Home > How Much I Love (Miami Nights #3)(46)

How Much I Love (Miami Nights #3)(46)
Author: Marie Force

“But so worth it in the end.”

Her desk phone rings, and she gets up to take the call. “Sure, Mona, tell him to come in.” She puts down the phone and goes to open the door for Wyatt.

My heart does this crazy somersault thing at the sight of him. I need to ask him if I should be worried about that, but I’m too busy staring at him to put the thought into words.

“How’d it go?” Carmen asks.

“Great,” he says. “I think they liked me. Because my schedule is so crazy at home, I’ve already done several meetings and toured the facilities remotely, so today was kind of a formality. But we’ll see.”

“When will you know anything?” Carmen asks.

“Mr. Augustino said he’d call me as soon as they make a decision.”

“Fingers crossed that it’s soon, so you aren’t twisting in the wind.”

“That’d be nice.”

I appreciate Carmen doing the grilling for me.

Wyatt smiles at me and reaches for my hand. “What’ve you ladies been up to?”

“Just talking.”

“And shopping for houses,” Carmen adds. “We found two possibilities near Maria’s that might work.”

“Let me see.” He leans over the back of my chair, surrounding me with his warmth and the subtle scent of his cologne.

I show him the two houses we found, and he loves them both.

“I like the one with the pool,” he says. “We could have some good parties in that yard.”

We visit with Carmen for a few more minutes, and then she walks us to the elevator. “Fingers and toes crossed for you, Wyatt. Let us know as soon as you hear anything.”

“Will do. Thanks again for the good word.”

“Hope it helps.”

When the elevator chimes, I hug my cousin. “Thanks for keeping me company.”

“Anytime. Call me about dinner.”

“Will do.”

“You guys are doing dinner?” Wyatt asks as we ride to the main floor.

“My mom is home, and their neighbor took care of dinner for tonight. I said I was sad about you leaving and wouldn’t have something to keep me busy. She immediately organized dinner so I’d have something to do.”

“I’m glad your mom is home, and I sure love your family.”

“They’re pretty great.”

He puts an arm around me as we walk to the parking lot. “I have a good feeling I’ll be back here very soon.”

“I so hope you’re right.”



Chapter 16






As my flight lifts off from MIA at six p.m., I look out at the place that’s come to mean so much to me in such a short time. Dee is down there somewhere, probably feeling as shitty as I do after saying goodbye at the drop-off area. Leaving her was painful, even if it’s only for a week. Less than a week. Six days.

We had the best time wandering around Little Havana. We saw cigars being made, watched the old men playing dominoes in the park and shared a Cuban sandwich. She cried when I bought her flowers and again when we said goodbye—for now.

I love her so much. She’s perfect for me in every way, from her boundless optimism to her sweetness, to the connection she shares with her family, to the way she cares so much about the people she loves. I’m fortunate to be one of them, and I know it.

Right before I boarded the plane, I received a text from my mom inviting me to a welcome-home dinner tomorrow night. We’re so glad you’re coming home!

The thought of sharing my plans with them fills me with dread, knowing they won’t be happy for me if it means I’m moving to the other side of the country. I hate that my news will upset them, but after having tasted paradise with Dee this past weekend, I’m sure that moving to be with her is the right thing for me to do, even if it upsets my parents.

At thirty-four, I should be long past the point where my parents factor into my life decisions. Still, it’s impossible to explain to people who haven’t experienced what a serious childhood illness does to the parent-child dynamics, even long after the “child” is a grown adult.

I’m exhausted from the sleepless night and nap almost the entire four-hour flight to Phoenix. When we land, I power up my phone and listen to the voice mail from Miami-Dade’s medical director, offering me a position on their cardiothoracic team. I was worried my health situation might be a deal-breaker. In the interview, they asked about my status, and I told them the truth—that I’m fine and intend to stay that way. I’m relieved that didn’t derail the process. He asks me to call him in the morning to discuss the details. It’s all I can do not to let out a whoop of excitement right there in the crowded plane cabin.

I put through a call to Dee.

“Hey, did you get there okay?”

“Just landed and got a message from Miami-Dade along with an offer.”

She lets loose with the shout I had to contain in a plane full of other passengers. “Congratulations, Wyatt. I’m so happy for you.”

“I’m so happy for both of us. It’s all coming together, baby.”

“It sure feels like it.”

“How was dinner?”

“It was great. We had Thai at a cool new place downtown.”

“Will you take me there sometime? I love Thai.”

“Anytime you want. I’m so excited, Wyatt.”

“So am I. I loved the people I met today at the hospital, and the job sounds great. But that’s the least of it.”

“Don’t be silly. You just got an awesome new job. You have every right to be excited.”

“The job has nothing on you. You’re the exciting part. I miss you so much already. I missed you the second you drove away.”

“I cried all the way home.”

“Aw, I hate to hear that.”

“They were good tears. The best kind. I just want to blink my eyes and have this week be over so we can be together again.”

“One more week and then together forever.”

“I can’t wait for together forever.”

“Me, either.” I talk to her all the way home and late into the night until we’re both yawning so much, we have no choice but to say good night.

I’m at work by six with back-to-back surgeries scheduled. Between surgeries, I meet with my department head and give him my two weeks’ notice. As a contract employee, I made sure I had an easy out if I needed it in light of my health situation. Most of the time, they’d expect at least ninety days’ notice. My boss is completely shocked to hear I’m leaving, but I never waver in my determination to chase the dream with Dee. When he realizes he’s not going to change my mind, he shakes my hand and wishes me well in my new position. But I can tell he’s pissed I didn’t give him more notice.

Time is one thing I can’t afford to waste.

I finish with my last patient just after five and leave my residents in charge of monitoring my patients, with orders to call if they need me. A little after six, I drive out of the parking lot in my black Audi SUV and head for my parents’ home. On the way, I call Dee, feeling cut off from her after not having spoken to her all day.

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