.”

I hold out my hand and give him a bright smile. “It’s so lovely to meet you. Drew has said some wonderful things about you.”

He hasn’t said much but I know from my upbringing it’s the polite thing to say.

He shares a look with Drew, giving him a wink.

“I like her,” he tells him before shaking my hand. “What a pleasure.”

“Really, Wesley. Must you encourage him?” Grace snarks.

Wesley sighs and rolls his eyes heavenward. “Must you make his life hell every time you see him, my love?”

She huffs out a breath. “You could have both made an effort to dress up.”

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