Home > Forever After All(26)

Forever After All(26)
Author: Kaylee Ryan

“Rip… I-I don’t understand this.”

“I want to hold you, McKenna. That’s what this is. Now go back to sleep.”

A little piece of my heart shatters. I’m falling hard and fast, and I don’t know what to do. I know this is going to lead to my heart being torn to shreds, but I can’t seem to stop whatever this is. Rip is a good friend, my best friend’s brother, and that’s all he’ll ever be.

Eventually, I fall back to sleep, only to wake a few hours later alone. Making a stop in the bathroom, I take care of business and head downstairs, where I find Colby and Rip in the kitchen. Colby’s sitting at the island watching Rip scramble eggs.

“Sleep well?” Rip asks.

“Yeah. Where’s Laramie?”

“Still sleeping,” Colby tells me.

I feel awkward just standing here, so I take one of the barstools and sit next to Colby. I’m barely seated before Rip is pushing a cup of coffee toward me. “Black,” he says by way of explanation.


“How’s studying going? You excited to get this test over with?” Colby asks.

“Excited, but ready for it all to be over if that makes any sense. I’m glad to be home for good. Missed all of you.” I make sure that I keep my eyes on him and not on Rip. Last night told me all that I need to know where Rip is concerned. He wants me, but he’s not willing to take me. I get it. We have history. Now I know. He regrets the kisses we shared. However, he still held me like I was precious to him. I’m so confused by his actions.

“You barely made it home the last five years. You think you can adjust to country living?” he asks.

“You can take the girl out of the country, but you can’t take the county out of the girl,” I say with a laugh. “I’m not going to have a problem,” I tell him.

“Well, I’m glad you’re home and will be here for the wedding.”

“Is that why you waited to ask her?”

“Partially. I also only plan to get married once. We were young when we started dating, and I wanted to give us both some time to grow up and be certain this is what we want. I want this to be for life. And yes, while I’m aware that’s the plan in regard to marriage, I feel many take it too lightly, and that’s not me.”

“You two have always known what you want.”

He nods. “Yeah, I have. So has she. But the thought of us getting married so young and it not working out, I couldn’t survive losing her as my wife.”

“You—” I point at him, fighting back the tears. “—you and Laramie are couple goals. The epitome of what a relationship should look like. I’d give anything to have a man love me half as much as you love her.” Surprising us both, I lean over and give him a hug. “Thank you for loving my best friend and treating her like the queen that she is.”

“She’s my heart, Mac.” Four words, a simple declaration of love, and I know those words come from deep within his soul.

“Morning,” Laramie says as she drags her feet into the room. She goes to Colby immediately, who has his arms open for her.

“Hey, babe,” he whispers.

“What are we talking about?” she asks, taking his cup of coffee and slurping down a huge drink.

“McKenna being home and her test. We’re going to have to celebrate once she takes this exam.”

“That’s not necessary.”

“Of course it is,” Laramie replies, more alert with some caffeine running through her veins.

“Let’s see if I pass it.”

“You’re going to pass,” all three of them say at once. My eyes find Rip’s, and he nods as if his words are the gospel.

“Fine,” I concede. “Just a bonfire and friends is enough for me. You know I don’t like all of the attention.”

“Tell that to my future wife.”

“You’re marrying her. Can’t you control her?” I tease.

“We all know there is no controlling Laramie Callahan.” He chuckles.

“Hey, I’m right here,” Laramie chimes in.

“Are you really going to dispute this, little sister?” Rip laughs.

“Nope.” She grins, taking another sip of coffee.

“I don’t know, maybe when you change her last name and have a couple of kids, that might do it.” I smirk. Laramie has already told me that Colby is eager to start a family. He says he wants to be young enough to keep up with his kids, not old and gray. At his twenty-five and her twenty-four, they are both a far cry away from being old and gray.

“A man can dream,” Colby remarks.

“Eat up,” Rip says, placing a plate of scrambled eggs and toast in front of each of us.

“Thank you.” I smile at him, and he nods. I can’t read the expression on his face, so I don’t even try. Instead, I turn my attention to my breakfast and chat with Colby and Laramie about plans they’ve already made for the wedding.



Chapter 13





Today is the big day. McKenna had to go to Dallas to sit for the bar exam. She left on Tuesday afternoon for the four-hour drive. My sister went with her. They’re going to do some wedding dress shopping while they’re there. I’ve been up since early this morning. Earlier than normal. I wanted to get a head start on things here so I can stop and call her, wishing her luck on her final day of testing. I also want to hear her voice.

“Morning,” she answers.

“Hey, beautiful. You ready? This is your last day, just a few hours, right?”

“I feel sick,” she confesses. “And yes, today is the final day.”

“Hey, now, none of that. You know this information. Your gramps has quizzed you. You’ve aced all of the practice tests. You’re going to ace it. I know it.” I wish I was there to hold her, to look into her eyes, and will her to believe me. I want to be the one to help calm her fears.

“I just want to pass.” She laughs. “I don’t care about acing it. Well, I mean, that would be nice, but I just want to pass. I want to start the next chapter in my life. The next six to twelve weeks is going to be torture just waiting in limbo.”

“You’re going to start helping out at the firm, though, right?”

“Yeah, but I can’t do anything. I can do research and type briefs, etc., but I can’t practice law. I busted my ass in high school to get a college degree at the same time as a high school diploma, then the rest of the undergrad and law school I did, the same to be where I am. I’m just ready to put this dream of mine to work.” She chuckles.

“McKenna, you’ve got this. Go do your thing. Be amazing, then relax. I have a surprise for you, but you don’t get it until after the test. Laramie will give you all of the details.”

“What did you do?”

“You’ll see. Go kick ass, baby. Call me after?”

“Yeah. I will. Thanks for calling. You actually helped calm my nerves.”

“Good. I’ll talk to you soon.” Quickly, I pull the phone from my ear and end the call. I would sit here and listen to her voice all day long, but we both know today is not that day. She’s going to go pass this test, and in six to twelve weeks, all of her hard work and dedication will have been worth it. And when she comes home to me, McKenna Dawson is who I want. When I think about my future, it’s always been McKenna standing next to me. Now all I have to do is make that happen.

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