Home > How Much I Love (Miami Nights #3)(47)

How Much I Love (Miami Nights #3)(47)
Author: Marie Force

“Hi there, how was your day?”

“Long. But the highlight was giving my notice. How about you?”

“I’m still at work. Can I call you later?”

“I’m heading to my parents’ for dinner, but I’ll text you when I’m leaving there.”

“Sounds good. I miss you.”

“Same, babe. So bad.”

“I’ll talk to you in a bit. Enjoy dinner.”

“Love you.”

“Love you, too.”

I can’t believe I’m saying those words to a woman or hearing them back from her. Being in love with Dee is the highest high I’ve experienced since getting my second chance at life. She makes all the hell I went through to survive worth it. She’s the pot of gold at the end of a very long rainbow. Such thoughts would’ve been unimaginable to me before I met her. But now that I know she’s out there somewhere, the only thing in the world I want is to be with her.

I take that resolve with me into my parents’ contemporary home, covered in the solar panels my dad sells. His success in the solar industry has more than made up for the enormous financial hit they took when I was sick.

My mom is so happy to see me that she nearly squeezes the life out of me. I get my dark hair from her and my height from my dad.

“I’m so glad you’re home. Did you have fun?”

The best time of my entire life. “So much fun.”

“How’s Jason?”

“He’s great. Loving married life.”

“I’m so glad to hear that.”

She’s put out veggies and hummus for me and cheese and crackers for them.

“Something smells good. What’d you make?”

“Shrimp stir-fry. I got those snow peas you love.”

“Thanks, Mom.” She tends to me like a mother who’s seen her child through a nearly fatal illness—with relentless attention to detail.

“What’s new with you guys?”

“Dad landed a big new client that he’s excited about, and my class scored in the top one percent of all fifth grades in the state for reading on the recent statewide testing.”

“That’s fantastic on both counts.”

“It’s been a good month.”

And I’m going to kill their buzz with my news, which dampens my excitement somewhat. But then I think of Dee’s sweet face and what it feels like to lose myself in her, and I have no doubt I’m doing the right thing for myself—and her. We belong together, and it’s up to me to take the steps necessary to make that happen.

My dad comes in from work, pops open a beer and greets me with a one-armed hug. “Good to see you,” he says as if he hasn’t seen me in weeks.

I saw them the Sunday before last when we had brunch with my siblings. “You, too. I hear business is good.”

“Very good. Better than ever.”

“That’s great, Dad. Glad to hear it.”

“How’s the heart-and-lung business?” Dad asks.

“Busy as always. I did three surgeries today and have three more scheduled for tomorrow.”

“You’re not pushing yourself too hard, are you?” Mom asks. “You look tired.”

“I am tired. I had a busy weekend and a crazy day at work.” The lack of sleep over the weekend was worth it. “I’m normal tired, Mom. Nothing to worry about.”

Over dinner, I hear that my brother’s wife has gestational diabetes, and my sister is looking for a shelter dog to adopt. One set of grandparents is enjoying a visit in Palm Springs with friends, and the others are in upstate New York visiting my grandmother’s sister. Everyone is happy, healthy and doing well, which means my parents are in a good place, too, and my news will upset them. I hate that, but as I help them clear the table and clean up the kitchen, I force myself to get on with it.

“So, guys, I’ve got some news.”

They stop what they’re doing and turn to me. Their expressions are wary.

“Nothing bad. It’s kind of the best thing ever.”

“What is?” Mom asks.

“I’ve met someone amazing.”

“Oh, well, who is she?” Dad asks.

“Jason’s wife’s cousin, Dee. We were matched up at the wedding and really connected.” Oh, how we connected that day—and that night. “We’ve stayed in touch since, and, well, I’ve fallen for her.”

“That’s wonderful, honey.” Mom’s eyes sparkle with delight. “I’m so happy for you.”

“Thanks. I’m pretty damned happy for me, too. She’s… She’s everything. You’ll love her. She’s sweet and beautiful and funny and so devoted to her family. She’s one of four siblings, but they have a huge extended family. Her aunt and uncle run a famous Cuban-Italian restaurant in Little Havana, and they recently asked Dee to be their general manager. She’s so excited about the new opportunity.” I realize I’m gushing, but how can I not when talking about Dee?

“So, if she lives in Miami and you live here, how’s that going to work?” Dad asks, cutting to the chase the way he always does.

“I’m moving there. I got a job at Miami-Dade General Hospital. Dee and I, we’re going to make a life together.”

My mom is so flabbergasted that she stares at me in disbelief.

“Before you can tell me all the reasons why this is a terrible idea, let me tell you why I think it’s the best idea I’ve ever had. I’m truly in love for the first time in my life, and all I want is to be with her for as long as I possibly can. Yes, I only met her a couple of months ago. Yes, it happened fast. But we all know time isn’t on my side, and we want to go for it while we can.”

Dad clears his throat. “So she knows… everything?”

“She does, and she’s the one who convinced me to go all-in with her and us, to experience what it’s like to be in love, and it’s…” Now words can adequately express what she means to me or how it feels to be in love with her. “I had the best weekend of my entire life with her, and I can’t wait for more.”

“Is it fair?” Mom asks, tending to tears with a tissue. “To her?”

“Probably not, but she’s decided everything is going to be fine, and we’re not going to worry about what might happen in the future. We’re going to live like hell right now.” I can’t even talk about her without grinning like a fool. “I’m telling you—you’re going to love her as much as I do.”

They glance at each other but don’t say anything more.

“I’m sorry if this is upsetting to you, but I’m really happy, and I want you to be happy for me.”

“We’re happy for you, Wyatt,” Mom says. “It’s just a lot to process. We thought you were going to Miami to visit Jason, not to apply for a new job and start a whole new life on the other side of the country.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about the interview, but I didn’t think there was any point in talking about it until I got the job. And when I went there on Friday, I had no idea what to expect with Dee or whether it would be as great as it was the first time we met.” I didn’t think anything could top that first day and night with her. I was so, so wrong.

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