Home > Blindside Hit A Toronto Wolverines Novel(38)

Blindside Hit A Toronto Wolverines Novel(38)
Author: Michaela Grey

“Can’t,” Adam managed. “Feels too good, Tens—”

Etienne hissed under his breath, planted one more kiss on Adam’s lips, and went to his elbow, covering Adam’s mouth with one big palm.

Adam made a grateful involuntary noise, muffled against Etienne’s skin, and bucked up into the hand over his mouth even as he tried to grind down on the fingers in his ass. Etienne’s hand over his mouth tightened as he added a third finger and Adam’s eyes rolled back in his head.

He was a raw, aching nerve, strung breathlessly tight with want and need, every inch of his skin an instrument for Etienne to play. And play it he did, with nips and licks and quick, hard sucks until Adam was thrashing, pinned down by Etienne’s uncompromising grip. He’d never felt safer, held so punishingly tight, and he whimpered into Etienne’s hand, begging wordlessly.

Etienne withdrew his fingers and went to his knees between Adam’s spread legs. His eyes glinted in the moonlight. “I can’t fuck you hard,” he whispered. “They will hear us.”

Adam tried to catch his breath as Etienne lifted his thighs and slung them over his arms. “Not gonna last anyway,” he managed.

“Be quiet,” Etienne said, and that was his only warning before he slid home.

Adam arched off the bed, mouth falling open, and Etienne slammed a hand down over his mouth again, folding forward and tucking his other arm under Adam’s neck so they were joined from head to hip, Etienne’s chest pressing Adam into the mattress and his breath rocky and harsh in Adam’s ear.

Adam panted rapidly, turning his face just enough to press his cheek to Etienne’s. I love you, he thought but couldn’t say, not with Etienne’s palm covering his mouth and his cock scattering his wits. I love you, I love you, please fuck me—

Etienne moved his hips in slow, carefully controlled motions, rocking in and out of Adam’s body in microscopic waves. To Adam’s over-sensitized nerves, every move felt like sandpaper against his skin, simultaneously too much and somehow not enough. Etienne’s breathing hitched and he pushed a fraction deeper. He set a slow, steady rhythm, hips working mercilessly until Adam could feel everything all the way up into his teeth, every thrust enough to make his eyes roll back with how good it felt to be taken over, surrounded and invaded by this man.

Adam was dimly aware of Etienne gasping, losing his rhythm, and shuddering through his orgasm, and he clenched his body tight, taking it all, loving him fiercely and silently until Etienne sagged against him.

He didn’t pull out, though. Instead he nipped at Adam’s ear. “Touch yourself,” he ordered in a ragged whisper. “Come with me inside you.”

Adam, still gagged by Etienne’s hand, didn’t try to come up with a response. He worked a hand between them, the first touch to his neglected cock making him jerk as sparks skittered through his nerve endings. Etienne lifted his head enough to see Adam’s face, hips beginning to work again in tiny, fractional movements as Adam stroked himself.

In the end, there was nothing Adam could do but fall over the edge, body locking up tight and making Etienne hiss in triumph as Adam spilled between them in silent bliss.

Etienne moved his hand and kissed his jaw as Adam fell back against the covers, sucking in air. He slid out, making Adam stifle another moan, and lay down beside him, tucking Adam’s limp frame in close.

“Tenny,” Adam whispered. His eyes kept closing and he couldn’t keep a grip on reality.

“Yeah,” Etienne murmured.

“It’s you,” Adam managed, and let go of consciousness.






The suit-fitting wasn’t the torture Adam had expected it to be, with a tailor close to their ages who cracked jokes that made them double over with laughter as she measured them. Adam couldn’t remember the last time he’d been this purely happy. He was at home with his family, his baby sister was marrying a good man, his career was going nowhere but up, and he had Etienne, who was currently wiping tears of mirth from his eyes.

Etienne looked up and caught his gaze, and his smile widened. Adam grinned back.

From the couch, Noemi made gagging noises. Adam flipped her off without looking.



They headed for the marina after brunch, Eli driving, Noemi off to do more wedding preparation. The rented boat was waiting for them, all the necessary gear aboard already. Adam hopped over the rail and settled next to Etienne on the bench as Eli, Daved, and Morgan followed them on.

Adam had met Daved briefly a few times and liked him, with his easy, open smile and friendly brown eyes. Morgan was more reserved, saying very little, but Adam had a feeling his green eyes didn’t miss much.

“Have you skied before?” Adam asked Etienne.

Etienne shook his head as Eli fired up the engine and Morgan cast off the moorings.

“I’ll show you, if you want,” Adam said.

Eli took the boat well past the groups of people swimming and lazing about on the water, out into the open sea. The waves were gentle, and Daved took the first turn as Adam explained the technicalities to Etienne. Eli gunned it and they were off, hull slicing cleanly through the water.

It happened fast, so fast Adam didn’t have time to brace himself. One minute he was explaining how to hold the grip and leaning forward to get a beer from the cooler, and the next he was flung against the railing.

His head hit the brass with a loud crack and Adam slid to the floor of the boat, dazed, as Eli swore and killed the motor and Etienne scrambled to Adam’s side.

“Are you okay? Fuck, Adam, talk to me, how many fingers am I holding up?”

Adam blinked. His vision was blurring, two and three Etiennes swimming in front of him with identical looks of worry on their faces.

“‘M fine,” he managed. He lifted a hand to his head, wincing as his fingers found the sore spot and Eli knelt beside them.

“I’m so sorry,” he said. “There was a seal, came out of nowhere, I didn’t want to hit it. Are you okay?”

Adam waved his concern off. “Help me up,” he told Etienne, who hooked both hands under his armpits and easily hauled him upright. “I’m fine, really,” Adam said to Eli, once on his feet. Eli looked unconvinced.

“We should go back. If I kill her brother before the wedding, Noemi will murder me.”

Head throbbing, Adam didn’t argue. By the time they were back at the dock, an intense headache had set in behind his eyes. He was dimly aware of Etienne calling a ride, leaning into his shoulder as they waited. When the car arrived, Etienne gently bundled Adam into the back, sliding in after him.

His fingers were careful as he examined Adam’s head. “How are you feeling?” he murmured.

Adam closed his eyes. “Hurts.”

“Do you think it’s another concussion?”

Adam shook his head, then winced. “I don’t—not sure, but I don’t think so. Doesn’t feel the same. It just… hurts.”

“Let me see your eyes for a minute,” Etienne said. He held Adam’s chin in one gentle hand and used the flashlight on his phone to peer into Adam’s pupils as Adam tried desperately not to flinch away. Finally, Etienne put the phone back in his pocket. “Your pupils are the same size, and they’re dilating evenly. I think you’re okay, but I want your mom to back me up.”

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