Home > No More Words : A Novel(55)

No More Words : A Novel(55)
Author: Kerry Lonsdale

On the way out of town, they stop at a CVS for road snacks and drinks. Olivia caves and buys the Marlboros she’s been craving all day. Josh settles into the front seat, listening to music. She lights up as soon as they leave the store and stands beside the car, burning through the mix of tobacco and chemicals that are wreaking havoc on her lungs. But she doesn’t give a shit. Her sister is—as Josh put it the day he arrived—gone, and their dad is likely behind her disappearance.

Olivia’s fingers tremble as she waits for the nicotine hit. She texts Lucas, first asking him if he’s heard anything from Dwight, then tells him he’s a dick for not texting anything all day. Dwight should be home by now. Lastly, she tells him to meet her at the house tomorrow. They’re going to confront their dad together. She then calls Blaze.

“Hey, been thinking about you all day.”

She inhales, and her exhale is a long sigh. “It’s so good to hear your voice.”

“Rough day?”

“Long.” She’d texted that morning she and Josh were driving to Oceanside. “I have a favor,” she asks.

“Name it.”

“Will you search for a Jenna Mason? Find out if a missing persons report has been filed. And call the hospitals in the San Diego area. See if they have a patient by that name.” Lily could be in a coma or physically incapable of returning home.

“Wait, wait, wait. Are we talking about the Jenna Mason, that cartoonist you like?”

“Yeah.” She’s laughed out loud a time or two watching Lily’s three-minute animations.

What a trip. To think Lily was right there all these years and Olivia didn’t know it. But did anyone know Lily was Jenna? Did she legally change her name or is Jenna a pseudonym?

“She’s Lily?” Blaze asks, stunned. “Holy shit.”

“I’d make those calls but Josh is with me in the car. I don’t want him to worry.”

“Say no more. I’ll take care of it.”

“Thank you.” She rubs her shoulder. Blaze gives the best neck massages. She could use one. Her upper back is tight from driving all day and the added stress of finding Lily and comforting Josh.

“Driving home tonight?”

“We’re about to head back.”

“Do you want to stay here?”

Relief is a warm blanket of embrace. “Would that be all right?”

“I’d prefer it. I’ll wait up. I love you.”

“Love you too.” She marvels at how easy the words come to her when she says what she feels.




Blaze is kicked back on a porch chair when Olivia and Josh arrive at his house shortly before midnight. Lately, Olivia has been a night owl. She’s just waking up around this time, running on nerves and nicotine. Tonight she’s physically exhausted. While she’s crushed Lily wasn’t home, she did come back with something: Lily’s new name and confirmation Dwight has been in contact with her.

Blaze stands when they mount the steps. “Hey.” His mouth is by her ear, his voice drowsy. He kisses her cheek. His hand lightly grazes her lower back as he leads them into the house.

She just wants to crash, but Blaze hopefully has news to report, which she wants to screen before Josh hears in case it’s upsetting.

“We’ll talk in the morning,” she says when Blaze points him to the guest room. Josh was quiet for most of the drive, disappointed they didn’t find Lily. Yawning, he drags his feet down the dark hallway. The light turns on and the door quietly clicks in its latch, casting the hallway into darkness again.

“Want a drink?” Blaze asks.

She shakes her head, covering a yawn. “I’m good.”

She pats his chest and follows him into the bedroom. He toes off his sneakers and stretches out on top of the covers, fully clothed. Olivia changes into her sleep pants and a tank. She washes her face and brushes her teeth, then crawls under the sheets.

Blaze rolls toward her. He lightly skims his fingers down her arm. Skin sensitive to his touch tingles.

“How are you?” he whispers.

“Exhausted.” Her eyes are heavy. It’s an effort to keep them open. “I’m worried about Josh.”

“I know.” He weaves his fingers with hers.

“He was so angry when he got here, and now? I don’t know. He was almost too quiet on the drive up. I’m worried he’s giving up.”

“Was the trip that much of a time waste?”

“No.” Aside from Lily’s name and proof Dwight found her, she might have a lead on Josh’s father. If she can’t locate Lily, or find her through Dwight, maybe she can find him. He might know where Lily could have gone. If she wasn’t abducted, she could be there now. Before she and Josh left the CVS parking lot, Olivia finally looked at Dwight’s photos. They were grainy, slightly unfocused, and appeared to be taken from across the street from wherever Ethan parked his truck, the one he drove in high school. It looked like the 7-Eleven. There were two people in the truck’s cab kissing. At first she was shocked to see Ethan’s truck and what that could mean. But one person was certainly Lily. She’d recognize her auburn hair anywhere. The other was a boy with light hair. For a second her stomach bottomed out and she feared Ethan lied to her. But this boy was definitely close to Lily’s age. She could see how Dwight mistook him for Ethan, but he wasn’t filled out like Ethan, who would have been twenty-one at the time. His face isn’t visible in the photo, but even she could tell the shape of his head wasn’t Ethan’s. She did text Ethan the photos, asking if he could identify the guy in his truck. He hasn’t texted back yet.

Then there’s her dad. Tomorrow they’re going to talk. About Lily, Josh, and whatever happened between them, fourteen years ago and now. If they never locate Lily, Josh remains in her care. Dwight might be dangerous, but she refuses to live in fear of her own father. Unlike Lily, she won’t run. She won’t let him bully her, or hurt Josh.

“Any luck with your calls?” she asks.

“Depends what you call luck. I called close to thirty hospitals and clinics. She wasn’t registered as a patient. I’ll call more tomorrow, cast a wider net. I didn’t find a death certificate or missing persons report either.”

“No one we talked to realized she was missing until we started asking questions.”

“It’s only been a few days,” he reminds her. “And that Glenny woman thought she was out of town. Lily’s friends probably think the same.”

“Where could she have gone?” she wonders out loud. Tears fill her eyes and she quickly wipes them off. Josh is depending on her; she needs to keep her shit together.

Blaze fits his hand to her cheek. “You’ll find her.” His touch is comforting, his voice reassuring.

“Hope so.” She owes it to Lily for not helping her when she needed it. For not seeing how difficult her childhood was compared to Olivia’s. As much as she wants to find Lily for Josh, she wants a chance to make amends. Now that she’s opened her heart to Blaze, she recognizes there’s love in there for Lily, too. Always has been. She wants her sister back in her life.

His thumb wipes off a tear. Her breathing evens, and sleep starts to pull her under. He gently kisses her lips, then starts to get up, rousing her.

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