Home > Tangled Sheets(281)

Tangled Sheets(281)
Author: J.L. Beck

I run inside and head toward my bedroom but I’m stopped by Stan.

“Whoa!” he says as he steps out of his room. “What’s wrong, Sutton?”

“Teller,” I stop, clearing my throat and trying to get myself under control. “There was an accident and Teller was hurt.”

I can see the worry on Stan’s face right away and I hurry to let him know that he’s alright.

“It’s a small burn. He’ll be released in a day or two.”

“Good. Then why are you running around like a tornado?” he grumbles.

“I’m leaving.”

That statement lands like a bomb and I watch it detonate.

“What?” Stan asks, his voice devoid of any emotion.

“I got a call about a job opening in Boston. I’m leaving tomorrow to head out there to interview for it.”

Stan looks furious but I can see something that looks like hurt in his eyes.

“I have to go,” I say and I have to force the words out.

My throat is raw and scratchy from holding back tears for most of the night.

“Then go,” Stan snaps before he stomps back into his bedroom and slams the door closed.

Bandit whines from the stairs and I cry, hurrying up to my room. I toss my suitcase onto the bed and shove my clothes inside. I just need to pack a small bag for right now. If I get the job, then I’ll come back for my car and the rest of my things.

I collapse onto the bed, staring up at my ceiling. I know that I should be exhausted, but I can’t turn my brain off. I can’t stop seeing Teller and my mom in their hospital beds. I can’t stop feeling scared and helpless.

Bandit curls up into my side and I hold him through the night. When the sun starts to peek through the trees, I take my suitcase downstairs to my car. I make sure that Bandit has gone to the bathroom and has food and water before I climb behind the wheel and head toward the airport.

Toward my five-year plan.






Boston is just like I remembered it.

It’s the complete opposite of Destiny Falls with its sprawling city blocks and all of the historical buildings. The history of this city drew me in the last time I was here, but it doesn’t seem to have the same effect this time.

I checked into my hotel late last night and went over some interview questions that I might get asked this morning, practicing my answers until I was sure that I was prepared for my interview. The whole time, my mind kept wandering. It’s like my heart wasn’t really in it.

I can’t get Stan and Teller’s hurt faces out of my head. They had both looked so shocked, so devastated when I told them that I was going to Boston.

I can’t think about that right now though. I need to get mentally prepared for this meeting. I woke up early, brushing my hair until it was shiny and lying perfectly to my shoulders. I had a brief moment of panic, wondering if they would be turned off by the pink strands, but I can always tell them that I’ll dye it before I start working.

I put on a light coat of mascara, lining my blue eyes with some eye liner and smeared lip gloss on my lips. I had packed my nicest black power suit and my new pair of heels and as I check out my reflection, I look like the old Sutton. The Sutton that I was before I lost my mom. The Sutton that I was before I went to Destiny Falls.

My hotel was close to Reinhold Holdings and it was nice out so I decided to walk to the interview. I got here early and now it’s ten forty-five and I’m already checked in and waiting in the lobby of Reinhold Holdings. I knew my way around from last summer and it was nice to see people that I knew from when I was interning here. I wasn’t friends with them or anything but a few of them who recognize me wave as I pass them.

It just makes me feel alone.

I stare around the almost sterile waiting room and I can’t believe it, but I miss the rustic décor of the Mystery Cabin. I must really be starting to lose it.

“Miss Tate?” the interviewer asks and I stand, pasting on a professional smile as I straighten my suit coat and head over to her.

“Nice to meet you,” I say, shaking her hand before I follow her inside the office.

My mind keeps wandering throughout the interview. I get the usual questions and I know that my answers are professional and impressive. Normally, this is my element. I used to love being in a profession setting. I used to love the busy city, the anonymity that it gave me.

Now though, everything has changed. My suit feels itchy after a month and a half of wearing tank tops and shorts. I can’t seem to find my bearings on the busy city streets, and even though I’m surrounded by people, I’ve never felt so alone.

“Well, Miss Tate. Do you have any questions for me?” she asks and I shake my head no.

“Well, we have interviews tomorrow morning as well, but I must say, you have the most impressive resume and your internship here last year goes a long way too.”

I give her a polite smile, shaking her hand as I stand to leave.

“We’ll be making a decision tomorrow afternoon since we want to fill this position as quickly as we can.”

“Perfect. I look forward to your call,” I say as I head out the door and back to the elevator.

I thought that I would be excited about being back in Boston. I mean, I couldn’t wait to get back here at the beginning of the summer.

I don’t need to ask myself what’s changed either.

I decide to walk around the city for a bit after my interview, hoping that it will bring back good memories and make the ache hurt less. It’s hot out and I ditch my jacket as I make my way down the sidewalk.

It’s loud here and I keep getting bumped into by people as I make my way down the sidewalk. I’ll admit, I am distracted, so maybe it’s my fault. After the third time that it happens, I give up on my walk and head back to my hotel.

I’m just stepping into my room when my cell phone rings and I see Lyla’s name on the screen.

“Hey, I was just about to text you.”

“Sutton, it’s Stan.”

“What?” I ask, panic clawing at me. “What’s wrong? What happened? Is he okay?”

“The mayor was just in here and they got into this awful fight. Stan… I think that he was crying, Sutton,” she whispers sounding worried and horrified. “And he told Teller and me to go home, that the Mystery Cabin was closed for the rest of the day.”

“What were they fighting about?”

“I don’t know. They were in his office and I could just hear their raised voices, but I couldn’t make out what they were saying.”

I bite my bottom lip, but I already know what I’m going to do.

“Okay, I’m on my way,” I tell her and she lets out a relieved sigh.

“Thanks, Sutton. I’ll see you soon. Teller and I don’t want to leave him alone right now. I’ve never seen him like this before.”

My stomach sinks and I start to pack faster.

“I’ll call to switch my flight right now. I’ll be there late tonight,” I promise her, and she thanks me again before we hang up.

I’m like a whirlwind as I race around the hotel room, packing up everything and calling the airline to switch my flight up to today. I order an Uber and have to ask them to step on it as I slide into the back seat.

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