Home > Blindside Hit A Toronto Wolverines Novel(32)

Blindside Hit A Toronto Wolverines Novel(32)
Author: Michaela Grey

“Idiot,” he said, wiping the screen.

“You can’t just—” Jake heaved for air and gestured at the phone. “Spring it on a guy like that, Jesus!”

Adam glared at him and handed the phone to Hideki, who showed it to Hunt. Neither of them said anything as Hideki handed the phone back.

Jake was still talking. “Isn’t that the guy from the hospital? Weird name, starts with an E, I think?”

“Etienne,” Hunt supplied.

“Yeah, yeah, him,” Jake said. “You’re with him? Like… with him?”

Adam rubbed his face. “Is it a problem?”

“No!” Jake looked at Hunt, then Hideki, and finally back to Adam. “I just—I assumed you were, you know….” He gestured vaguely.

“Everyone does,” Adam said. He couldn’t help the bitterness in his tone. “Doesn’t fit the narrative for the star hockey player to also be queer. Makes people question his manhood.”

Jake leaned forward. “You’re a great center, Cary, and a good friend. That’s all I care about.”

Adam gave him a grateful smile and glanced at Hunt and Hideki.

Victor nodded. “Makes no difference to me. You’re still a good hockey player. Just don’t check out the guys’ asses in the locker room.”

Adam scowled. “I’m not suicidal, and besides, even if I wasn’t taken, is that the kind of thing you think gay guys do?”

Victor blinked, looking thrown. “I mean—”

“You mean you bought into the stereotype that all gay men are horndogs and a locker room full of players is just so much fresh meat, right? Who cares about little things like basic respect and human decency?”

Hideki put a hand on Adam’s arm. “Cary. Breathe.”

Adam obeyed, throttling back the fury until he could meet Victor’s eyes calmly.

To his credit, Victor looked ashamed. “I didn’t mean—I’m sorry, Cary.”

Hideki tightened his grip on Adam’s arm but said nothing.

Finally, Adam nodded. “Apology accepted.”

Hideki picked up his chicken wrap and took a bite. “Anything else to discuss?”

“That’s not enough?”

Hideki smiled at him. “You’re paying for lunch, right?”

“Yeah,” Adam said, relief infusing him. “Of course I’m paying.”

“Then that’s enough.”






Adam couldn’t remember the last time he’d been so stressed. He packed and repacked his bags, muttering under his breath as he pulled out and discarded outfits until his bedroom was strewn with clothes. He was crouched over his suitcase, deliberating over the fawn suit or the light blue, when Etienne walked in and blinked.

“Whoa. Did your closet explode?” His lips twitched. “There are easier ways to come out of it, you know.”

Adam glared at him. “Stop making jokes and help me decide what suit to bring.”

Instead, Etienne bent and kissed him. His mouth was warm and sweet, and he tasted like orange juice. “The fawn,” he murmured. “It looks good with your coloring.”

Adam slumped. “I hate this.”

“I know.” Etienne rubbed a thumb over Adam’s lower lip. “You’ll be fine. We’ll be fine. Have you figured out how you’re going to do it yet?”

“I think I’ll let the moment decide,” Adam said.

“Alone, or do you want me with you?”

Adam considered. “I think… my parents alone, and then with you for Noemi and Eli.”

Etienne kissed him again. “They love you. It’s going to be fine.”

“Ugh.” Adam sighed and rested his forehead against Etienne’s shoulder. “Are you packed?”

“Finished last night,” Etienne said. “The car will be here in twenty, are you going to be ready?”

“Yeah, yeah.” Adam went back to work, sorting and folding until everything fit neatly into his suitcase. Then he straightened and dragged the luggage out of the bedroom and down the hall to where Etienne was waiting by the door. Maybe he could find something to do on the plane to distract himself.



“No, I do not want to join the Mile-High Club.”


“Stop it before we get this plane grounded and our asses thrown off.”







The flight was long and boring, with what felt like an endless layover, but Etienne was unsurprised to find that Adam was a lot of fun as a traveling companion. He didn’t harp endlessly on delays, never grumbled about needing more leg room, and handled every instance of being recognized with grace, signing autographs and gravely discussing strategy with fans. Etienne hung back when that happened, not wanting to intrude, but every so often Adam would look up and find him, as if reassuring himself he was still there.

Before their connecting flight came in, though, Etienne could see the nerves creeping back. It manifested in the fingers Adam drummed against his thigh, the tense lines of his jaw, and the way he stared at the floor, baseball cap pulled low to minimize the chances of being approached.

With an hour before boarding left, Etienne couldn’t stand it anymore. He put his book away, picked up his bag, and motioned for Adam to follow him.

He’d intended to take him for a sandwich, maybe a drink, something to soothe the tension strumming through Adam’s body, but the bathroom sign caught his eye and another idea occurred to him.

Adam followed him inside, a question in his eyes. Etienne took his wrist and pulled him to the handicapped stall on the far end, locking the door behind them. The divider was set flush to the floor, so Etienne didn’t even hesitate before pushing Adam into the corner and dropping to his knees on the—thankfully clean—floor in front of him.

“Tenny—” Adam’s voice was strangled, but he was already hardening, a noticeable bulge in his pants.

“You have to be very quiet,” Etienne said, looking up at him. “Can you do that, Cary?” He was working at Adam’s waistband without waiting for a response. He got Adam’s pants unzipped and pulled him out, enjoying the silken weight and glide as he pumped him a few times.

Adam’s head fell back against the wall and he shoved a hand in his mouth.

Etienne smiled to himself and went to work.

He loved blowing Adam. It was one of his favorite things to do, he’d decided early on. Adam was so responsive, shuddering and twitching with every movement of Etienne’s tongue, his hands coming to rest on Etienne’s head—not to guide or demand, but simply to have a connection.

Adam was so obedient during sex, most of the time. Etienne suspected it had something to do with his position on the ice. He was seen as a leader, looked to for guidance during his shifts, even as a rookie. It made sense that he’d want to give up that control in bed, let someone else take over, even briefly. Etienne was happy to assume that responsibility. There were few things, not even sinking an impossible shot, that thrilled him the way Adam’s utter surrender did.

He sped up, jacking him faster, until Adam’s hands went tight in his hair and he stiffened, shaking as he emptied silently down Etienne’s throat.

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