Home > Tangled Sheets(22)

Tangled Sheets(22)
Author: J.L. Beck

“Okay, you’ve made your point. Thank you for coming to get me. I can always count on you.”

“For sure. I have your back, sweets.”

Ross drops me off in front of my apartment complex and I take a long, soothing, lavender bubble bath. Then I put my comfy pajamas on and grab a bottle of water from the kitchen. While walking back to my bedroom, I swallow a few gulps of the water and climb into bed. I let my eyes fall closed and do everything I can to forget about the mockery better known as my life. Tomorrow will be better, I swear it.









I call after Riley to stop her from leaving, but she is understandably embarrassed and just wants to get the hell out of here. I can only imagine how she must have felt seeing my brothers and me all gawking at her like a monkey with three heads.

I close the door and turn around to find William and Thomas staring at me. William with his hands tucked in his pants pockets, and Thomas, with his arms folded across his chest. I let out a defeated sigh and walk into the kitchen to clean up the spilled coffee and broken cup left on the floor.

Here we go. I know what’s coming next. The attack will ensue, and first up will be William. With his smirking, condescending, and taunting demeanor.

"Well, well, well, if it isn’t the pot calling the kettle black. I knew it. I knew it.”

“It’s not exactly how it looks,” I lie, it’s even worse than it looks. Not only have I fucked her, I also rubbed my cum onto her skin while she was sleeping. I’m so fucked.

Thomas has a more careful and tactful approach. For one, he isn’t certain of what the problem is because he hasn’t been around. Consequently, William’s response is certainly giving the impression of there being something wrong... completely wrong.

“Explain it then, brother. If it’s not ‘exactly’ how it looks, then why don’t you break it down for us. Because a naked woman emerged from somewhere in your house, was just in your kitchen making herself a cup of coffee, and then ran out of here like a bat out of hell.”

“I know that, but it’s not that simple. There is way more to this story.”

William interjects, “You’re right, it’s not that simple. You want to know what the problem is, Thomas?”

“Shit, yeah. If you two would stop pussy-footing around, taunting each other, I’d know already. Now spit it out. What the hell is going on?”

“Your genius brother is sleeping with one of our employees. Yeah, the chick that you just saw run out of here, she works for us. And this Mr. Goody-Two-Shoes, follow-the-rules guy, has broken his strictest rule. Mind you, he reprimands me every chance he gets for doing exactly the same thing.”

Thomas’ mouth pops open. “Wait, wait, wait a minute. You’re both sleeping around with women that work for the company? Oh, this is getting juicer by the minute.” Thomas laughs. “Wait until Dad finds out.”

“Dad is not going to find out anything, because you two are going to keep your mouths shut, and William, you and I are going to fix this.”

“Oh, really! Okay genius, tell me how we are going to fix this.” William raises both hands behind the back of his ears, pushes them forward, and says, “I’m all ears.”

“First of all, let me explain how all of this happened.”

I finish cleaning up the mess and sit down at the table with my brothers. I start by telling them how Riley and I met. The story is almost unbelievable, but they’re hooked.

I remind William of the first meeting that took place when I was initially introduced to the team. It was at that moment, when we saw one another again, that I knew it could be bad. I go on to explain that I like Riley and haven’t been able to get her out of my head.

“I have been trying to figure out a way to distance myself from her, but I care about her well-being.”

Thomas asks, “So how did she end up naked in your bed if you were trying to back away from her?”

“Well, last night at the party…”

William interrupts me. “Yeah, last night at the party, he stalked and hawked this woman all night.”

“I did not stalk and hawk anybody.” William is loving this, making me squirm. It takes the heat off him and his secretary.

“Yes, you did. I saw you. From the moment I stepped into the building, I watched you watch her every move. Her and her little boyfriend, or date, or whoever he was.”

“Wait, what? You saw that too?”

“Yeah, I saw it. I don’t know who he thinks he’s fooling. But that’s another story for another day.”

“Well, whatever... let me finish this story.”

William waves his hand, gesturing for me to continue. “Proceed,” he says.

Ugh, he can be such a thorn in my ass at times.

“Anyway, Thomas. Last night, while I was out on the terrace taking a breather, she came out, drunk as shit, and started vomiting. I went over to help her and decided to get her home so she could sleep it off and sober up. I did not want her to embarrass herself, or the company.”

“Ah-huh,” Thomas says, sarcastically.

William throws his hands in the air, rolls his eyes, and says, “This guy!”

“Seriously, that is it! I brought her here, undressed her, and put her in my bed to sleep it off. Yes, I would have loved to have fucked her again, but she was drunk. I don’t do drunk pussy. I need a woman to be fully coherent and alive, to remember the events from the night before.”

We all laugh a little at my last statement, but quickly regroup. Both of my brothers suggest that I immediately break this off, because it’s immoral, against policy, and too dangerous for the company. I agree and assure them I will take care of it. I also make sure to not let William off the hook.

“You, Sir, need to do the same. You and that little secretary of yours have to end things. And anyone else you’re romping around with that works for this company, end it now!”

With no arguing, William simply replies, “Done.”

I have a split-second moment of reflection about Riley.

“Besides, according to Riley, she has a boyfriend.”

Thomas asks, “Who, the guy from last night?”

William is all over the answer before I can respond. “Yep. And wasn’t that the same guy who just picked her up from here?”

“Yes, it was.”

“Hmph, he’s a really understanding boyfriend. He takes her to a party, leaves her, and then picks her up, nearly naked, from another man’s house? Yeah, I doubt that he’s her boyfriend, and I’d bet my last paycheck that he’s swinging for the other team.”

It all flabbergasts Thomas. “Wow, I thought my shit was bad. The two of you seem to live in deep shit. A woman will be your biggest downfall if you don’t get a hold of your dicks. You all better not let this get back to Pops. You better clean all this up. Immediately!”

William and I assure Thomas that we’ve got everything under control.

“Like I said, I will take care of this. And William, I’m not playing, man. You need to end things with your secretary. It’s too risky, and I’m certain that everyone in the office is aware of what’s going on. All it takes is one person to get their panties in a bunch and we could very well end up with a sexual harassment lawsuit.”

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