Home > Her Scottish Scoundrel (Diamonds in the Rough #7)(44)

Her Scottish Scoundrel (Diamonds in the Rough #7)(44)
Author: Sophie Barnes

“Naturally, I won’t be able to increase your father’s return on investment like I’d initially promised, but as his friend, I’ll be happy to advise him on how to increase his wealth.” He grinned. “My company’s not the only one with the promise of good returns.”

“I…um…” Stunned, Charlotte wasn’t sure what to say. She’d no idea how any of this had come about, but it did appear as though she was free from her attachment with him.

“Well. I just thought to let you know what the situation is before I speak with your father.”

She collected herself and managed a smile. “Thank you, Mr. Cooper.”

“If you could please ask him to come speak with me next?”

Charlotte nodded. It was the oddest thing, having a guest use her father’s study to interview them each in turn. She quit the room on numb legs and returned to the parlor.

“Well?” Mama asked the moment Charlotte arrived.

“Um…” Charlotte glanced at both her parents before she focused on her father. “Mr. Cooper would like a word with you, Papa.”

“To discuss the wedding details, no doubt.” Papa crossed to the door. “Ladies, you must not wait for me with dinner. I shall join you as soon as I can.”

Charlotte watched him go. With a rough idea of the conversation he was about to have, she dreaded his return.

“What did he say?” Mama asked.

“I think it might be best for us to wait for Papa before I tell you.” Charlotte wrung her hands.

“Come now,” Mama pushed. “At least tell me if he kissed you.”

“He did not.” Finally a question she could answer without hesitation.

“Well. Such things are overrated anyway,” Mama said. “All that matters is that he is well situated and wealthy.”

It took tremendous effort for Charlotte not to roll her eyes.

“Shall we?” Mama asked when dinner was announced shortly after.

Charlotte nodded and followed her mother to the dining room. Food was served – a soup of some sort – and Charlotte ate while doing her best to engage in the subject her mother wished to discuss: her plan to redesign the garden in the spring.

They were almost halfway through the second course when Charlotte’s father returned with a cross expression. He glanced at Charlotte, then at his wife. “The wedding is off.”

Charlotte’s heart made a joyful jump. Until this very moment, she’d not dared believe it.

Mama stared at Papa in wide-eyed dismay. “I beg your pardon?”

“Mr. Cooper will not be proposing to Charlotte after all,” Papa said. He strode to his chair and lowered himself to the seat. “Instead, he means to marry the Earl of Dervaine’s youngest daughter, Lady Fiona.”

“But…” Charlotte’s mother blinked in rapid succession. “He came here by your invitation and for the sole purpose of marrying Charlotte. He cannot just…just…change his mind.”

“Clearly, he has.” Papa poured himself a large glass of wine. “In fact, Mr. Cooper has made himself perfectly clear. An announcement declaring him engaged to Lady Fiona is due to appear in the paper tomorrow.”

“But what about your agreement with him?” Mama asked. “I mean, you offered him Charlotte for a reason.”

For the money, Charlotte was tempted to say. She managed to hold her tongue though.

Papa took a deep swallow from his glass and sank against his seat. Incredulity lent a glassy appearance to his eyes. “He gave me a promise note worth one thousand pounds as a means of compensation.”

Charlotte’s mouth fell open. Mr. Cooper hadn’t mentioned this to her.

“But that’s extraordinary,” Mama said.

“It’s only half as much as I would have gained if Charlotte had wed him, but it is substantial enough to clear my debt and improve upon my financial situation.”

Shocked by the startling turn of events the evening had provided, Charlotte tried to work out what had occurred. And failed. Until something Daisy had said when she’d returned from The Black Swan came into sudden focus.

Things have a way of turning out as they should. This won’t be any different. I’m certain of it.

Charlotte frowned. This couldn’t possibly be Blayne’s doing. Could it? She pondered this possibility during the rest of dinner. She hadn’t asked him for help with anything besides reacquiring the rights to her book – a task she’d received no progress information on yet.

But what if he’d realized she needed more help than she’d let on? Intent on getting answers as quickly as possible, Charlotte excused herself as soon as the meal was done, explaining she needed to gather her thoughts on top of the evening’s shocking news.

“Of course,” her mother said. “I’m sure Mr. Cooper’s decision to choose someone else must be quite a blow for you, dear.”

Answering with a tight smile, Charlotte turned away and went to her room where she rang for Daisy.

“When you visited The Black Swan,” Charlotte said once the maid arrived, “did you by any chance happen to mention the deal I made with Mr. Cooper?”

Daisy shifted her gaze to a spot somewhere off to the side so she didn’t look straight at Charlotte. “You asked me not to.”

“I did indeed.”

“Mr. MacNeil suggested you might not be able to leave the house, so I explained the threat the viscount made about having me and Everet sacked.”

Charlotte pinched the bridge of her nose. “You weren’t supposed to tell him that.”

“I know, miss. I’m sorry. It just slipped out and then…”

“And then?” Charlotte prompted.

Daisy wrung her hands together. “I may have mentioned the viscount’s financial troubles and how Mr. Cooper was willing to help him as long as he married you.”

“Daisy, you broke my confidence.”

“I know, miss. My only excuse is that I was trying to help you, but I understand if that’s not good enough. If you want to sack me, I’ll not think less of you, miss. In fact, I knew I risked my position when I chose to confide in Mr. MacNeil.”

“Which makes your decision all the more admirable.” Charlotte waited until Daisy met her gaze, then said, “As ashamed as I am of Mr. MacNeil knowing what—”

“The Duke of Windham was there too,” Daisy whispered. “So was Claus.”

Charlotte sighed and started again. “As ashamed as I am of these men knowing my father was brought so low he saw no recourse but to use me to improve his own wealth, I cannot deny the relief I feel over not having to marry Mr. Cooper. That was your doing, Daisy, and I thank you for it.”

“So you’re not too angry?”

“I appreciate having a maid who’s able to use good judgment. You were right to ignore my request for secrecy, Daisy. If it weren’t for you, I’m not sure I’d have been able to get out of this mess in time. But that doesn’t mean I approve of you lying to me. When I asked how your meeting with Mr. MacNeil had gone, you should have been honest.”

“Yes, miss. I’m sorry.”

“It’s all right. I’ll forgive you this once. Just don’t ever do it again, Daisy. I need to know I can trust you. Do you understand?”

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