Home > Blindside Hit A Toronto Wolverines Novel(36)

Blindside Hit A Toronto Wolverines Novel(36)
Author: Michaela Grey

“I’m sorry, what?” Etienne said.

Colette’s eyes crinkled like her son’s. “I said, the Freeze are close to the playoffs, right? How are you meshing with the team?”

“Pretty well, I think,” Etienne said, uneasily aware that everyone was looking at him. “Li and Jetty are great, and we’ve even started on the second line a few times.”

“He’s leading the team for assists,” Adam said, and there was no mistaking the pride in his voice.

“We should get on the ice while you’re here,” Eli said, raising his eyebrows.

“What are we doing tomorrow?” Adam asked Noemi.

“Suit-fitting and waterskiing.”

“Perfect, let’s hit the rink after,” Adam said.

That settled, the conversation turned to general topics. Etienne watched the family dynamics, hiding his amusement as Noemi teased Adam, who pretended to be wounded, and William and Colette exchanged fond smiles.

Finally, comfortably full, Colette mustered help getting the table cleared. She shooed Etienne away when he tried to wash dishes, though.

“You get points for trying,” she told him, “but that’s why I had children.”

“Shameless exploitation of our free labor,” Adam complained. “Go in the den with Dad and Eli, Tens. I’ll be there soon.”



As it turned out, Eli stayed to help with cleanup too, leaving Etienne alone with William.

“I earned my freedom the hard way,” William told him, eyes creased with amusement. “Thirty years of marriage, fifteen years of washing dishes right alongside her until Adam was old enough to take over—now I only have to help if neither kid is home. We’ve been watching your playing. You’re filling in that second and third line well.”

Etienne ducked his head. “Thank you, sir.”

William eyed him. “I’m not gonna be able to stop you from calling me that, am I?”

Etienne laughed. “Probably not, sir. Even if you weren’t the head coach for the Kingfishers, you’re still Adam’s father.”

William nodded as if to himself. “You should know, Etienne, that Adam has our full support unconditionally.”

Etienne stiffened. Unconditionally. Did he mean what Etienne thought he meant?

“Even if he quit hockey and decided to teach art or something, we’d back him a hundred percent,” William continued.

Etienne forced himself to relax. “That’s… a lot of hockey parents aren’t that understanding.”

“We taught our kids from an early age that happiness was important, and not chasing a dream we imposed on them. They both chose some form of hockey and I’m glad they did, but nothing they do could alter how much we love them.”

Was it Etienne’s imagination or did William look particularly intense, like he was trying to say something else? He was saved by Adam bursting into the room and flinging himself on the couch beside Etienne.

“Hi,” he said. “What are you guys talking about?”

“You,” Etienne said, fighting the urge to smile fondly as Adam preened.

“A worthy topic,” Adam agreed. “How’s the team this year, Dad?”

They began to discuss prospects as Etienne watched them. Adam and his father had an easy chemistry that spoke of a strong bond and mutual respect. Etienne both envied Adam that and was happy, deep in his bones, that Adam had it. He reached for him and stopped himself just in time, jerking his hand back.

Adam sent him an inquiring look and Etienne shook his head. Adam’s eyes narrowed.

“Oh, fuck it,” he said clearly. “Dad, I—”

The door opened and the rest of the family appeared. William gestured furiously at Colette as Adam snapped his mouth shut.

“Goddammit Colette, I was about to—I mean, Adam was trying to tell me something.”

Colette’s eyebrows shot up. “Adam, wouldn’t you rather tell me?”

William shot Colette a dirty look. Etienne glanced at Adam, who appeared faintly horrified. He racked his brain for a rescue as Colette sat beside William and Noemi and Eli settled on the far divan.

“He was just gonna tell him what a good season he’s been having,” Etienne said desperately.

But Adam shook his head. His nostrils were pinched, his mouth set, but he faced his parents with his head up and shoulders back. “No,” he said. “No. I’m—” He sucked in air. “I’m gay,” he said, the words dropping into quiet air like a stone.

Etienne held his breath, watching Adam’s parents, who were utterly still for one long moment. Then Colette turned to William.

“This doesn’t mean you won.”

“Excuse me, that’s exactly what it means,” William sputtered.

Etienne blinked. He met Adam’s eyes, just as confused as he felt.

“He was trying to tell Dad first,” Noemi said, sounding delighted. “Dad definitely won.”

William punched the air as Adam looked between him and Colette, his mouth hanging open.


“Oh honey.” Colette stood and pulled Adam to his feet and into her arms. Over her shoulder, Adam looked poleaxed, and Etienne fought a sudden hysterical giggle. “We love you so much, darling boy.”

Adam clutched at her shirt. “You’re—you’re not disappointed?”

William stood and joined them, wrapping his arms around both of them. “It’ll take more than who you love to disappoint us, son.” The deep affection in his voice made tears prick Etienne’s eyes.

Adam choked on a laugh that sounded suspiciously like a sob. “Good, because he’s o-on the couch.”

Etienne froze. Adam hadn’t meant it that way. It had been a figurative thing, using Etienne as an example of loving a man and not a woman. Adam tore away from his parents, reaching for Etienne, the apologies already spilling from his lips.

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to put you on the spot, Tenny, please don’t be mad, it just popped out—”

Etienne shook his head to dispel the dizziness, gripping Adam’s hands but watching William and Colette smiling at each other behind Adam’s back.

“I think they already knew,” he said carefully. “About us—all of it. Didn’t you?”

Colette’s smile was brilliant. “Well, obviously. Oh, come here.”

Etienne scrambled to his feet and Colette cupped his face in both cool hands. Her eyes were warm with sincerity.

“You are so good for my son,” she told him. “And I am so, so glad he has you.”

Etienne’s throat was suddenly tight. “He’s good for me too,” he managed, and Colette pulled him into a hug.



It took awhile to sort out the embraces and tearful declarations, but finally Etienne and Adam found themselves back on the couch. This time, though, Adam was tucked in under Etienne’s arm, head on Etienne’s shoulder, and their hands were twined together between them.

Etienne caught Eli’s eye over Adam’s head. Eli smiled at him, but there was something in his expression that looked almost wistful. But then Noemi tugged on his shoulder and Eli bent so she could whisper in his ear, and the moment was gone, affection replacing the odd expression.

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