Home > The Wicked Aftermath(64)

The Wicked Aftermath(64)
Author: Melissa Foster

Madigan raised her brows. “Ready?”

“What if he doesn’t like me dressed like this?”

Madigan snort-laughed. “Yeah, right. C’mon, hottie. Go strut your stuff.”

As Leah walked into the living room, Tank’s eyes locked on her. His jaw tightened as he put the girls down and dragged a hungry gaze slowly down the length of her, leaving an inferno in its wake. He closed the distance between them as the girls jumped up and down around them, and his chest hit Leah’s, backing her up toward the bedroom. He gritted out, “Girls, go play. I want to talk to your mama in private.”

His voice was so thick with desire Leah could swim in it. “Mads is here.” She couldn’t contain her breathlessness at the intensity of his stare. She’d never seen him look so greedy for her, and oh, how she loved it!

“I’m leaving,” Madigan said with a giggle. “I’m taking the girls to see Connie and Gingy!”

The girls squealed with delight as Madigan collected their jackets and said, “I’m leaving my keys on the counter and taking your car.”

“Just go,” Tank commanded, his eyes drilling into Leah.

Anticipation stacked up inside Leah as Madigan hurried the girls out the door. The second they were gone, Tank’s mouth claimed hers, pushing her backward into the bedroom. He feasted on her, fumbling with the buttons on her shirt. He cursed against her lips, grabbed her shirt with both hands and tore it right down the center.

“That was Madigan’s!” she said as he tossed it aside.

“I’ll buy her seventeen new ones.” He recaptured her mouth as he stripped her bare. His eyes blazed down her body, lingering on the PROPERTY OF TANK WICKED tattoo just above her sex. “Damn right you are.” He took her in another punishingly intense kiss, so demanding and confident, she wanted more—more of his heat, more of his greed, more of him. She palmed him through his jeans, earning a guttural groan, and he lifted her onto the dresser, leaving her panting as he grabbed a condom from the box in the nightstand drawer, quickly stripped naked, and sheathed himself. He wedged his big body between her legs, tugged her to the edge of the dresser, and drove into her in one hard thrust. He cursed, and she cried out with sheer pleasure, clawing at his back. He palmed her ass with one rough hand, holding tight as he pounded into her, his every thrust setting off turbulent explosions. There were no sweet words, no finesse, just raw passion drawing greedy sounds and hungry gasps. He tore his mouth away, lifted her legs, and held them open wider as their heated bodies slammed together. Prickling sensations climbed up her limbs, simmering, burning, boiling in her inner thighs. “Dontstop,” she pleaded as she grabbed the edges of the dresser for leverage.

His hips pistoned harder, taking her deeper, bringing a hurricane of sensations as overpowering and magnificent as the emotions they brought. His body flexed, hard and delicious, and with his next thrust, her head fell back and they both cried out. He released her legs, hauling her against him, and sealed his teeth over her neck, sending fiery heat blazing over her flesh as they careened into a world of rapture all their own.

When they finally, blissfully collapsed into each other’s arms, she panted out, “I guess it’s safe to say you like my costume.”

He laughed against her neck, and then he took her face in his hands the way she’d come to love, his dark eyes moving slowly over her face. “It’s not the clothes.” He kissed her softly. “It’s you, Lee. I spent today talking about you with family and friends, missing you. I’m so in love with you, when I saw you walk into the room, I just couldn’t hold back.”

Happiness bubbled up inside her as he lowered his lips to hers, breathing air into her lungs and even more love into her heart. But when their lips parted, the truth came out. “I love you, too, Benson,” she whispered. “I love you so much it scares me. I lost the last two men I loved.”

“Don’t be scared, baby.” He kissed her again. “Nothing is going to take me away from you.” He embraced her, whispering, “I promise.”

She clung to that promise as he stepped back to take off the condom, believing like the girls did that his promise could never be broken.

He hooked one arm around her, lifting her off the dresser. “Shower time, sexy girl. I got you dirty, and I’m going to have fun cleaning you up.”

She loved showering together when they could sneak one in before the girls got up in the morning, or after they were asleep. She headed for the bathroom, and he slapped her ass. She let out a surprised gasp and spun around. “What the heck, Tank?”

Confusion rose in his eyes. “I thought you wanted that.”

“Why on earth would you think I wanted to be spanked?” she snapped, although she wasn’t altogether sure she didn’t.

“The tattoo above your ass that says TANK’S TO SPANK.”

“What?” She stalked into the bathroom. “Madigan told me she was putting hearts there!”

He threw out the condom and pulled her into his arms, nuzzling against her neck. “Does that mean no spanking?”

“Yes. No. I don’t know.”

His eyes flamed. “Then I look forward to finding out.”

A little thrill shot through her. She turned around and looked in the bathroom mirror at the tattoo above her ass. “I’m going to kick your cousin’s butt.”

“I’m going to thank her.” He turned on the shower. “Let’s go, hot stuff.”

“Wait. I have to pin my hair up.”

“No you don’t.” He took her hand, leading her into the shower. “I’ll be the only one on their knees.”


“WE’RE BEYOND LATE, and Madigan will never lend me clothes again.” Leah wiggled into the sexiest leather bustier Tank had ever seen. “I can’t believe you ripped her shirt, which was a major turn-on, by the way. I like seeing you go all Hulk like that.”

“Want to see me do it again? Because if you wear that leather fuck-me top you’ve got on, it’s going to look like Peter Pan is hiding Pinocchio under the bottom of his shirt.” He pulled his tights away from his balls. “Between these ball huggers and this tight fucking shirt, I can barely breathe.”

“You could have told Rosie no.”

“No, I couldn’t. You saw her little face.”

“Thank you for loving them.” She went up on her toes and kissed him, then pushed her feet into a pair of Madigan’s boots and grabbed Madigan’s leather jacket.

“You look great, Lee. If you like Mad’s clothes, why don’t we go shopping and get you some of your own.”

“These clothes are just for tonight, for you. I’m more comfortable in my normal clothes. I might not be a real biker girl, but I’m your girl, and I wanted you to know that I love that part of your life, too.”

He swept her into his arms and kissed her. “I love you in your normal clothes almost as much as I love you naked. How about the boots and jacket? Do you want some of your own?”

“I love both, but I can buy those for myself at some point.”

He made a mental note to call Dixie tomorrow and order Leah the cutest damn jacket and boots they had.

She waggled her finger. “Get that look off your face. You are not buying me anything. We need to hurry. Are you ready?”

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