Home > The Summer of No Attachments(71)

The Summer of No Attachments(71)
Author: Lori Foster

   Her eyes rounded at the word always. Yeah, he’d thrown that out there just to see her reaction.

   Not promising.

   Maybe she only wanted him to kick-start her sex life in gear again? What if she wasn’t as crazy about him as he was her?

   No, he wouldn’t think that. Hope wasn’t the type to use anyone.

   But he couldn’t let her delude herself, either. Plenty of people turned to sex when they needed an outlet. Him included. If that’s all Hope needed, he’d be there for her, but one way or another, he’d earn her love, too.

   “You look drained,” he said. “Why don’t you take a quick shower? I’ll give Corbin a call.”

   “You’re calling your brother now?”

   The grin surprised him. “Not to gossip about you or what we do together. Corbin and I outgrew that a long time ago. But I live there, remember? He might wonder if I don’t come in. He has enough on his mind right now without thinking something has happened to me.”

   “Oh yeah.” She shook her head. “I hadn’t thought of that.”

   “I usually read to Justin before he goes to bed.”

   “Darn. I’m keeping you from that, aren’t I? You could run home and just come back later—”

   Pressing a finger to her soft lips, Lang quieted her. “I guarantee Corbin will be happy to fill in. He’s grumbled multiple times over me getting to do it.”

   She heaved a heavy sigh. “You’re sure I’m not interrupting your routine?”

   Silly Hope. The woman offered him sex, something he’d wanted within minutes of meeting her, and then she worried that it might inconvenience him.

   “I’m sure.” He gave her a quick kiss. “Go on. I’ll be here when you come out.”

   More than a little reluctant, she went into the bedroom and opened the closet. Lang dug out his phone and dialed Corbin while striding to the far end of the living area to look out over the deck. Her apartment was small enough that there was really no place to go for privacy, but at least this way they weren’t tripping over each other.

   Corbin answered on the second ring. “Hey, what’s up?”

   “That’s what I was going to ask you.” He glanced back as Hope left the bedroom and ducked into the bathroom.

   “Get this,” Corbin said. “Mom took Justin with her to the RV park.”

   Wow. That was a big step for Corbin to let the boy out of his sight. “No kidding. How did Justin feel about it?”

   “He’s excited to sleep in the RV, and he wants to see the setup of the park. Mom described it to him, with a pool, a playground and a lot of other kids around. She made it sound exciting.”

   “So you’re letting him go?”

   “She swore she’d keep an eagle eye on him. You know how she is. She’s a good watchdog.”

   Lang laughed. “That she is. I’m glad you agreed.”

   “She’ll have him tonight and all of tomorrow, but they’ll be home in time for dinner.”

   “Sounds good.” Then, with more gravity, Lang added, “He’s doing great, Corbin. Every day he’s more and more like any other kid.”

   “Not so afraid of screwing up? Not as stunned every time something good happens?”

   “Yeah.” That about covered it.

   “Monday, Mom’s taking him clothes shopping.”

   “Huh.” Lang heard the shower start and stared hard at the bathroom door, imagining Hope in there and what she might be doing. With effort, he drew himself back to the conversation with his brother. “I was there when you asked him about shopping for new clothes. He acted like you’d asked him to eat a whole jar of olives or something.”

   “I know. That’s why I haven’t gotten him new stuff yet. I was biding my time until he got more comfortable, but all his clothes are either too small or too big. The thing is, Mom asked, and he agreed.”

   “She convinced him?” Their mother could be very convincing.

   Corbin laughed. “Actually, Justin whispered to me that it might hurt her feelings if he said no. Plus, Mom is going to let him pick out a few new books, too. He was totally on board with that.”

   Nice. He could see their mom using whatever leverage was needed. The woman was a master at getting her way. “So this means you and Ivey have the rest of the weekend to yourselves?”

   “We’re not running you off.”

   Ha! No, Corbin would never tell him to get lost, but he’d probably be glad to hear he’d have some privacy. “Just as an FYI, I’ll probably be staying here for the night.”

   Surprise hung in the air. “Here?”

   “With Hope.”

   After a slight, suspended silence, Corbin said, “Move with caution, okay?”

   “Gee, thanks. What would I do without your advice?”

   “Probably screw up.”

   Lang chuckled. “Possibly—but I doubt it. Not with something this important.” Someone this important.

   “I know,” Corbin said more seriously. “I’m just giving you a hard time. I’m glad to hear things are moving along. She deserves to be happy.”

   “Agreed.” Could she be happy with him? God, he hoped so.

   “Not that you need it, but good luck.”

   The hell he didn’t. Right now he needed luck and control in equal measure. “Thanks. I’ll see you tomorrow sometime.”

   Just as Lang put the phone back in his pocket, Hope stepped out of the bathroom. She wore a white, wraparound terry cloth robe, tied at the waist with a matching belt, had her towel-dried hair combed back, and she looked at him with great expectation.

   Yup, he was definitely getting hard, and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it.

   Except love her and hope it was enough.



Chapter Sixteen

   Despite the urge to rush, Lang took his time in the shower. While he went over plans in his head, he realized he had nothing to change into.

   Would Hope mind him wearing only a towel? She was a sensible woman, so odds were she’d already considered the complications of her spontaneous invite. Still, he didn’t want to alarm her.

   Losing a towel would be so easy.

   Losing her robe, too.

   Yeah, and thoughts like that would not help him keep it together.

   After fifteen minutes, the water started to run cold and Lang knew he was pushing his luck. After drying off and finger-combing his damp hair, he folded his clothes—with his wallet on top of the stack—and wrapped the towel around his hips. He stepped out of the bathroom.

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