Home > Mr. Garcia(113)

Mr. Garcia(113)
Author: T.L. Swan

I hold Sebastian’s hand in my lap, but he’s too angry to even notice. He’s glaring out of the window as he silently fumes.

But that’s okay. I notice.

I’ve got him in my hand, and I’m never letting go. As long as we’re together, I don’t care about the rest of the world or the lies that they tell.

We’ve got each other, and that’s everything.




I’m sitting with the detectives, watching the footage of Gerhard leaving my room.

Furious doesn’t cut it. I’ve never been so angry.

All this time, Helena was working with him. Were they going to split the money?

Or was he on her payroll? So many unanswered questions.

“That’s it. That’s the proof we needed,” one of them says. He picks up his phone and makes a call. “Hi, Anna, this is Steven. Can you do a check on a Gerhard Klein for me, please?” He listens for a moment. “I need to know where he is right now. His home and office addresses. Call me back immediately with the details. Thank you.” He hangs up, and his eyes come to mine. “Are we still pressing charges on your ex-wife?”


“But you took off the warrant of arrest.”

“Only to bring her out of hiding. I want her charged.” I think for a moment. “I want to speak with her when she’s brought in.”


Steven’s phone rings and he answers it. “Hi.” He listens. “Who’s he traveling with?” He narrows his eyes as he looks up at us. “Milania Henchworth.” He scribbles the name down on a pad and then he writes the words:

fake passport.

“Get some officers to the airport departure lounge immediately. I want them both brought in.” He hangs up and turns to us. “Gerhard is booked on a flight to Germany this evening at 6:00 p.m. He’s travelling with a Milania Henchworth.”

“You think that’s Helena?” I frown.

“I’ll bet my life on it.”


I roll my fingers on the table. It’s 7:00 p.m. and we are in a restaurant.

“I’m sorry, babe.” I pick up my phone and check it for the hundredth time. “I’m terrible company.”

April smiles over at me. “They’ll get them, Seb, don’t worry.”

“They should have called by now. Perhaps they didn’t turn up for the flight,” I sip my drink. “It probably wasn’t even her.”

“We’ll soon find out.”

I exhale heavily. “If they get to Germany, that’s it. There’s no chance of finding them.”

“Seb…” April sighs.

My phone rings, and I scramble to answer it. “Yes.”

“We got them.”


“Yes, Helena was traveling under a fake passport. Another offence.”

I close my eyes as relief floods me. “Where are they now?”

“London headquarters.”

“I’m on my way.”

The waitress arrives with our meals. “Here you go. Two steak and salads.” She places them down on the table.

“Thank you.” The waitress walks off, and I stare down at the food in front of me. I can think of nothing worse than eating at the moment. I glance up at April, and as if reading my mind, she points to my plate with her knife.

“You’re not going anywhere until you eat that. You haven’t eaten all day.”


“But nothing, Sebastian. Eat.

I exhale heavily and begin to cut up my steak. “Hurry up.” I demand. “We need to go.”

“They’re in jail, and I’m pretty sure they aren’t going anywhere any time soon. Eat your dinner.”

I bite my steak off my fork and smirk at her.

“What?” April raises an eyebrow.

“Why do you insist on telling me what to do?”

She smiles and goes back to eating. “Because I love you.”

“And that gives you free reign to boss me around?”

“Yes.” She chews. “It does, actually. You get to boss me around in the bedroom. The very least I get to do is to tell you to eat your dinner.”

“Touché.” I smile over at the beautiful woman in front of me. “Although you eating my cock and me eating dinner are two very different things.”

April smiles. “Not really. Both are essential for good health.”

I stare at her. There’s so much love and acceptance surrounding this woman. There are no secrets, no lies. She loves me for everything that I am and, unfortunately for her, everything that I’m not. I’m grumpy, bossy, dominant, and damn it, I just wish I could be sweeter and more romantic—softer in the bedroom.

I cut into my steak with renewed determination. That’s it. Tomorrow, I’m turning over a new leaf and I’m going to try and be better. April deserves the best of me, and I’m going to make damn sure she gets it.


An hour later, I walk into the interview room in the police station. Helena’s haunted eyes meet mine.

I glance up at the policeman standing by the door. “I’d like a moment, please.”

He nods and closes the door behind him, leaving us alone. I take a seat at the opposite side of the table to her.

I bite my bottom lip as my eyes hold hers.

She drops her head in shame. “I’m sorry,” she whispers.

I stare at her. She’s so sad, and my stomach twists. “Helena…”

She keeps looking at the floor.

“Look at me.”

She drags her eyes up to meet mine.


Her eyes fill with tears. “I’m scared, Sebastian.”

“Of what?” I whisper.

“I’m pregnant with no money.”

I frown. “There is a baby?”

She nods.

“Gerhard’s?” I ask.

She nods again.

“This is good.” I smile softly. “Congratulations. Life is as it should be.”

Her eyes well with tears and they break the dam and roll down her face. “How can life be as it should be when I have another man’s baby inside of me when all I want is you?” She angrily wipes the tears away.

I get a lump in my throat as I watch her, and I take her hand over the table. “What we had is over—long over. You need to stop trying to punish me.”

“I want you to hurt like I do,” she whispers.

I frown. I don’t even know what to say to that. “This ends here. This is the last time. I’ve protected you all along because I felt guilty for ending our marriage, but I won’t tolerate it anymore. I’m remarried. April comes first now. She has to come first.”

She looks at me through her tears. “Don’t you miss me at all?”

“I did. For a long time, I did.” I shrug. “But you’ve poisoned any good memory I had of the two of us.”

“Gerhard slept with someone else.”

I exhale heavily.

“A month ago. He says it was a mistake. We were going to Germany to try and start again and make it work.”

“And you needed my money to do that?”

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