Home > Let Me Love You (All of Me Duet #2)(8)

Let Me Love You (All of Me Duet #2)(8)
Author: Siobhan Davis

I burst out laughing. “You cannot seriously be suggesting Reeve was behind that? After everything we’d endured at the hands of the media at that time? Come on, Dillon. Don’t be ridiculous.”

“God. He really has pulled the wool over your eyes, hasn’t he?” Dillon tugs on his eyebrow ring before leaning into my face. “I saw the little statement he gave to reporters later that day. His message was clearly directed at me.”

“His message was for Saffron! He was warning her to stay away from us. Besides, you didn’t give a shit about me. Sending me home in tears was all part of your plan, so why the fuck do you even care?”

“I never said I did.” A mask of indifference cloaks his face again. “I’m merely pointing out Reeve isn’t so squeaky-clean himself. Be careful before you throw stones at me.”

I deliberately ignore that comment, because we’re starting to go around in circles. “Believe whatever you want, Dillon.” I huff out a sigh. “It doesn’t change the fact I’m not keeping this from Reeve.”

“You don’t have a choice.” He eases back in his seat. “I tell you what. I’ll sweeten the deal. I’ll cancel lunch with my beloved twin on Saturday, and I’ll stay away from him until we have the results.”

That would help because I’m petrified of Reeve spending time alone with Dillon. For two reasons. One, I’m scared what Dillon will say, but it seems like he won’t blab anything until he knows if he’s Easton’s father or not. Two, I hate the thought of Reeve growing close to a guy who’s pretending to like him while plotting to destroy his life behind his back.

Letting Dillon reveal the truth to the world, in such a cruel way, would devastate my husband and hurt my son. The last thing we need is the entire world speculating over Easton’s paternity before it’s confirmed.

I hate I’m letting my ex blackmail me, but I don’t see how I have any option. Dillon is determined to keep this from Reeve until it suits him to deliver the worst possible blow.

Maybe he is calling my bluff and I should challenge him on it, but I’m not sure that’s a risk I want to take. Would he really do this knowing he could be hurting his own flesh and blood? Is he saying this to force me into toeing the line, or is he callous enough to do it without losing sleep? The Dillon I once knew could be deliberately cruel with his words and his actions, lashing out in anger, yet deep down, I always knew he didn’t mean it. It was a defense mechanism to protect himself. But he’s no longer the same man I knew, so I can’t rely on my past experience to guide me now.

I could lie. I could tell Dillon I agree and still come clean to Reeve, but I know if I fess up Reeve won’t be able to resist going after Dillon and Dillon will then release everything to the press and our lives will become a media circus. We would have no choice but to tell Easton, and he’s too young to have this thrust upon him, without building up to it.

If Dillon is Easton’s bio dad, I will need time to introduce that information to my son in a way that doesn’t upset him too much. He will have to get to know Dillon as an uncle first, and when the time is right, he can be told the truth that he has two dads.

I can’t let Dillon force my hand with Easton, so I have no option but to agree to his evil plan.

Even if I know it means Reeve may never forgive me for keeping all of this from him.









“You missed dinner,” Reeve says, entering my home office, carrying a tray.

“Sorry.” I lift my head from my laptop, offering him a guilt-ridden half-smile. “I know I’ve been working a lot, but I really need to finish this script before I can consider going on maternity leave,” I semi-lie.

“I’m worried about you.” Setting the tray on my desk, he moves behind me. His hands land on my shoulders, and he slowly massages my tense muscles. “You’re working too much, and you’ve been so quiet this past week. Are you sure something isn’t troubling you?”

“I’m just trying to get organized so I can stop working in a couple of weeks.”

“You’re only twenty-nine weeks. You can space your workload out more evenly and still finish up in plenty of time before Lainey arrives.”

“I want to spend ample quality time with Easton and you before our daughter makes her grand entrance.” That’s not exactly a lie. I just have added motivation for finishing work early now. Even if the test confirms Reeve is Easton’s father, I still have to tell my husband about Dillon and everything that has gone on since he showed up here twelve days ago. Reeve is going to be upset with either outcome, and I want to focus my sole attention on my family.

Plus, working around the clock helps to keep me distracted from the impending paternity results.

And it helps me to avoid Reeve.

A pang of guilt and remorse wallops me in the face. I hate I’ve been avoiding my husband, but I’m terrified he’ll see the fear on my face and coax the truth from me. Dillon texts me a picture every day, and it’s all I need to be reminded of what’s at stake. He doesn’t need threatening words. Sending those photos of me from the past works like a charm. I can’t bear the thought of Reeve discovering the truth from the internet. He deserves to hear it from my lips.

Every night, I have been praying the results confirm Reeve is Easton’s father. Dillon loses all power with that outcome, and I can tell my husband everything without his twin’s gloating face in the room. So what if Dillon releases the pictures of me after the fact? All it confirms is I was in a relationship with him while Reeve and I were broken up. It was before I knew they were twins. Yes, some of the photos are intimate and show me semi-naked. That isn’t something I want out there in the world, but it’s a small price to pay to protect Reeve and Easton now.

“You’re so tense, babe.” Reeve digs his fingers into the corded knots in my upper back. “Please call it a night. You can eat that while I run you a bath. Then maybe we could watch a movie together in bed.” Leaning down, he presses a kiss to my cheek. “Let me take care of you. I need it as much as you do.”

A fresh wave of guilt washes over me. Reeve is upset Dillon seems to be withdrawing. He canceled their planned lunch meeting, and he has been reluctant to set a new date, citing crazy work schedules, but Reeve is no idiot, and he senses there is more to it. My husband is bitterly disappointed by his twin’s apparent apathy toward him, and I’m partly responsible. “Okay.” I clasp his hand, bringing it to my lips. “That sounds nice.” I kiss his fingers. “I love you, Reeve,” I whisper with tears clouding my eyes. “I love you so much.”

“Hey.” Reeve drops to his knees in front of me, taking my hands in his. “I love you too.” He tilts his head to one side, examining my face. “I wish you’d tell me what’s wrong.” Concern is etched upon his gorgeous face, and I feel like the worst wife on the planet. I’m clearly not a good actress either if Reeve suspects I’m hiding something from him.

Panic claws its way up my throat, and I stuff my tears back down inside, forcing a smile. “Don’t mind me. It’s just pregnancy hormones.”

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