Home > Sawyer (Rydeville Elite #6)(48)

Sawyer (Rydeville Elite #6)(48)
Author: Siobhan Davis

She nods, smiling. “You finally pulled your head from your ass. That’s great. Now what are you going to do about it?” Picking up the knife, she resumes slicing.

“Right now, I’m giving him the space he needs while planning ways to win him back.”

“Go big or go home, Hunt.” She waves the knife in my face. “And if you fuck things up again, I will use this on you. Your dick will be the first to go.”

“Jesus Christ. You’re definitely Drew’s twin.”

Her brows knit together. “What does that mean?”

I pop a tomato in my mouth, chewing it slowly as I watch Drew through the window. He’s leaning back in his chair, giving off an air of casual indifference as our friends laugh and chat around him, but he’s taking it all in. Not missing a thing. “Your brother has a lot of aggression inside him and a dark side I believe none of us have come close to seeing.”

She sets the knife down. “Should I be worried?”

“I don’t know.”

She stares out at him. “I wish I knew what was going through his head, but he’s so guarded. I actually think he’s worse than you.”

“I’m a changed man. Just watch and see.” I waggle my brows.

“I really want you and Xavier to make a go of it, but only if you are all in, Sawyer. You can’t hurt him again. I don’t think he could handle more rejection.”

“How bad is it? He’s been quiet this week, and I know he’s hurting.”

“He’s more freaked out about the shootout than hurt at Jamison’s betrayal. I heard his body was pretty gruesome.”

“It was, and I knew he was freaking out. He let me comfort him in the car, but the second we rolled into Rydeville, he shut me out.”

She stops slicing onions to run her hands and the knife under cold water. I grab a tissue from the box on the window ledge and hand it to her.

“Thanks.” She dabs at her leaking eyes. “He’ll come around, Sawyer, and I think you’ve given him enough space. Now, you need to prove to him your love is the real deal. You’ve got to show him, beyond a shadow of a doubt, you are sincere, devoted to him, and planning to stick around for the long haul. He needs reassurance and commitment. Risking his heart on you again will take trust on his part, and you have to do the work now.”

“I’m prepared to do whatever is necessary. I won’t stop until he knows and trusts I am the man he needs me to be.”









I finish presenting my report to the board and the CTO and reclaim my seat beside Sawyer. He squeezes my leg under the table and smiles. “You were fucking amazing,” he murmurs.

“Thank you, Mr. Daniels,” Ethan Hunt says, his brow puckering as he watches me and his son with our heads bent together. “That is excellent work. Russell tells me you have agreed to supervise the technical team to bring this project to a conclusion. Techxet is grateful for your expertise.”

“I’ll help,” Sawyer says. “We’ll get it wrapped up before we both need to head back to Massachusetts.” Sawyer starts his sophomore year, along with our other friends, in two weeks.

Ethan Hunt frowns. “I assumed you’d transfer to West Lorian U. I’m not sure your new bride will relish the idea of living in Rydeville.”

“I’m sure we don’t need to discuss this in front of the board.” A muscle pops in Sawyer’s jaw. “I would like to talk to both of you after we are done here,” he adds, his gaze dancing between his parents.

Surprise bubbles up my throat, because that’s news to me. I assume he’s going to tell them he’s filed for an annulment. I can’t see that going down well with Ava or Ethan.

“I was hoping you’d agree to relocate permanently to HQ,” Russell Chalmers, the CTO says, swiveling in his chair to face me. “You have been a huge asset to this project, and you’re a massive asset to this company. You are the smartest technical specialist we have on the team, and I see a very bright future for you within Techxet.”

Sawyer jerks his head to mine, and I spot pride mixing with panic as he stares at me.

“Thank you for saying that. It’s good to know I’m valued. I appreciate the offer, but this is only temporary,” I tell my superior. “My life is in Boston and Rydeville.”

Sawyer visibly relaxes, squeezing me under the table again. Ethan narrows his eyes. It’s almost as if he can see through wood and he knows his son has his hand on my thigh.

“I know Justin will be happy to have you back,” Russell says of my boss back in Boston.

“If that is all, I think it’s time we wrap up,” Warren Feldman, the CFO, says. “I have some more information to prepare before our three o’clock meeting at Barron Banking and Financial Investment Services.”

“Good work, team,” Ethan says, and I smother a snort. “Let’s work to move our finances and secure our systems by close of business on Friday. Approve overtime where necessary, but get the job done.”

Chairs screech as the board members gather their stuff and make to leave. I shut down my Mac and stand.

“Don’t go.” Sawyer tugs on my arm. “I want you to stay for this.”

I arch a brow but say nothing, standing beside him.

“Let’s move this to my office,” Ethan Hunt says. His suspicious gaze is firmly fixed on me as the four of us leave the boardroom and walk the long hallway to the CEO’s office. “Hold my calls, Magdalena,” he says as we pass by the kindly older woman who is his right-hand woman in the office. Magda deserves the Nobel Peace Prize for putting up with Ethan’s prudish, boring ass for so long. I don’t know how she does it.

“Hey, Magda.” I flash her a smile, stopping by her desk. Hunt’s parents continue into the office, but Sawyer lingers. “How did your date go last week?”

Sawyer smiles, amusement dancing in his hazel eyes.

“It was another washout.” She rolls her eyes. “I think I’ll be taking a back seat on the dating front for a while.”

“Don’t give up too soon,” Sawyer says. “Your Prince Charming could be just around the corner or even right under your nose.” He slants me with a pointed, flirty look.

“I’m taking you out for cocktails tonight,” I say, deciding on the spur of the moment.

“We’re taking you out,” Sawyer corrects me. “If you’re determined to steal the affection of my best girl, then I at least deserve a fighting chance.”

Magda emits a tinkling laugh, patting Sawyer’s hand. “Sweet boy. There is more than enough room in my heart for both of you wonderful charmers. I’m sure my old heart doesn’t know what to do. And to think I was feeling a little melancholy today.”

Sawyer leans down, kissing her on the cheek. “Then it’s decided. Let’s eat first. You pick wherever you want to go, and make a reservation in my name.”

“Choose someplace snazzy, and I’ll help you find some charming gentleman to sweep you off your feet.”

“If only I was young again and you weren’t gay.”

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