Home > Glitter(17)

Author: Abbi Glines

Ashington didn’t flinch. He showed no emotion in his stony expression. “Yet, she couldn’t get away from you quickly enough.”

He had me there. Although there was reason for that, I wasn’t going to spend my time explaining it to him. She wasn’t part of my plan, and unfortunately, I wasn’t going to get to know her like I wished to. The fear I may never meet another female like Miriam Bathurst did nag at me. However, I had a score to settle with Ashington and revenge that must be met.

“Don’t talk about what you don’t know, Brother,” I replied.

“Actions are far louder than words, little brother. I believe I know more than you give me credit. I was here to witness the entire scene. Only Lady Wellington noticed my presence and I will say she seemed entertained by it all.”

I hated him. With every moment spent in his presence, I remembered just how much pain he had caused. I wanted nothing to do with the man in front of me. However, I had once promised my mother revenge and I would see it through.

“As always, it’s been a pleasure,” I drawled sarcastically and walked away from him before I let myself say anything to make him think I cared. He meant nothing to me as did the words he spoke. I would be free of him soon and he would have reason to hate me. I would give it to him and enjoy every last moment.



Chapter Thirteen

Earl of Ashington

“Is she a princess or perhaps a duchess?” Emma asked me with a hopeful expression. Her little cherub face was turned up to stare at me with wide eyes so full of wonder. She had noticed I was dressed for more than dinner at home and had begun asking questions faster than I could answer them.

“No, I’m afraid she isn’t a princess or a duchess, but I do believe you would like her just the same. She’s very beautiful,” I told her, hoping to let her down easily.

Emma seemed to take a moment to study that bit of information before continuing with her inquisition. “Is she the same lady you took to the opera last week?”

The child forgot nothing. Ever. It could be that Alice was correct and I did not need to share my outings with Emma. If she were going to remember each and every one that could become confusing for her later.

I shook my head. “This is a new lady,” I told her, truly hoping she wasn’t keeping a tally in her head of the different females I spent time with and how much was too much information. Alice often corrected me for speaking to Emma as if she were an adult. There were things not meant for me to tell a child. I wasn’t good at measuring what that line was and I crossed it often, it would seem.

“Is this lady prettier than the last?” she asked, her eyes lighting up again with curiosity.

I started to tell her the truth when Alice entered the foyer looking stern. “That is of no consequence nor is it proper to discuss such things, Miss Emma.”

Emma rolled her eyes and sighed loudly. I bit the inside of my mouth to keep from grinning at her spunk. “Tis a simple question, Alice,” she said swinging her gaze to her governess.

“It is rude for child and adult alike to ask such a thing,” Alice replied. “Now, say your goodnight and come with me. It is well past time for you to be in bed.”

Emma’s shoulders sagged. “Goodnight, Ashington,” she said in defeat.

“Lord Ashington, Emma. You are to address the Earl as Lord Ashington,” Alice corrected her firmly.

Emma ignored her and sighed again with a dramatic rise and fall of her small shoulders. “I hope she’s lovely and likes to laugh. For you need to laugh more,” Emma said then threw her arms around my legs and hugged them tightly.

I glanced at Alice whose expression softened. Emma had a way of doing that even to the stern Alice. It was why Alice hadn’t been sent running from the house already. Emma had been a test to her patience from day one. However, there were these small moments when she made it worth it. I bent down to give Emma a proper hug. “Goodnight, Emma. Dream of the best things,” I told her.

She nodded. “I shall.”

Alice didn’t toss out anymore stern orders and Emma walked over to her slowly and reached up to take Alice’s hand in hers. “Twas a good day wasn’t it, Alice?” she said, tilting her head back to look up at the governess as they retreated to the staircase.

“Yes, Miss Emma, I do believe it was,” Alice agreed.


The drive over to 18 Mayfair was short and I had little time to prepare for exactly what I would say to Miss Bathurst once we had some privacy. When I sent the invitation for her and her aunt to join me in my box at the opera, I hadn’t been sure of her acceptance. However, I was sure she had accepted due to her aunt, not because she truly wanted to. It was clear that Miss Bathurst wasn’t fond of me or my brother. I was going to do my best to rectify her dislike for me. As for Nicholas, I thought she was wise to keep her distance.

Emma had been so full of questions it had distracted me for a time. Now that I was pulling up to Wellington’s home, I was fully aware I might be in for a rather unfriendly female by my side this evening. Why this made me smile I wasn’t sure. What man wanted a surly women to entertain? Had I gone mad of late?

As the carriage came to a stop, I straightened myself and stepped down onto the footpath. With every step I took closer to the door, I reminded myself that I was doing this for Emma. I needed to spend time with Miss Bathurst to see if she was the fit we needed. Not just as countess but as Emma’s mother. It was a good thing Miriam Bathurst wasn’t meek and quiet, for if she were, Emma would send her running within a day. There was strength and confidence in Miriam Bathurst that Emma would require in a mother and that would be expected from a countess, especially when the ton began the murmuring and gossip about Emma. No matter my rank and power, Emma’s legitimacy would be in question. The lie I had in place was a strong one, but it would take a stronger female to pull it off.

The butler escorted me to the drawing room, assuring me the ladies would be down in but a moment. A maid had offered me tea while I waited but before I could respond, the loud American voice of Lady Wellington rang down the hallway. I smiled thinking of how she would be entertaining for Emma and how Alice wouldn’t approve.

Lady Wellington came swishing hastily through the door. “Lord Ashington, I would have had Alfred greet you, but he’s out for the evening. I do hope you haven’t waited long. Miriam will be down in just a moment. Would you like tea? Or perhaps a glass of brandy? I can send for some of Alfred’s best.”

Brandy did sound appealing right about now but I shook my head. “That won’t be necessary,” I assured her with a grateful smile.

My response seemed to make her nervous as she began fidgeting with her hands and her smile failed a bit. Perhaps I should have said yes. I didn’t mean to cause her undue stress.

“We are looking forward to this evening,” she said smiling. “We’ve talked of little else all day. Thank you so much for the invitation.”

I returned her smile knowing full well Miriam Bathurst had not spent her day gushing over the evening in my box at the opera. However, it was an amusing thought. I doubted Miss Bathurst gushed about much. She was not easily impressed or perhaps she was. There was very little about her that I did know. Nicholas had been right about that. I knew only what I had been told and the little time I had been around her to witness. Nicholas had more knowledge of Miriam and he seemed to find pleasure in that. Tonight I would seek my own information. Starting with conversation with Lady Wellington. She would be a well of information where her niece was concerned.

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