Home > Tangled Sheets(307)

Tangled Sheets(307)
Author: J.L. Beck

“So, you tutor Zack, huh? How’s that going for ya?” he asks out of nowhere.

“As good as tutoring can go, I guess.” I don’t share more information than that because it’s really not any of his business. Now that I think about it, I’m not even sure I should have told him I was tutoring Zack. I can’t imagine he’s proud that he has a math tutor.

“I probably shouldn’t say anything, but be careful with that guy. He’s been known to break a few hearts...and a few bones.”

My head twists and my forehead crinkles in shock at what he just said. “Bones?”

“He likes to fight. I’ve taken a few hits from him myself.” Jonas bends his head, baring a scratch down his neck. “That was a couple days ago. Told him we were having dinner tonight. The guy lost his fucking mind.”

I let out an airy laugh, though, it’s not funny at all. “That’s ridiculous. Why would he do that just because we’re having dinner?”

“Claims you’re off-limits. Made it clear to every guy in the senior class to stay away from you. But I’m not scared of him and to be honest, I like you, so it was worth it.”

My stomach twists in a tight knot. I’m not sure if I feel anger or nausea. So, he did actually tell people to stay away from me. What the hell is this guy’s deal? “Did he say why? Why he wants people to stay away from me?”

He glances from the road to me then back to the road. “Hasn’t told anyone why, but…” His words trail off before he finishes his sentence. “He’s just messed up, that’s why.”

This doesn’t make any sense to me, but I plan on getting to the bottom of it very soon. I’m supposed to meet him at the party tomorrow night, but now I’m not so sure I should.

We come to a stop down the road from Pat’s Pizza and Jonas parallel parks between two cars. The entire street is lined with vehicles and my nerves suddenly get the best of me. “Maybe we should go somewhere else. It looks pretty packed here.”

“Nah. That’s the fun part.” He hops out of the truck and I follow suit, knowing that he’ll just stand there looking at me dumbfoundedly if I were to expect him to open the door for me.

As soon as my feet hit the pavement of the sidewalk, my heart jumps into my throat. I’m not sure why I’m so nervous, but I get this feeling that dinner with Jonas isn’t going to be just pizza and laughs between the two of us.

Jonas takes me by the hand and leads me down the sidewalk that lines a row of different stores and restaurants. There’s a coffee shop, a children's boutique, a bookstore, a bar, and finally, Pat’s Pizza. I draw in a deep breath when he pulls open the large wooden door. Ready or not.

The place is jam-packed. All the booths are full of kids I’ve seen around school. A few I recognize, a few I don’t. There’s people standing at the bar-length counter, people hovered around an old-school jukebox, and a crowd gathered at what looks to be a Pac-Man game. The music is loud, but the voices are louder. There’s chitter chatter coming from every direction.

I catch myself squeezing Jonas’ hand tightly, using him as my safety net. I’d never guess that I’d seek comfort in him, but right now, I am. I feel so out of place here.

As I’m looking around from face to face, Jonas leads me over to a corner booth full of some of the familiar faces I saw when we walked in. There’s Brock, and DJ—or maybe it’s TJ—Lacey, of course, and a couple others that these guys mingle with in the halls of CCH.

“Slide down,” Jonas nudges Brock, and he obliges, making room for us. Jonas pulls me down, but there’s only a sliver of space for my ass and it’s not going to fit. Just as I nudge closer, he lifts me up and sets me on his lap. I can feel my cheeks blush pink as everyone looks at us. I wasn’t expecting it, and I would much rather not sit on his lap, especially in front of all these people.

His hand wraps around my waist, resting on my hip bone and my underarms begin sweating profusely.

“Zack know you’re here?” Lacey asks, grabbing my attention. I’m not sure if she’s talking to me or Jonas, but we both look at her.

I bring a hand to my chest. “Me?”

“No. Not you.” Her eyes roll and I wanna claw them out with my fingernails. “I’m talking to the guy you’re sitting on.”

“Who the fuck cares if he knows I’m here? This is my restaurant and my table and if he doesn’t like it, he doesn’t need to show his face here.”

Wait. Zack’s coming here? My body tenses up even more as I look at the door and then back to the group we’re sitting with.

Lacey continues with her prodding. “Well, he’s gonna be pissed, so brace yourself.”

“Fuck him,” Jonas deadpans.

Attempting to change the subject, I look down at Jonas and touch on what he just said. “This is your restaurant?”

“One of them. My parents own this place and the cafe down the street.”

I nod in response. “Nice.” My lips press into a thin line as I glance around at everyone at the table. They're all so quiet, and I can’t help but think it’s because of me. Everyone was so chipper until we sat down. I really wanna stand up and use the bathroom or something, anything to get off his lap. It feels super awkward. But, just as I go to excuse myself, the door chimes open.

Zack and another guy walk in and he’s sporting a grin on his face, that is, until he looks at our booth. His smile drops, his shoulders rise and I swear I can hear the tick in his jaw from all the way over here. Swallowing hard, I look away from him. Leaning down a tad, I whisper in Jonas’ ear, “I have to use the bathroom. I’ll be right back.”

“Alright. You good with pepperoni?”

“Sure. That’s fine,” I tell him, then get to my feet and dip around the corner of the booth to the bathrooms right down the hall.

Glancing over my shoulder, I catch Zack’s eyes. He looks at me while he continues to stand at the door, talking to a group of girls and the guy he walked in with. Turning back around, I pinch the bridge of my nose and release a pent-up breath.

This is just too much for me right now. My palms push on the door to the ladies’ bathroom and I step inside the empty room. With my hands on the counter, I lean over the sink and take a few deep breaths, before lifting my head and looking at my reflection in the mirror, barely recognizing the girl staring back at me. I’ve always struggled a bit with anxiety, but not like this. Not just by being in a social setting. It’s like there is now this fear instilled in me that I’m constantly being judged or looked down on. And this, this situation is no different. I’ve got Lacey who hates me, Zack who confuses me, and Jonas who seems to have a thing for me, but also acts like an egotistical jerk.

Giving my hands a quick wash, I pull down some brown paper towel from the holder, dry them off and toss it in the trash bin. I didn’t really have to use the bathroom; I just needed a minute to think. Not that it did any good.

Mentally preparing myself, I halt at the door and take another deep breath before walking out. Cool air hits my bare legs when the door to the back parking lot opens up then closes. I glance down the hallway and my heart stops. Oh, shit.

Holding a hand over the side of my face, I turn and begin walking back out into the restaurant, so I can hide in the booth, but I’m too late.

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