Home > Blindside Hit A Toronto Wolverines Novel(41)

Blindside Hit A Toronto Wolverines Novel(41)
Author: Michaela Grey

“I’m really happy for you and Adam,” he said.

“Oh—thank you.” Etienne resisted the urge to shift his weight. “What’s your favorite thing about Noemi?”

“Her laugh,” Eli said immediately. “When she’s startled by something funny, it just… bubbles up, and it’s so pure, I’ve never seen anyone not smile instinctively when they hear it.” His face settled into lines of affection. “And she’s funny. She makes me laugh all the fucking time.”

“She’s good for you,” Etienne said.

“Yeah,” Eli said. He squared his shoulders.

“She’s nervous too,” Etienne said.

Eli glanced at him. “She is?”

“It’s a big step. It’s normal to be nervous.”

“Do you think you and Adam will get married?”

Etienne blinked. “I—we’ve only been together about six months. It’s a little soon to be thinking about that.”

“Of course.” Eli ducked his head, worrying at his lower lip with his teeth.

“But I could see myself marrying him,” Etienne admitted. The words made him dizzy with their truth, making him feel like he’d float off the sofa. “Don’t you dare tell him I said that, or he’ll be picking out matching tuxes before your wedding is over.”

That got a ghost of a smile from Eli. “Thanks,” he said.

Etienne patted his shoulder awkwardly as the door opened and Daved burst inside. Etienne rose.

“He’s all yours.” He gave Eli a smile and left the room to go find Adam.



Noemi was stunning in pale ivory that left her flawless arms and shoulders bare, hugging her curves and flaring below her hips into a full train. Etienne watched, standing close enough to Adam that their shoulders brushed, as she and Eli repeated their vows to each other. Adam leaned into him just enough that Etienne felt his weight and slanted a smile at him.

Someday, he thought, and wondered if Adam was thinking it too.

After the ceremony, things devolved into controlled chaos, family and friends spilling into the Carons’ backyard for the reception. Etienne and Adam were flying out that afternoon, on a flight just before Eli’s and Noemi’s to Hawaii for their honeymoon. Etienne drank champagne, kissed Noemi on both cheeks, and hugged Eli.

He had a game in the morning, and truthfully, he couldn’t wait to get back. Adam’s next game was the same day, in the afternoon. Etienne packed quickly, paying little regard to neatness as he shoved clothes into the suitcase and took it downstairs.

William and Colette were by the door. Colette pulled him into a hug immediately.

“I know we really don’t know you very well yet,” she said against his cheek, “but I already consider you part of this family. I hope you’ll come back to visit often.”

Etienne cleared his throat against the lump in it. “Any time you’ll have me,” he managed. “Thank you for letting me tag along with Adam for this.”

William shook his head when Etienne put out a hand and hugged him instead. “Keep an eye on my son,” he said in a low voice. “Something’s… off.”

“I know,” Etienne said. “I am.”

William nodded, apparently satisfied, as Adam thundered down the stairs with suitcase in tow. He kissed his mother, hugged his father, promised to call, and they were off.



Safely in their seats on the airplane, Adam let his head fall back with a groan. “Thank God that’s over.”

Etienne patted his leg. “Ready to get back to your superstar Wolverine lifestyle?”

Adam glowered at him. “I’m ready to go home. With you.”

“How are you feeling?”

Adam’s eyes narrowed. “Not this again.”

“Humor me,” Etienne suggested lightly.

“I’m fine, Tenny,” Adam sighed. “Can we please stop talking about my health?”

“When I’m convinced you’re healthy,” Etienne said.

“Leave it,” Adam warned, and his voice was tight.

“What aren’t you telling me?”

The seatbelt light dinged as it turned off and Adam was up and out of his seat in the same instant, heading for the bathroom in long strides.

Etienne sat silently, fuming with worry. When Adam was still gone, fifteen minutes later, Etienne gave up and followed him. He knocked gently on the door.


“Go away.”

Etienne stepped sideways to let an attendant through. “No, Adam. I’m not going away.”

There was a long moment of silence and then the door unlocked.

Etienne slipped through and locked it behind him. Adam was sitting on the tiny toilet lid, head in his hands. Etienne kept his back to the door, waiting.

Finally, Adam lifted his head. “It comes and goes,” he said, so quietly Etienne had to strain to hear him over the noise of the engines.

Fear fluttered in Etienne’s gut. “Your vision?”

Adam nodded. “It’s—” He cut himself off, rubbing his face with a shaking hand. “Mostly the left eye but my right gets blurry sometimes.”

“Fuck, Adam, we have to tell the doctor!”

“No.” It was explosive, hurled with enough force to almost make Etienne flinch. Adam’s eyes were turbulent when they met Etienne’s. “I shouldn’t have told you,” he hissed.

That did make Etienne flinch, and Adam was on his feet instantly, right up in Etienne’s space.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that, Tenny, I’m sorry—” He touched Etienne’s chest, flattening a hand across it almost gingerly. “Baby, please don’t be mad at me, I can’t take it if—”

Etienne folded his own hand over Adam’s. “I’m not,” he said. “I’m worried, Cary. What if something worse is going on? What if it’s something bad?”

“It’s not,” Adam insisted. His fingers flexed under Etienne’s as he chewed on his lower lip. “I’ve had it all my life, remember? It’s business as usual.”

It’s not, Etienne wanted to protest. It’s getting worse, why won’t you admit that? But Adam’s eyes were pleading with him not to argue, big and damp and full of unspoken fear.

The plane jostled, knocking Adam forward into Etienne’s body. Etienne caught and held him when Adam would have drawn away.

“You and me,” he whispered.

Adam nodded against Etienne’s shoulder, arms coming up around his waist. “You and me.” The words were muffled in Etienne’s shirt but his hands gripped tightly.






The next month passed surprisingly fast, both of them busy with their teams. The Wolverines were struggling, clinging to the wildcard spot by their fingernails, and Adam spent almost all his spare time watching tape, muttering about defense and forechecking, and asking Etienne to diagram plays with him. Etienne helped as much as he could, but the Freeze were rising in the standings, whispers of a playoff berth bubbling up. They were close. Really close. Etienne wanted this more than anything, and he pushed himself as hard as he could, training endlessly and reviewing his own tape, usually on the couch beside Adam.

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