Home > Mr. Garcia(112)

Mr. Garcia(112)
Author: T.L. Swan


The car pulls up at the press conference in Winchester, and I practically jump from the car. I came straight here. I wanted to tell Seb the good news myself.

I walk into the packed hall at the university and stand at the back of the crowd.

Sebastian is on stage, standing at a small podium and delivering a speech.

“As you can see…” He glances up and sees me standing at the back. A frown crosses his brow, and I smile as I go up onto my toes with excitement.

He regains his focus and goes back to his speech. I tap my toes, waiting for him to finish.

Come on.

Hurry up.

I’m bursting at the seams to tell him the good news.

He didn’t do it.

He never went there, he never ……. the happiness beams out of me.

Eventually, he says the words I’ve been waiting to hear. “Thank you all for coming today. I look forward to a long and prosperous relationship. Education is key for our future.”

Everyone claps, and I smile proudly. With one last nod, he leaves the stage.

I stand on my tiptoes to look over the crowd. How do I get back there?

My phone rings:

Aprils Fool



“Hi,” I answer.

“Mrs. Garcia, what are you doing here?” His deep voice purrs.

“I have news.” I smile. “How do I get to you?”

“I’ll send someone out to collect you. Go to the side door.”

“Okay.” I hang up and practically run to the door to wait.

Moments later, the door opens, and one of his guards appear. “Hello, Mrs. Garcia.”


“This way, please.” He stands back so that I can walk in, and then he closes and locks the door behind him. We walk down the corridor, and I see Sebastian waiting for me. I practically run to him and jump into his arms.

He frowns, surprised by my greeting.

“Where can we talk in private?”

“This way.” He opens a door, and we go inside. He turns to me. “What’s this mood swing?”

I smile broadly. “She lied.”

He frowns.

“Helena was never in your room that night.”

“How do you know?”

“Penelope hacked the security system from the hotel. I watched the footage this morning. The only person who went in your room all night was Gerhard.”

His face falls. “Gerhard?”

“They’re in this together, Sebastian. We have proof.”

“But there is no footage. Bart checked.”

“Bart lied.”


“Bart didn’t even look for footage because he was trying to cover his own sleazy ass.”

Sebastian’s face falls as he stares at me. “There’s no baby?” he whispers.

“No.” I smile. “We’re free.”

His nostrils flare, and he sucks in deep breaths as his emotions overwhelm him. I put my arms around his neck, and he drops his head into my shoulder.

Tears fill my eyes as we hold each other, the relief between us palpable.

I've never felt such an overwhelming relief.

“I’m sorry you had to go through this.” He squeezes me tighter.

“We made it,” I whisper, and I squeeze him right back.

Our lips meet, and a door opens behind us. “We need to go,” Bart’s voice interrupts us. “Your schedule had us leaving ten minutes ago. You’ll be late for your next appointment.”

We both turn to look at him.

“Hi, April.” He fakes a smile. “I didn’t realize you were coming today.”

Sebastian’s jaw clenches as he glares at him.

Bart looks between us, sensing something is off. “What?”

Sebastian takes my hand in his. “Go home, Bart.”

“Huh?” He frowns. “Why would I go home?”

“Because you’re fired.”







“I’m what?”

Sebastian pulls me toward the door. “Fired.”

“W-what are you talking about?” he stammers.

Sebastian turns abruptly. “The security footage from the hotel in Bath. Where is it?”

Bart's eyes widen, and he opens his mouth to say something.

“Don’t you dare fucking lie.” Sebastian growls as we walk out into the crowded backstage corridor.

Bart follows us out. “There isn’t any!” he calls. “I told you that already.”

“That was your last chance. Get out.”

“W-what?” Bart stammers. “You’ve got to be joking?”

“What I am is fucking furious,” Sebastian bellows.

Everyone around us withers and scurries for cover.

Sebastian steps toward Bart. “I know for a fact that there’s footage. April has seen it, and I also know that you’ve been lying to me to cover your own sleazy ass. Do you have any idea how stressful this last week has been for me and April?” he yells. “You didn’t even ask the hotel for the footage, did you?”

Bart takes a deep breath as his eyes hold Sebastian’s. He knows he’s fucked up.

“I didn’t know back then that anyone else was involved,” he says. “I knew I was drugged, and I had no idea what I had done. It was to protect Jeremy. I didn’t want him to see me with those girls. I had no idea that, three months after, you were going to need that footage. By then it was too late. I had already said I couldn’t get it. I didn’t think anyone was going to get hurt.”

I close my eyes in disgust. Except the apparent love of your life. Jeremy.

I can’t hold my tongue for one second longer. “Jeremy has seen the footage.”

Bart’s face falls.

“And it wasn’t even the strippers that you ordered for yourself that was the worst part,” I spit. “It was the conversation with your wife that brought him to his knees.”

Bart’s jaw clenches, knowing full well what this means.

Jeremy knows everything… finally.

“Why you think you can treat people the way you do is beyond me. When this story broke, you could have fessed up and saved Sebastian a world of pain. How could you be so selfish?” I ask.

Bart screws up his face in disgust. “And you are so quick to judge, April. Unlike you, I’m not sleeping with the Prime Minister. I don’t get special treatment.”

Sebastian’s eyes narrow. “Leave. Now”

“You’ll regret this,” Bart spits.

Sebastian’s cold eyes hold his. “I think we both know who’ll regret this.” Sebastian picks up my hand and we walk down the corridor. He takes out his phone and dials a number.

“Melody, change of plans. I’m returning to London immediately. Reschedule the rest of my meetings.”

He leads me out to the waiting car, and we get into the back seat.

Kevin turns to us. “Where to, sir?”

“Downing Street.”

The car pulls out into the traffic. Sebastian makes a call. “Melody, have the police come to Downing Street. Yes.” He listens. “I’m leaving Winchester now. Thank you.” He hangs up.

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