Home > The Summer of No Attachments(34)

The Summer of No Attachments(34)
Author: Lori Foster

   “Yup.” Justin gave a toothy grin to prove it.

   “Did your dad read you a bedtime story?”

   Curling his lip, Justin said, “I’m not a baby.”

   “Definitely not, but how about you indulge me?” Lang picked up the comic book on his bedside table. “This looks like a good one.” Werewolf. With some really incredible artwork.

   “I already read it,” Justin said.

   “No kidding? You can read all this?”

   Again, Justin said, “I’m not a baby,” but this time he laughed.

   “Well, I’ll read it with effect.” He gave an eerie, very monster-inspired laugh. “What do you say?”

   With new excitement, Justin nodded, then even scooted over to make room for Lang in the bed.

   Corbin smiled. “Not more than a half hour, okay? It’s getting late.”

   “You got it.” Once Corbin left the room, Lang got comfortable. Justin did as well, snuggling in against his side as if it were a nightly ritual. And by God, starting tonight, it would be. Having Justin there, so close, was something he knew he wanted to get used to.

   With exaggerated flair, Lang started to read. Justin was suitably enthralled. At one point, enjoying himself as he did, Lang decided he felt sorry for Darcie. Whatever misguided notions she’d had, whatever hardships life had dealt her, she’d deliberately given up this remarkable little boy.

   Someday he’d like to understand her, to know why she’d never told Corbin he was a father, to comprehend what mindset led her to believe she’d be better off without her son. If she’d only told Corbin early on, the entire family would have helped her.

   She’d made other choices and tonight, in this moment, he was glad that Justin was with them now.

   By the time he finished reading, exactly thirty minutes later, Justin’s eyes were heavy and he kept yawning.

   Carefully, Lang maneuvered him flat to the pillow and tucked him in. His hair was now smooshed on one side, so Lang smoothed it. “Love you, Justin.”

   His eyes already closed, he mumbled sleepily, “You, too, Uncle Lang.”

   Wow. Those profound words burrowed right into his heart, and he knew he’d never be the same. Funny how a man could go from never thinking of kids to loving one with all his heart in such a short span of time.

   He set the comic aside, quietly clicked off the bedside lamp and, leaving the door slightly ajar, went to find his brother.


* * *


   Corbin stood on the covered deck, drinking in the moist night air, listening to the soothing sounds from the lake and trees and wondering if he’d done the right thing, said the right words.

   Give Justin up? Never, not under any circumstances.

   “Hey.” Lang slipped through the sliding doors and joined him at the rail. After a second or two, he asked, “You okay?”

   “I am,” Corbin said, though he wasn’t. Not really. Finally he admitted, “Justin’s worries are my own. What if Darcie changes her mind?”

   “She signed over her rights to you.”

   Yes, thank God. Legally, she didn’t have a leg to stand on. But morally, did it matter? She was his mother. Darcie and Justin had a ten-year history that Corbin couldn’t just ignore. “I wouldn’t let Justin go, so don’t misunderstand. If I had to, I’d fight her in court.”

   “And we’d win,” Lang said, letting Corbin know he wouldn’t be fighting alone.

   “He’s mine and I’m keeping him.”

   Quietly, Lang said, “I know.”

   “But that doesn’t mean Darcie won’t want time with him...or that he might eventually want time with her.” Growing tension knotted the muscles of his neck. His hands fisted on the railing. “I’d understand if she did, if he did, but Jesus, it scares me. Knowing what I know now, how could I ever trust her?” Darcie had kept his son from him, and when Justin became too inconvenient, she’d dropped him off like an unwanted pet. She’d seemed high that day, a little unstable, definitely uncaring. Now he kept wondering...what else might she do? If it suited her, would she try to take off with Justin?

   Lang put an understanding hand on Corbin’s shoulder.

   “She has the ability to hurt him so much.” Corbin closed his eyes. “It’s taken a little while, but now he’s happy more often than not. He no longer watches me like he’s expecting the worst. He’s acting like a little kid again.”

   “And she could disrupt all that.”

   Corbin’s mouth tightened. “Yes.”

   Lang turned so that his back was to the railing and he faced Corbin. “I want to ask you something, and I don’t want you to hold back.”

   “Have I ever?”

   “No, but you’ve also never been a dad.”

   “True enough.” Somewhere on the lake, a splash sounded. Bugs darted in and out of the floodlight beams. Clouds rolled over the moon, then cleared again. “Let’s hear it.”

   Lang drew a breath. “I’d like to hang around a while.”

   That was supposed to be news? “I already figured you would.” Justin was a huge lure for Uncle Lang, but Corbin knew it was more than that, too. His brother worried for him and wanted to be supportive. Plus he was growing closer to Hope every day.

   Lang held up a hand. “Yeah, but I mean, I’d like to stay here. Not necessarily in your house, though I’ve enjoyed it so far.”

   Finally catching on, Corbin asked, “You’d relocate to Sunset permanently?” That shouldn’t have surprised him. Their mom was currently traveling with Hagan in the RV, but he knew as soon as she could, she’d show up, too. It was a nice thing to know that even if something happened to him, Justin would always be protected and cared for. His family would see to it.

   Never again would his son be dependent on one troubled woman who, for whatever reasons, hadn’t been able to prioritize him.

   “That kid’s already stolen my heart.” Lang looked out at the night. “But I worry about you, too. Yeah, I know, you can handle it.”

   Corbin snorted. “Trust me, sometimes I’m completely lost.”

   “Maybe. You wouldn’t be human otherwise. But damn, you’ve already impressed me so much.”

   “I wish I could be as confident as you.” Lately it felt like he second-guessed his every decision.

   “So would it be easier or harder to have me around?” Lang met his gaze. “I want to be here, for you and Justin both, but only if it’ll help and not hinder.”

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