Home > Knocked Up(231)

Knocked Up(231)
Author: Nikki Ash

“And who said you were going to look anything less than perfect?”

“I’m just trying to make sure I pull off more of the ‘mother of your granddaughter’ look rather than the ‘harlot that had a one-night stand with your son and got pregnant.’”

I smile. “You’re certifiable, you know that?”

“Shut up,” she whines. “Now help me pick a top.”

“Can you please hold Alessia?”

“Rio, I don’t have time. We don’t have time.”

“Just humor me.” I hand her Alessia and she places her on her hip. I then turn us so we’re all facing the bathroom mirror.

“What do you see?” I ask.

When she doesn’t answer, I prod again. “Come on. We can get out of here faster if you tell me what you see.”

Her eyes roam across our reflection thoughtfully.

“My family,” she answers.

I place a kiss on the back of her head. “Exactly. That’s all she’s going to see. That’s all they’re all going to see. Our family.”

Blake runs a hand over Alessia’s hair. “I just want it to be perfect.”

Looking at our daughter, I mirror her action. “It will be,” I promise. “Everything about us is perfect.”



It takes another half an hour before we’re finally in my car and on our way to my mother’s for Sunday lunch.

My family has been dying to meet Blake and Alessia, but since there was so much that she and I needed to do and catch up on after reconnecting, this introduction—much to my mother’s disappointment—is taking place six weeks later.

To say my mother was thrilled at the prospect of being a grandmother again is an understatement. Despite Blake’s worries, there is no disapproval or judgement from my mother or the rest of my family on how Alessia came to be or that we were taking things slow.

The only thing my mother insisted on was that I show up for my daughter. “I didn’t raise a deadbeat father,” she’d told me. “I raised a brilliant, dedicated man.”

And I did show up.

Every day.

If I wasn’t at work or on base, I was at Blake’s apartment, learning everything there was to know about my daughter and undoubtedly, slowly but surely, falling in love with her mother.

I hadn’t told Blake yet, but there’s no denying that’s what I was feeling. She is everything I want and love in a woman and then some.

It didn’t hurt that she’d mothered our child. The way she was with her made my heart double in size.

The universe couldn’t have picked a better mother for my daughter.

We spent all our time getting to know one another, filling each other in on the lives we led outside the four walls of Blake’s apartment. The lives we led before.

She eventually told me about Chad, and I told her about my marriage and divorce. It was hard for both of us to dredge up the past, but the truth of the matter is, without it all we wouldn’t be here, together, today.

We also managed to tackle the big question of how did Blake actually get pregnant, because I was sure we used a condom and I don’t remember it breaking.

Turns out there’s a little warning on the packet that lets you know a condom is in fact not one hundred percent effective. Two out of a hundred people will become pregnant every year even though a condom was used.

If I didn’t believe in instant love and fate before Blake and Alessia, I sure did now.

I finally understood that all consuming passion that my family was always ranting and raving about, and I had no plans to let her go.

“And we’re here,” I inform Blake as I turn into my parents’ driveway.

Looking over at the woman who’s stolen my heart, I notice she’s nervously chewing on the corner of her lip. I reach over and tug it out from between her teeth. “You okay?”

“I’m so nervous,” she breathes out.

Stretching over the center console, I press my lips to her cheek. “It’s going to be fine, and if it’s not, we’ll leave.”

“I’m not going to make you leave your mother’s house. Alessia and I can just Uber home. Or I can get my mother to come out. She’s got a seat in her car too.”

And this was another thing Blake seemed to be obsessed with. Giving me an out. I don’t know if it’s because she’s used to being alone when it comes to Alessia—which I hate—or that she’s worried if things are a hassle I won’t stick around.

It’s our biggest point of contention, and when I narrow my eyes at her, she knows she’s put her foot in it again.

“I’m sorry,” she says quickly. “I’m being ridiculous. Your mom is going to love us.”

“And if you feel uncomfortable?”

“We’ll just go home,” she answers.

“See, that wasn’t so hard.” I guide her face toward me and meld my mouth to hers. Kissing always grounds us. Reminds us what we have, what we share, and just how right this is.

We get lost in one another, enjoying the unusual silence from Alessia, when there’s a succession of knocks on my driver side window.

Blake looks past me and then drops her chin to her shoulder, hiding her face. “I’m pretty sure that’s your mom waiting for us,” she says quietly.

Turning, I find my mother with a shit-eating grin on her face, looking at us expectantly.

“You guys can continue making out, but can I please see my granddaughter now?”

Quickly looking back at Blake, I check in before we get out of the car. “If you need anything just tell me.”

She nods and I lean over and give her another quick kiss, hoping it’s all the reassurance she needs.

When I finally climb out of the car, my mother doesn’t even bother with pleasantries. “Hurry up, Rio, I’ve already gotten a dozen new gray hairs waiting for you to introduce me to my granddaughter.”

Opening the back door, I unbuckle Alessia from her seat. She’s wide eyed and smiling, kicking the air, itching to be held.

The rapid pace in which she grows scares the shit out of me, but it’s been an absolute pleasure to watch her find her feet and thrive.

I pick her up and turn to my mother. “Ma, I’d like you to meet our daughter.”

She opens her arms excitedly, and I hand her Alessia. “This is Alessia Rosario Ricci.”

My mother’s face beams with happiness as she takes hold of my daughter, and I know she’s remembering the conversation we had when I told her Blake agreed to change Alessia’s last name to mine.

Raising her head, her gaze flickers between Blake and me, her smile never wavering. “Now all you have to do is change Blake’s last name and the three of you are good to go.”

Without a care in the world for our reactions, my mother walks away with Alessia perched on her hip and heads to the house.

I finally manage to look at Blake who’s just staring at my mother, her eyes wide and cheeks red.

When she opens her mouth and then closes it again, I almost feel bad at how shocked she is.

But that’s the keyword here, almost.

“What? Did something about what she said surprise you?”

“You’re not proposing, are you?” she asks, almost panicked

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