Home > Glitter(16)

Author: Abbi Glines

“I’m sorry, Lady Ramsbury,” I said with a small bow. “My brother isn’t fond of me as is common knowledge and I know you wish his attentions. I will leave you so he may find his way over to you. Thank you for your company. It was truly enchanting,” I said with my most charming of smiles and backed away before she could say more. I didn’t expect a protest from Lady Ramsbury and prolonging my departure was of no consequence. She would be wanting my brother’s attention and of that I understood. He was an earl and I was not. Her mother would be filling her ear with how important it was to keep Lord Ashington’s favor. I had to allow my brother’s less than shining personality pale in comparison to mine.

Pleased with my evening’s progress in that regard, I headed for the exit with no desire to stay in order to see my brother act broody in front of Lydia. He would do so and she would see it. Her mother would tell her to smile brighter and be more appealing. He would be less than charming. At the end of the evening, when Lydia was alone, she would remember the part of the night she had enjoyed most and I would be the star of that memory.

I spoke to few people as I retreated, not wanting to get caught in this circus any longer than necessary. There hadn’t been another dance card I had bothered with but, then I rarely did. Mothers who had heard the gossip of my brother’s interest this week were now eyeing me and nudging their daughters in my direction. Getting free was becoming more of an obstacle course than I had anticipated. After excusing myself for the fifth time, I was sure not to make eye contact as I went through the door.

The evening breeze was a blessed relief from the stifling warmth inside the ballroom. The breathtaking view of Miriam Bathurst in the moonlight just as her carriage pulled up was even more so a relief. She was a temptation I was weak to resist. Even if just to speak to her a moment.

“Miss Bathurst,” I called, just loud enough to draw her attention and that of her aunt. Both ladies turned to see me. While Lady Wellington beamed, making it clear she was pleased by my presence, Miriam scowled in… distaste. Such spirit that one. She wasn’t one to flirt or pout. She made her feelings quite clear in a dramatic fashion I truly enjoyed. She did not appreciate my not calling on her again or my preoccupation tonight. A proper English lady such as Lady Ramsbury would smile and pretend she hadn’t been affected by the slight. Miss Bathurst, however, would not. The simple fact had been difficult for me to ignore. I did not want Miss Bathurst to hate me or write me off. She should and if we were both to get what we came to London for then I should let her. However, at this moment, I realized I might not have the strength to do so.

“Mr. Compton,” Lady Wellington replied, turning fully around to face me. “You’re leaving so early?” I could see the sly look in her eyes as she asked it. I had given my full attention to Lydia tonight and no doubt Lady Wellington noticed. I saw the flash of challenge in her gaze as if she were about to take me down in the most ladylike of fashions. I did like this American.

“I’m afraid the evening has become a bore,” I replied with a smirk then turned my gaze to Miriam, who was studying her gloved hands as if she were the one bored. “Your dance card was full before I arrived. My loss I’m afraid,” I said trying to soften her. Last we had spoken, there had been laughter and something more I had been careful not to dwell on. However, that had been days ago and she’d heard nothing from me. The reception I was getting now was indeed deserved, but I wasn’t going to be able to let it go. I missed her smile… all of them. Especially the slightly wicked one.

“Yes, well, we must be going. Our carriage has arrived. Good night, Mr. Compton,” she said with a tight smile that very clearly told me to go to hell. That smile I could have done without. I had the sudden urge to grab her and press my lips against hers until they softened and moaned in response. I didn’t, of course, but the desire stirred none the less.

“You are leaving quite early,” I said, trying to stop her long enough to find the right words to make her smile at me again. The way she had on our walk.

“As are you,” she said then turned from me.

“Miriam has a headache,” Lady Wellington said in way of explanation.

I doubted that very much. Miss Bathurst was angry with me and possibly hurt. The idea of her being more than just angry made me feel unsettled in my gut. I wasn’t sure I could deal with the reality that I had caused her any pain. Yet another weakness she had revealed in me I didn’t know existed.

“I’m sorry to hear that,” I replied, looking back to Miriam as she placed her hand in the footman’s and he helped her up into the carriage.

“Goodnight, Miss Bathurst,” I said when I knew there was nothing more I could do to hold her here.

She took a seat and her gaze found mine once more. She gave me a small nod then again looked the other way. The regret that consumed me was something new. I wasn’t accustomed to this emotion. I acted and accepted my actions. I wasn’t one to regret them. Yet, not being able to coax one real smile from Miss Bathurst did indeed cause remorse. If only I hadn’t spent time with her. If only I hadn’t gotten to know her more than just the outward beauty. However, if it were even a possibility, would I go back and not go on that walk with her?

We had enjoyed our day in the park. At least I had so much so that I’d stayed clear of her after. She was dangerous for me, to my plans for my brother. Too appealing, too unique, too damn beautiful.

“Goodnight, Mr. Compton,” Lady Wellington said with an amused grin on her face. She was enjoying my situation and didn’t mind letting me know just how much. Her aunt made it clear she wanted Miriam happy more than she wanted to see her make a fine match.

“Goodnight,” I replied with a slight bow. “I shall see you soon, Miss Bathurst,” I promised then stepped back as the carriage pulled away, leaving me with only the warmth of the evening breeze.

Her sharp look at my last words caused me to grin when I truly had no reason to after that encounter. Miriam Bathurst would not make it easy on me to regain her good favor. However, I did so enjoy the challenge. Damn, if this wasn’t a predicament I was in. If only it was Miriam my brother had his sights on. My job would be more than the satisfaction of revenge; yet then again, I didn’t cherish the idea of using Miriam. Hurting her in any way seemed unforgivable. There was no clear answer to this. If I reacted so fiercely to the slight I had given her tonight then how would I live with myself if I truly hurt her? Could I make Miriam Bathurst fall in love with me then walk away? I wasn’t sure I could.

“She’s not your type, Brother,” the last word coming out in a disgusted drawl from Ashington.

Turning, I faced my brother, standing only a few feet away. He was the last person I expected to escape the ballroom tonight, especially after his late arrival. Was he not here to woo Lady Ramsbury?

“And pray tell, Brother, what do you know of my type,” I replied. Truth was my brother knew very little about me. He had chosen that years ago.

“I know she’s intelligent, not easily charmed, and in need of a wealthy husband,” he said, matter-of-factly.

Annoyance simmered in my gut. He spoke of Miriam as if he knew her. He had spent very little time with her and he knew nothing. “She’s witty, has a sense of humor, and when she laughs, her face is even more beautiful, which I find to be a true rarity. Yes, her family needs her to marry well but a title is of no importance. She is well read and can talk of literature for hours,” I paused then and took a step toward my brother. “Unlike you, she’s not another face I’ve inquired about. She’s a person who I have taken the time to get to know.”

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