Home > Kissing Lessons(27)

Kissing Lessons(27)
Author: Sophie Jordan

To make matters even more remarkable, that kiss had been his first, too. Neither one had known what they were doing, but they had gotten good at it quickly. They’d learned together. It took about five minutes and then they were pretty decent at it. She chuckled at the memory. It had been a typical scorching Texas summer. She’d found enough change under the couch cushions to meet up with Beau and head to the corner store for a hot dog and soda. Neither one of them were eager to go home to their houses, so they went to the local park and clambered up into the playground set. No little kids were around. It was too hot. One minute she had been sucking down her Dr. Pepper and the next thing she knew, their lips were attached.

“And how do we get practice?” Monica asked reasonably. “It’s not like we have guys lined up on standby to kiss us.”

“Yeah,” Lia murmured. “We don’t have boyfriends.”

Hayden shook off the memory and smiled at their naiveté. “You don’t need to have a boyfriend to get kissed . . . or give a kiss. You don’t need the shackles of a relationship for that.” She scanned each of their faces. Something told her they would be appalled at the number of kisses she’d shared outside of a relationship. Um, all her kisses, in fact, since she didn’t do relationships.

They all stared at Hayden with blank looks and then looked at each other, equally stupefied.

Hayden sighed. “You’re supposed to be the smartest girls in school.” At their bewildered expressions, she motioned to the door. “You’ve got Beau Sanders in the house. He’s one of the biggest players in school. The boy knows how to kiss, and I’m sure he’d oblige and showcase his skill.”

They erupted into various reactions, but Monica was the most vocal. “I will not kiss Beau! Who knows where his mouth has been!”

“Well, for starters, it’s been on me,” Hayden admitted to the group. “His mouth.” She felt compelled to clarify.

Everyone gasped.

“You kissed Beau?” Emmaline demanded.

“Yeah. It was in eighth grade. And he was a good kisser back then, so it stands to reason he’s only improved his craft.”

Lia shook her head almost violently. “I couldn’t. Not Beau! He’s too . . . too . . .”

Monica crossed her arms over her chest. “You can count me out.”

Sanjana, on the other hand, looked tempted. She glanced toward the door. “So . . . I just, what? Walk up to him and plant one on him?”

“No one is kissing Beau,” Emmaline cut in. Her face burned bright red. “He’s my brother’s best friend . . . and like a brother to me. We’re not going there with him. That’s just too weird.”

“Fine.” Hayden shrugged indifferently.

“So what do we do for practice then?” Sanjana asked.

The group fell silent and exchanged uncertain glances with each other.

Hayden looked steadily at each of them, wondering why they were being so dense. Did she really have to spell it out? Had no one thought of it already?

“Isn’t it obvious?” Hayden glanced around the circle.

They all stared back at her, blinking, clearly not arriving at the conclusion she had reached.

Hayden exhaled. “We practice on each other.”

Silence met her announcement. The sound from Emmaline’s TV seemed really loud against it. Hayden wasn’t sure why it was even on. No one was paying attention to the rerun of Supernatural. Especially now, when everyone was gawking at her as if she just proposed they do something criminal. As if it wasn’t a totally reasonable proposition.

She let out an exasperated sigh. They really needed to lighten up, and not just when it came to kissing. Although for this group that would be a start. A good start. The claws of their puritanical roots dug deep.

“C’mon, guys. I’m not suggesting we knock off a bank.”

“That would be just as extreme,” Monica sputtered.

Lia’s lips fluttered, searching, unsuccessfully it seemed, for words.

Emmaline found her voice. “Is that . . . done? I mean—” She glanced around at her friends.

Hayden rolled her eyes. “I’m not suggesting an orgy. It’s fine. Don’t look so appalled. You’re all friends. What’s safer than a little experimenting among those you trust?”

“Huh. That kind of makes sense . . . ’cause it’s not as though I’ve met a guy I can trust,” Sanjana mused, clearly referencing Alex of ninth grade band. She glanced at all of them with a shrug. “I’m in.”

“I’m in too,” Emmaline added.

Lia nodded, her eyes so large they looked ready to bug out of her head.

“Fine,” Monica agreed. “But if I say stop—”

“No one is forcing or pressuring anyone into anything here,” Hayden quickly assured her. “If you don’t want to, then don’t.” She shrugged. “You asked for my help. That’s what I’m trying to do. Help.”

“And we’re glad for it.” Emmaline nodded, looking encouragingly to each girl. “Let’s get started.”



Lesson #18

practice makes perfect.

x Emmaline x

They all brushed their teeth before settling down on the floor in a circle. There were lots of giggles as Hayden started explaining the fundamentals.

Emmaline didn’t know why she hadn’t thought of this before.

What was more nonthreatening than practicing kissing on your best friends? No judgment. No grossness. No worries that gossip of their practice session would be all over the school on Monday. Just safety among friends.

“Sanjana? You want to go first?” Hayden asked.

Sanjana adopted a serious expression and scooted to sit in front of Hayden.

“Now we’ll begin with a basic kiss,” Hayden announced, looking at each of them. “Because if you can’t perform a simple kiss skillfully, you can forget about French-kissing with any finesse.”

With her notepad clutched tightly in her hands, Emmaline leaned in close to observe.

“What do I do with my hands?” Sanjana asked, lifting them up from her knees as though she wasn’t certain what to do with the appendages.

“You have a lot of options. You can touch the other person on the shoulders or arms . . .” Hayden demonstrated, resting her hands first on Sanjana’s shoulders and then her forearms. “Or not touch at all.” She dropped them to her sides. “For a kiss this simple it’s too intimate and aggressive to reach up and touch or hold the other person’s face. You’re starting out here. Don’t get ahead of yourself.”

They all nodded in mute agreement. It was sound logic, and Emmaline scribbled that into her notebook. Save face-holding for serious intimacy. Not for a casual make-out.

“All right.” Hayden settled her gaze on Sanjana. “Ready?”

Sanjana nodded, actually looking nervous.

Lia let out a panicky giggle and Hayden sent her a reproving glare. Lia pressed her fingers to her lips, punishing them to stillness.

Hayden readjusted her position, scooting closer in front of Sanjana. Sanjana also nudged forward . . . until their knees were touching.

Simultaneously, they leaned in and pressed lips. It lasted maybe three seconds.

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