Home > Charlotte(47)

Author: Lisa Helen Gray

Her silence has my heart racing. She continues to watch me, her lips parted.

“I promise I’m not a slut. It just happened. I wanted it to happen and it was the best night of my life,” I assure her. “It was how it was always meant to be.”


I begin to pace once again, continuing to ramble. “It’s not that I want to keep it a secret, I just don’t want people judging me. What I said earlier? I meant every word. I don’t want people to cheapen what happened, or make Drew think he was in the wrong. He wasn’t. He understands more than most what it meant to me.”


“And who knew other positions could be so exciting.”

“Stop!” Mum bursts out, her cheeks flaming scarlet. “Charlotte, I—”

“It wasn’t a mistake, Mum. It wasn’t anything more than it was, but I think something inside of me was seeking that touch, that connection.”

“And he didn’t hurt you?”

I smile, taking the seat next to her. “No, Mum. He was a gentleman. I know this was something I never wanted to do. I wanted a life partner, a family. But it really meant a lot to me.”


“He erased it, Mum,” I choke out. “He opened my eyes to everything you had been telling me. What Scott did was wrong. It wasn’t that he misheard me, or he was carried away. It wasn’t a case of terrible sex. He knew. He knew the moment I first said no that he should stop and he didn’t. Drew…” I sigh, closing my eyes. “He couldn’t have made it more special. We experienced something beautiful and I will not be ashamed of that.”

“I’m not going to lie and say I’m not surprised. I am. But I’m also going to trust that you know what you want.”

“It’s what I wanted.”

A smile spreads across her face. “Then when are you next seeing him?”

I can tell she means romantically and not platonically. “I’m not sure it was more than it was.”

Her lips tighten. “What did he say?”

I reach for a cupcake and tear it in half. “I didn’t ask.”

“You didn’t ask?”



“Because I’m scared it didn’t mean the same for him.”

Her expression softens. “It’s you, how could it not.”

“I’m not going to rush or force anything anymore. I’m going to let things happen naturally.”

“The best thing to ever happen to me was your father. You’ll get that, Charlie. I promise.”

I shove the cupcake into my mouth, utterly surprised by the taste exploding on my tongue. I begin to choke, and Mum’s eyes widen.

“Another mistake?”

I finish chewing and hold up the other half. “Try it.”

“I had a big dinner. I’m good.”

I roll my eyes and shove the cupcake into her mouth. “Good?”

Her eyes widen, her lips straightening as a pleasantly surprised expression washes over her face. “Oh my gosh,” she grumbles around the mouthful of food. “This is so good.”

I take another in case it’s a fluke, and I’m happy to find it’s just as good as the first. “So good,” I moan.

“Did you make these?”

I nod. “I did.”

“What recipe did you use? I’ll have to make these for your father.”

My lips turn down. “I don’t remember.”

“You don’t remember?”

I shake my head. “No. I was, um, a little inside my head.”

She grins, taking another cupcake. “You were thinking about Drew?”


I nod. “Take some with you. I’ll figure it out again.”

Mum hesitates. “Just one. We can snack on the rest,” she tells me, making me giggle. Her eyes scan the other counter. “Are those scones?”

“Yep,” I answer absently before diving off my chair, wondering if they too are just as good.

And boy are they.

*** *** ***


Dropping down on my bed, I reach for the cat brush I left on the side last night and pull Katnip onto my lap. I haven’t even pulled the brush through her thick fur before she starts moaning like a banshee. It’s cute. It’s a mix between a banshee and a grumpy old lady.

“You are so adorable,” I coo.

Her nails claw into my chest as she tries to escape. I grimace at the sting, feeling my skin tear under my pyjama top. I comb through her hair, ignoring her cries to be free and focus on the new drama series I’ve got playing on Netflix.

My phone beeps, alerting me of a text message, and I cease brushing Katnip to look at the screen. I drop her to the bed when I see Drew’s name.

My stomach rolls over with a nervous flutter.

Drew: So… Alison messaged me. The hotel got back to them with the footage of the room and she knows it was us.

I bite my lip, my heart racing.

Charlotte: Oh no. Has she told your mum? I will take FULL responsibility.

I chew on my thumbnail as I wait for him to reply. Why, oh why, did I have to drink at the engagement party. I’m a different person with alcohol coursing through my system. And I’m never the same person the day after.

Drew: I told her I’d say the worst thing you can say at a wedding while they are in the middle of their vows.

I let out a surprised giggle.

Charlotte: What is the worst thing you can say at a wedding?

Drew: She didn’t even ask because she probably imagined the worst. I’d say the worst is: “I object.”

Charlotte: Coming from her brother, that would be bad.

Drew: What about you? What would be the worst thing said to you at your wedding?

Charlotte: If someone gives my uncle Max a mic to give a speech.

Drew: What would he say?

Charlotte: What wouldn’t he say should be the question. He’s kind of, um… eccentric.

Drew: I’ve met your uncle. That is one way to describe him.

Drew: How is your head today?

I shift, getting more comfortable on the bed. I can’t believe he’s messaging me outside of our little deal and him teaching me self-defence.

I don’t want to get my hopes up, but well… my hopes are up. Does it mean something? I’m not sure.

Charlotte: My head’s fantastic. Good even. The best.

There’s a huge grin on my face, even if I’m not entirely sure why he’s asking about my head.

Was there something wrong with my head the last time we saw each other?

Drew: No lingering hangover?

Charlotte: Oh, hangover… no, I was good once we got coffee. What about you?

Drew: I never get hangovers.

Charlotte: How has your sister taken what we did to your mum?

Drew: She finds it funny. She just messaged me. She said she’s told Mum they lost the footage and now Mum thinks it’s some conspiracy.

I bite my lip to stop myself from laughing. I feel awful we put his mum through that.

Charlotte: I’ll send her flowers as an apology. She won’t even know they are from me.

Drew: She deserves to be shaken up once in a while, and no one was actually hurt. She was being dramatic.

Charlotte: I hope so.

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