Home > Destined (Lair #4)(16)

Destined (Lair #4)(16)
Author: A.M. Madden

Screw that. My mark would be made because not only could I sing, but I fucking rocked a bass guitar better than any eighteen-year-old out there. Cocky but true.

Beyond the party tonight, we had so much to look forward to. This summer was going to be fucking epic. And the best part: once August came, it wouldn’t be dread I felt because it was coming to an end but excitement that Alivia and I would practically be living on our own. I couldn’t fucking wait.

Alone time had been a challenge for us. We hadn’t had much privacy since prom… and I’d had the chance to fuck her only one other time. The making-out sessions were nothing more than a cruel tease, and I desperately needed more. Just thinking about it had my cock swelling. Apparently, the shiny blue dress I had on over my black slacks and black briefs wasn’t enough fabric to keep it contained. I quickly focused on Mrs. Hallow sitting on the stage, and thankfully the tight gray curls and Easter-egg-purple dress she wore did the trick.

“On this profoundly important day…,” Mr. Trainer’s voice echoed around us, further helping to deflate the situation between my legs. “I commend you on all your accomplishments and all those you are yet to conquer. Let your dreams motivate you, let your hearts steer you, and let your minds push you to constantly grow. I know you are all capable of great things. It’s up to each of you to use your time on this planet to achieve them.”

Wrap it up… wrap it up… but instead, he began reciting a long list of names who had all contributed to our education.

“Ugh,” I muttered. “Fuck me.” When chronic sniffer glanced at me, I shrugged.

“It’s been a pleasure guiding you…” He paused theatrically. “Mentoring you, teaching you, watching you all grow into the fine young men and women you are today. You’ll leave here always having a piece of our fine institution in your hearts. You’ll leave here with connections that have brought you all together as a family. In conclusion, make your marks on the world and make us proud…” When he raised both arms in the air, you could hear a collective sigh of relief. “Congratulations to this year’s graduates of Windsor-Horne Academy!”

Instantly, my entire graduating class stood and tossed our caps into the air during thunderous applause. I barely waited for one of the blue squares to float back down before snatching it and pushing my way past the rest of the students in my row to beeline toward Alivia.

“Shane Lair! Get back to your place in line,” Mr. Martin barked when he saw me heading down the aisle in the opposite direction. But I ignored him. What was he going to do, suspend me?

By the time the first note of the “Graduation March” began to play, I had Alivia in my arms, prompting others to step around us.

“We did it, baby,” I said into her hair while she squeezed my neck tightly.

“Yes, we did,” she echoed, pulling back to look into my eyes with that brilliant smile lighting up her face. I couldn’t resist, and not caring that thousands were probably watching, I held her face and kissed her long and hard. Whistles and “Get a room!” comments were thrown at us, but surprisingly Alivia kept that smile against my lips while getting lost in the moment.

It was when Mr. Martin cleared his throat and poked my shoulder that she finally snapped back to our surroundings. “Okay, you two… move along.”

After having done what I had set out to do, I gripped her hand in mine and tugged her out of the row of chairs to fall at the very back of the line parading toward the exit.

The chatter continued, but two distinct voices projected over it as we heard, “Woo-hoo, Liv and Shane!” Alivia and I twisted to see two rock stars we knew well pumping their fists, hooting, and hollering in their places. As if they didn’t already stick out like soar thumbs among the sea of khakis and button-down shirts. And if their casual black from head-to-toe apparel didn’t set them apart, Trey’s tattooed sleeves did the trick.

Meanwhile, our moms shielded their eyes behind bent fingers, embarrassed over their ridiculous spectacle.

“Yeah, baby!” I hollered back, raising my cap over my head in a victory pose. “Time to party our asses off!” A few parents with sticks up their asses tsk’d, but at least I got some chuckles from the lingering crowd.

Quickening our pace, I tugged her along until we joined the rest of the graduates outside. “Anxious, are you?” Alivia asked before shaking her head.

“Just a little bit.” I ignored the chaos around us as students hugged friends, and others searched for their families. Without a care in the world, I simply steered us away from the mayhem. “Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for this day?”

“Knowing you, since kindergarten,” she deadpanned.

“Yes!” It was true. Except for music class, gym, and lunch, I hated everything about school. “The tutoring, the cramming, the endless useless information that I’ll never use again in my lifetime… it was all stupid bullshit.”

Alivia shrugged. “And you have four more years of said bullshit coming to you.”

“Nah… that’s different. I’m there by choice…”

“Not really by choice. You’re only going to NYU because—” She stopped and shook her head. “Well, if it weren’t for your parents and me, you’d truly be done with school life.”

“Not true,” I argued. She didn’t look convinced when I went on to say, “It’s totally different. I’ll be playing with you and playing my bass whenever I choose to. That alone will make college a lot more tolerable.”

“Well, not all of us have a talent to fall back on, Mr. Rock Star in the Making.”

“You do.”

One perfect brow rose in challenge. “If you say something sexual, I’ll smack you.”

“Well, I wasn’t going to, but besides all that…” I released her hand to wrap an arm around her shoulders. “You are the best girlfriend in the world. Takes talent to snag that title.”

“You’re an idiot.”

Nestling my nose against her ear, I whispered, “An idiot who loves you.”

“There they are!” I heard my mom’s voice projecting over all the others. Seconds later, our cheering section appeared, and Alivia and I were both engulfed in hugs before they all began talking at once.

After countless photos, more hugs from friends, including a long, sob-filled one between Kim and Alivia, I was ready to get the fuck out of there, ditch the dress, and start partying.



“You look so handsome,” my mom said, smoothing a hand over my hair. “Paula would be so proud of you.” Emotion shimmered in her amber eyes. It was times like this when she had my biological mother on her mind… as did I.

In an attempt to break the tension, I pulled away and put up a hand to block her. “Mom. Stop. It took me ten minutes to get this look.”

Dad laughed. “That’s eight minutes more than you usually spend on your appearance, and it looks the same.”

“Ha ha.” I began fiddling with the silver dog tags Alivia had given me as a graduation gift. They had our initials and birthdates engraved on them, as did the bracelet I had given her. It wasn’t an accident that our presents coordinated… my idea.

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