Home > The Summer of No Attachments(30)

The Summer of No Attachments(30)
Author: Lori Foster

   Forgetting that she was alone with a man for the first time in four years, Hope refastened her seat belt and asked, “How’d she do that?”

   “She sat Corbin and me both down and we talked it out. She made it clear she was still the boss—and the woman does like to be bossy, let me tell ya. She said she appreciated our help, and she loved us for being so considerate, but that she wanted us to go on being our usual selves, meaning into mischief and sometimes messy and nowhere perfect, and she’d go on correcting us, and we’d all just have to make do with our grief because that’s what would’ve made my dad happy.”

   What a wonderful way to tackle sorrow. “I can almost picture that, your mother talking to her sons and the love you all feel for each other.”

   He put the truck in gear and rolled forward down the drive. “Don’t think it was all roses, okay? As boys, Corbin and I were loud, rambunctious, argumentative little knuckleheads who got into too many scuffles. But that’s most kids, I think.”

   “Sounds like you two know what to expect with Justin.” This was nice. More than nice. Other than Ivey, she hadn’t had such a long, detailed conversation in a very long time, at least, not about anything other than a client’s pet.

   “Maybe, but so far Justin has been different. Not really sullen, but often more subdued than I’d like. I think he’s buried some pretty big worries down deep inside him.”

   Surprised by that observation, she said, “You think?” To her, Justin appeared to be a very sweet boy who smiled often.

   As he pulled onto the main road, Lang rolled a shoulder. “The thing is, you’re subdued, too, so you might not have noticed.”

   Why that insulted her, she couldn’t say, except that for the first time in forever, what someone else thought mattered to her. “Not everyone is outgoing and enthusiastic.”

   He briefly glanced at her, but the dark skies and continued rainfall kept his attention on the road. “No, they’re not. Some people are shy, some very sweet. Some just naturally quiet.”

   And some were cowards. Smoothing her hand over the damp towel, she avoided looking at him and said, “I’m all of the above.” He held silent, and that felt like encouragement. “I’m also very uncertain.”

   “With me?”

   The windshield wipers worked furiously against the downpour, adding a shush-shush-shush sound to the hiss of tires on wet pavement and the resounding roar of rain against the roof. Honestly, she confessed, “A little less with you maybe.”

   “I’m glad.”

   Thankful that her admission hadn’t scared him off, she peeked at him. Such a nice profile. Like Corbin, he had a strong jaw and masculine nose, but his hair always seemed to be a little more unruly than his brother’s. “I’m not sure why you’re different,” she whispered.

   “Chemistry,” he said without hesitation. “It’s there between us.”

   Hope blinked—and watched the firm line of his mouth tip in a half smile. “Chemistry?”

   “You know, I don’t think you’re as delicate as everyone, yourself included, seems to think. So I’m going to lay it out there.”

   Alarm sparked. “It?”

   “Yeah. My thoughts. The truth.” He flashed her another quick glance. “Okay?”

   Not like she could do anything about it being alone in his truck with him.

   He didn’t wait for her approval anyway, instead forging on...as if he spoke to a normal woman.

   “I think you’re pretty hot, Hope. Like that dark, slinky hair of yours and your inquisitive blue eyes.” His brows pinched together. “That’s what first drew my attention, right? I mean, I’m sure you’re used to guys noticing you.”

   Ha! Fat chance. She wasn’t used to that all. Not since... No. She didn’t want to think of him.

   Again, Lang continued without her having to contribute to the conversation. “I’m not a dumb guy, though, so I noticed right off that you were worried. I kept my distance, right?”

   “You did.” And she’d appreciated it.

   “But I was still drawn to you. That small way you smile, as if you’re not sure if you should. And the watchful way you kept an eye on me. It was a funny mix of reactions. Not ha-ha funny, but it sort of threw me, thinking you were sexy but getting the message that I should back off, and seeing you look so cute in your indecision.”

   Ivey had also told her she was cute. Was it true? Sadly, more often than not she couldn’t look at herself long enough to notice. She swallowed heavily. “That’s not what I see.”

   “In yourself, you mean?”

   She nodded, realized he was watching the road and cleared her throat. “I’ve been...” She couldn’t say afraid. “Worried for a really long time.”

   “Four years, I know. Ever since some asshole mistreated you.” He blew out a breath. “You know I’m different, right?”

   In her head she knew it. Sometimes that didn’t matter, though, when her reactions took over. “I do, it’s just that I still get jumpy.”

   Pulling into the grocery parking lot and finding an empty spot very near the front of the store, he put the truck in Park but didn’t turn it off. He didn’t look at her, either. Staring out at the flooding rain, his jaw clenched and his voice dropped to a whisper. “I can’t pretend to know what you went through or how it must have felt.” His hands gripped the steering wheel. Abruptly he shifted to face her. “I have a hell of an imagination, though. I spent the entire night thinking about you. I wanted to come see you right away but I figured that’d be over the top.”

   Caught in his direct gaze, Hope couldn’t look away. In the shadowy interior of the truck, his light brown eyes mesmerized her. He hadn’t moved closer, but the space between them seemed to disappear, making her breath quicken.

   “When I called and found out you were stuck, I was glad.” His gaze flickered over her face, across her cheeks, her chin, her mouth, before locking on her eyes again. “Gave me the perfect excuse to come see you.”

   Hope shook her head. “I can’t believe you wanted to.”

   “That’s because you’re not a man looking at an attractive woman. You don’t see what I see.” His hands relaxed, as did his intent expression. “You don’t feel what I feel.”

   Her heart tripped and she whispered, “What?”

   “I hope this won’t insult you, but protectiveness is top of the list.” He considered that, then gave a firm nod. “I want to protect you. I want you to feel safe with me.”

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