Home > Tangled Sheets(278)

Tangled Sheets(278)
Author: J.L. Beck

I look up, meeting Teller’s eyes, and the longing, the heat, that I see in his eyes is enough to have me burning up with desire.

My fingers shake slightly as I wrap them around the root of him and I lick my lips, causing Teller to groan as I lean forward and wrap my mouth around the tip of him.

“Fuck,” Teller hisses, his fingers tangling in my hair.

He doesn’t try to apply pressure or anything else. He just leaves his hand there. I find that I love the feeling.

My tongue licks a path down his dick, my mouth following soon after. I can only fit about half of him into my mouth, so I use my hand on the other half, working in tandem as he starts to swell in my mouth.

He groans, the sound coming from deep in his throat and it only spurs me on. I suck harder, my cheeks hollowing around him.

“Sutton!” he groans and my hand moves faster. “Sutton, you’ve got to stop, I’m going to come.”

“Isn’t that the point?” I purr, my hand still stroking him.

“Yeah, but I want to fuck you.”

Before I can do or say anything, Teller has grabbed my waist and is tossing me onto the bed. I gasp and he comes down over me, grinning as he stares at me.

“What are you waiting for?” I ask him and he smiles wider.

He reaches for a condom and I scoot farther up the bed, resting my head on his pillow and spreading my legs wide for him in invitation.

“Ready?” Teller asks, lining up at my entrance and I nod, my hands running up his biceps.

He thrusts into me and we both let out a groan as he bottoms out inside of me. I watch him, watch his face, as he makes love to me. He watches me right back and it adds a whole deeper level of intimacy.

We move together so perfectly; fit together like we were made to. I get lost in him, adrift in everything that he makes me feel until I reach my peak. He follows soon after and rolls onto his side.

He gathers me into his arms and I scoot closer, cuddling into his chest. Teller’s hand strokes over my hair, smoothing up and down my back as we both catch our breaths. He’s so warm and I’m so comfortable that it isn’t long before I drift off to sleep.

That night, I dream of him and me in the future. I wake up wondering why my future with Teller doesn’t include any part of my five-year plan.






It’s a week later and my day off again. Things have been running smoothly around here. Teller and I have been spending most nights together now. Sometimes we just have dinner together and sometimes I spend the night with him. We even ate dinner over here with Stan once although I’m not sure that anyone wants to do that again anytime soon.

Bandit and I have gotten into a new routine too. We go for walks in the morning before the Mystery Cabin opens and then he hangs out in the gift shop with me. He loves all of the attention that he gets from the kids and since he doesn’t bark or anything, Stan is alright with him being there.

I set up a dog bed for him behind the counter and he spends most of his mornings lying in that. He naps in between the tourist groups coming through. We go for another walk during lunch and then again after the Mystery Cabin has closed.

Sometimes Teller takes him out with him if he has to fix things and he usually joins us for the walk during lunch.

Teller is back on call at the firehouse next weekend, so I’ve already made plans with my friends for another girl’s night. It’s strange how active my social life is now that I’m in this tiny town. When I was at college, I spent most of my time alone, either in the library or my dorm room. When I was back home, I spent most of my time with my mom.

I let Bandit back inside and we head for the kitchen to grab something to drink. Bandit goes right for his bowl but I pause.

For the first time since I got here, Stan’s office door is open. Curiosity gets the best of me and I look around, making sure the coast is clear before I step inside.

The décor is much like the rest of this place. Slightly old and outdated, worn, but it still functions and serves its purpose.

I walk around the small room, taking in some of the pictures on the wall. There are some that I recognize of my grandpa when he was younger and some of my great aunts and uncles. There’s even one of Stan and my mom from last year, before she lost all of the weight.

Papers are stacked on the desk and filing cabinets in the corner of the room. It looks like invoices and old ads for the Mystery Cabin. An ancient-looking computer is on his desk and I can’t help but smile as I picture Stan trying to work it. That man is terrible with technology.

I take a seat in his chair, leaning back as I look around the rest of the office. My eyes snag on two pictures on his desk and my breath stalls in my lungs. One is of my mom, smiling in front of the Destiny Falls waterfall.

The other is of me. I’m at my college graduation and I wonder how Stan got it. No one was there for my graduation. At least, I thought no one was. Stan never approached me, never introduced himself.

I’m shocked. Did Stan go to my graduation? That’s the only excuse for him to have a slightly blurry snapshot of me in my cap and gown with my diploma.

Stan comes into the office then, looking like he’s in a hurry. He stops short when he sees me sitting at his desk, my eyes wide with shock.

“What are you doing in here?” he snaps, his face turning red and I wonder why me being in here bothers him so much.

“The door was open.”

“So you just made yourself at home?” he snarls.

“I didn’t realize that I wasn’t allowed in here.”

Stan looks away then, his jaw hard as he stares at a spot on the floor.

“Were you… did you come to my graduation?” I ask slowly and his whole body tenses.

“Stay out of my stuff,” he barks out, grabbing some folder off the filing cabinet by the door.

He storms off and I frown as I watch him go. We’ve been getting along better since my breakdown. He’s still gruff and grunts more than he talks, but I thought that he wanted me here.

Now, not so much.

I wonder what happened? What could I have done, or what’s in this room that he doesn’t want me to see? And how did he get this picture?

I doubt that I’m going to get answers to any of those questions sitting here. I stand, grabbing Bandit and heading up to my room to think.

I’m just about to collapse on my bed when my phone starts to ring and I pull it out to see that it’s the company that I interned at last summer. My heart starts to race as I hit accept and bring the phone to my ear.


“Hi, is this Sutton Tate?” comes a pleasant female voice.

“Yes, this is Sutton.”

“Hi, I’m Jenna and I’m with Reinhold Holdings. You did an internship with us last year and we still had your resume on file. We’re hiring and we thought that you would be a perfect fit for a new position that just opened up.”

“That sounds interesting! What’s the position?” I ask, trying to infuse some enthusiasm into my voice.

“You would be working in HR as a senior manager under the workplace planning section. We’re conducting interviews in two weeks. Would you like me to schedule you a spot?” Jenna asks and I freeze.

Do I want to interview for this position? It would mean flying out to Boston this week, and I’d have to dip into my savings for the ticket. If I got the job, I’d have to leave Destiny Falls early, probably almost immediately so that I could start at Reinhold.

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