Home > Her Scottish Scoundrel (Diamonds in the Rough #7)(45)

Her Scottish Scoundrel (Diamonds in the Rough #7)(45)
Author: Sophie Barnes

“Of course. And I truly am sorry.”

Charlotte could tell she was from her pained expression. She’d taken a risk – one that could have cost her position. “I think you’ve apologized enough.”

Daisy nodded. “What will you do now?”

It was a good question. Her parents would probably expect everything to go back to the way they’d been four and a half weeks ago. Before her father announced Mr. Cooper’s arrival and she’d introduced her parents to Blayne. But how could it? She still had the mystery of her stolen manuscript to solve, and her feelings for Blayne were such that she knew she couldn’t forget him. And while she had no idea how he’d managed to help her, thanks were in order.

“I need to speak with Mr. MacNeil.”

“Of course you do.”

“Can you help me sneak out?”

Daisy looked very unsure. “It’s awfully late, miss.”

“I know,” Charlotte agreed, “but it will be harder to do during the day.”

“What about the viscount’s threat?”

“Considering the turn of events, I doubt it applies any longer. Besides, Papa values Everet too much to sack him and as for you, I will always protect you, Daisy. You know that.”

Daisy nodded. “Very well, miss. Just as long as you take that pistol of yours along for protection.”

“I always do, Daisy.”

Half an hour later, Charlotte exited through the servants’ entrance at the back of the house. Dressed in a plain brown cotton dress and with the hood of her cloak pulled over her head, she kept to the darkest shadows while walking briskly up Davies Street, at the end of which she hailed a hackney.

“Are you sure, miss?” the driver asked when she gave him directions.

“Quite,” Charlotte answered crisply. She handed him a shilling. “You’ll receive another once I reach my destination.”

“Very good, miss.” He pocketed the coin.

Charlotte climbed into the carriage and the horses were whipped into motion. She glanced out the window as they travelled the length of Oxford Street. It was almost midnight, so there weren’t many people about, which wasn’t surprising since the Season was almost over and social events reducing in number.

“Here you are,” Charlotte told the driver once they’d arrived outside The Black Swan. She handed him the shilling she owed.

He took it and glanced at the tavern behind her. “Would you like me to wait?”

“That won’t be necessary,” she said just as two drunken men stumbled out through the door, one cursing loudly while the other one sang.

The coachman frowned. “You’re sure?”

Charlotte nodded in spite of her racing heart. “Yes. Thank you.”

He pressed his mouth into a firm line but nodded nonetheless. Charlotte turned away from the rattling sound of the carriage as it rolled down the street, only to find herself face to face with the two men she’d spotted. They were closer now – uncomfortably so – and studying her in a manner that caused the fine hair at the nape of her neck to stand on end.






Charlotte reached inside her reticule and withdrew her pistol. “Stay back. Both of you.”

“Well, well, well. A bit o’ muslin with a temperament.” The tall fellow laughed. He appeared to be roughly her age with angular features and a nose that looked like it had been broken more than once. His shoulders weren’t as broad as Blayne’s, but he would still be strong enough to pick her up with one arm and carry her off into the night if he wished to.

“A lovely lady who’s also feisty,” the shorter man crooned. He seemed to be about the same age but with rounder features and thinner hair. “Let’s give ’er some pleasure at our own leisure.”

“Lay one hand on me and you’ll be answering to Mr. MacNeil.” She was glad her voice remained steady. Raising her chin, she tried to look as confident as she sounded.

Apprehension filled the shorter man’s eyes, but the larger man simply leered at her as if he intended to find out exactly what she hid beneath her skirts. He dropped his gaze to the pistol she held. “MacNeil ’as no say over me.”

Taking her by surprise, he grabbed her wrist, dislodged her weapon, and sent it flying through the air. It landed with a clank somewhere off to her right. Air rushed into her lungs on a deep inhale, but before she could scream he’d pulled her against him and clamped one hand over her mouth.

A thick stench of brandy, tobacco, and sweat overwhelmed her senses until she feared she’d cast up her accounts. Panic had swamped her brain seconds earlier and she fought now to gain control over it. If she was to extricate herself from this situation without getting hurt, then she had to think rationally.

Laughter rang through her ears. “You’re finer than I thought. ’Ere, Georgie, ’ave a sniff. She’s as sweet as a rose, this one.”

The shorter man moved in closer and inhaled. “Oh yes. I could burry my nose in ’er for days.”

Charlotte tried to recoil but the taller man at her back held her immobile.

He licked the side of her neck. “Tastes delicious too.”

A shudder raked the length of her spine.

“Move your ’and, will ya, Felix, so I can sample ’er mouth.”


Wide eyed with fear, Charlotte watched Georgie step more immediately in front of her. He leaned in. Felix lifted his hand, and Charlotte screamed while bringing her knee up with as much force as she could manage.

A startled gasp left Georgie’s mouth. His hand grabbed her shoulder as if for support as his legs gave way beneath him.

Not wasting one second, Charlotte bucked her hips backward hard, producing a curse followed by a deep groan. Felix’s hold on her loosed and Charlotte tore herself free. Without looking back she ran up the steps and burst through the door leading into The Black Swan.

Heads spun toward her and several men smirked while giving her a head to toe assessment. The hood from her cloak had fallen back and she could feel hairpins starting to loosen. She scanned the room, searching for the one man she’d come to see.

The door opened behind her and two angry hands grabbed hold of her arms. “I think you need to be disciplined.”

Felix’s sneer made her insides curdle.

“Now wait one moment,” a burley fellow said as he moved toward them. “Maybe the lady’s not keen on the likes o’ you.”

Oh thank God. Someone decent was finally stepping in to help her.

“Maybe she’d rather ’ave someone else,” the burley fellow continued. “Someone more like me.”

Charlotte’s heart sank. Other men started taking notice and moved in closer to see what was happening.

“I’ll fight ya for ’er, Felix.”

“Prepare to ’ave your teeth knocked out, Erwin.”

Erwin grinned. “You’re always welcome to dream.”

He jutted his head to one side and Charlotte was shoved into the arms of someone else.

“’Ello, luv,” a thick voice murmured. “’Ow about you and I sneak off together while these two idiots knock themselves out?”

Good lord. Was every man here a lecherous scoundrel? Clearly, the Black Swan’s crowd was different by night than by day, no doubt on account of the drink they’d all had.

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