Home > The Summer of No Attachments(73)

The Summer of No Attachments(73)
Author: Lori Foster

   “Then why have you excluded me all week?”

   His brows leveled. “I’m sorry if you thought I was.”

   Hope shrugged. “You’ve spent time with me, and I’ve enjoyed the boat rides. I’m not complaining about that. Everything changed, though, and I wasn’t sure...what to think.”

   “I should have explained.” Pressing a firm kiss to her mouth, he said, “I wanted to protect you. Not only does Mom come on strong, she’s a master at making assumptions. I’d worked so hard not to pressure you, I didn’t want her to, either.”

   That sounded like a convenient excuse, yet as soon as Hope thought about it, she discarded the notion. Lang wasn’t that way. Far as she could tell, he was always honest with her. “Ivey told me that about her.”

   As if they’d been in this very position numerous times, he put a leg over hers. “If Mom has her way, Ivey and Corbin will be married before they know what hit them.”

   She knew Ivey would be thrilled—if Corbin was willing. “How does Corbin feel about it?”

   He slowly grinned. “This is the strangest after-sex convo I’ve ever had. First questions about my mother and now my brother.”

   Hope pushed at his chest. “Well, I’m not exactly up to speed on these things.”

   Laughing, he kissed her. “You could try complimenting me. Tell me I’m the best—”

   “You’re the only,” she pointed out, then balked as ugly memories tried to intrude. “The only one that matters.”

   He smoothed her hair. “You amaze me, Hope. I had all these dumb misconceptions about how you would handle things. I underestimated you, I’m sorry for that. The truth is, I’d love for you to meet Mom. She’ll be there at dinner on Monday if you want to join us.”

   Cue the guilt. Knowing she’d just coerced him, Hope frowned. “I didn’t mean to twist your arm.”

   “That could be kinky if you want to give it a try.”

   The grin threatened; he was always so funny, even now. She loved that about him. “Be serious.”

   Turning to his back on the bed, Lang pulled her half over him. After a yawn, he said, “When you meet her, you’ll understand. Going forward, though, know that I want you in every part of my life. If I screw up and don’t make that clear, call me on it, okay?”

   She froze even as her heartbeat picked up speed. “Every part?”

   Warm brown eyes smiled at her, and he said gently, “I love you, Hope, so yeah. Every part.”

   “Lang!” When she tried to sit up, he tightened his hold, keeping her right there against his heart.

   “I’m not pressuring you, okay?” His hands gentled, fondling her in delicious ways. “But it’s the truth, I’ve never known anyone like you. I think I fell in love with you that first day I met you in your driveway.”

   “You did?” All she remembered of that first meeting was how she’d cowered in her car.

   “I swear, I don’t plan to live with Corbin forever. In fact, I’ve been checking into property around here to open a sports complex, so I won’t be a man of leisure forever, either.”

   That he wanted to share his plans with her filled her with warmth. “You don’t have to explain yourself to me.” Had she given that impression? “I know you’re here for your brother.”

   “And my nephew, yes. And now you.” He squeezed her again. “I love the area, I love my family and I want us to have a life together. Here, in Sunset.”

   So much excitement made it difficult for her to organize her thoughts. “Are you...?” Did she dare say it?

   She didn’t have to, because Lang did. “Asking you to marry me? Yeah. What do you think of that?”

   This time he couldn’t restrain her. She bounced up with a loud squeal that had him laughing again.

   “Can I take that as a yes?”

   Throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him multiple times, Hope said, “Yes, absolutely yes.” She could barely catch her breath. “I love you so much, and I think you’re incredible, but I wasn’t sure how you felt so I didn’t want to make assumptions.”

   “I admire you, Hope. Especially your strength.”

   That slowed her down enough to ask, “My strength?” Overall, she was pretty darned scrawny.

   “Strength here.” Smiling, he touched her forehead with a fingertip. “And here.” He rested a hand under her breast. “The way you handled your sister today proved you have a great well of strength, enough to forgive, and that’s more than many people have.”

   Her heart felt full enough to burst. “I admire you, too, you know. You’re so loyal to your family, and you’re funny and smart.”

   “And handsome,” he teased.

   “Definitely that.” Another thought occurred to her. “One thing, though.”

   His dark eyes drifted over her face with so much heat, she felt singed. “Anything you want.”

   She liked that idea a lot. “Let’s take our time. Not because I don’t love the idea of being married to you, but Justin is still adjusting and Corbin is already slammed. Plus I know Ivey feels a little bit in limbo right now. I want to share with all of them, but I don’t want to add to the chaos.”

   “Understandable. As long as you don’t mind if I stay with you often. I like holding you like this, Hope.”

   “I like it, too.”

   “Then we’re in agreement.” Tugging her back into his arms, he said, “Now that we’ve got that settled, let’s get some sleep—and tomorrow I’ll store a box of condoms in your nightstand.”

   Loving that idea, and especially loving him, Hope fell asleep with a smile on her face.


* * *


   On Monday, silence reigned at the dinner table. Corbin glanced around, taking it in. Everyone seemed cautious, except for Justin, who chatted about everything, and his mother, who smiled conspicuously as if she knew a secret.

   On her drive over from the RV park, she’d picked up barbecue for dinner with coleslaw, pasta salad and a cake for dessert. It was a simple meal, but the company was a little complex—or so it seemed to Corbin.

   His mother had, of course, enveloped Hope with her boundless affection. And why not? Hope was a doll, plus she made Lang happy. Her quiet demeanor didn’t put off his mother, it just gave her additional opportunity for hugs because Hope didn’t protest.

   A few times there, it actually looked as if Hope relished the embrace. Maybe because her own mother hadn’t been very demonstrative. Just the opposite, from what he understood.

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