Home > Tangled Sheets(311)

Tangled Sheets(311)
Author: J.L. Beck

“Well, you said yourself, tonight is about not thinking and not caring. So push up those breasts, babe, because he will know exactly who Bree Beckham is after tonight.”

I pull the handle and push the door open before she has a chance to reveal her apprehension.

“Nadia, wait. I can’t,” she says, following suit and getting out of the car. We close our doors simultaneously and I start walking up to the house with my head held high and my confidence on full display. “Don’t tell him,” she continues, sounding like a schoolgirl with a crush, because that’s exactly what she is.

Still ignoring her, I keep walking like I own the place. Ready to take on whatever this night throws at me. I’m Nadia Rivers and it’s time everyone knows what that means.

People keep coming down the driveway, cars piling in, people shouting and carrying cases of beer, bottles of liquor and a few passing a joint back and forth. The sun is setting over the creek and it’s a beautiful sight. One that reminds me that there is more to life than our mistakes. We only get one shot at this living thing, and I certainly don’t want to regret doing just that—living.

“Nadia, right?” someone to my left says. I look over, and it's TJ. Glancing from him to Bree, I realize that she’s speed walking ahead of me. She glances over her shoulder and I give her a stink eye.

“Hi. Yep, that’s me. And you’re TJ?”

“The one and only.” He sets down two bags of ice on either side of him. “Glad you could make it. Everyone’s on the backside of the house. Just walk through the garage. Kegs are cold and Brock made some gnarly punch that Lacey is serving up. Go get yourself a glass.”

“Will do. Thanks.”

He picks up the ice and continues on through the garage, so I follow behind him.

I wanna ask him if Zack is here, or if he plans to be here. But, of course he is. These are his best friends and Zack is the one who originally invited me to this party. There is no doubt he’ll be making an appearance tonight. I just need to get a little liquid courage in me before I face him.

Once we’re out back, I start to feel a little more relaxed. There are already so many people here. The fire is blazing and a group gathers around it. There are people swinging from a rope into the creek and even though the air is warm, that water has to be cold for the end of October.

My eyes skim the party, looking for the punch that TJ mentioned and I find it, with him beside it whispering into Lacey’s ear. I certainly don’t want beer, but I’m also hesitant to go anywhere near that girl.

I spot Bree talking to a couple girls from school and I make a plan to have her fetch me a drink. As I walk past the punch table, Lacey stops me. “Hey, Nadia. Thirsty?” TJ holds out a cup of punch.

Looking back and forth from her to Bree, then to TJ, I shrug my shoulders. “What the hell. Sure.” I take a few steps toward her at the table and take the cup. Lacey smiles big and it’s oddly satisfying because this girl has never been kind to me.

“Thanks.” I hold up the cup in cheers before taking a sip.

“How is it?” she asks.

“Really good. Did you make it?”

“Brock did. It’s his special recipe. A lot of liquor and a little juice.”

Just as I go to walk away with my drink in hand, she stops me again. “Hey, Nadia.”

I pinch my eyes shut, preparing myself for the battle of words heading my way, then I open them again. “Yeah?” I turn back around.

“I know we got off on a bad foot, but I hope you have a good time tonight. Come back for more punch after you finish that, k?”

I nod with a smile. “Will do.” Then I keep on my path to Bree. That was really strange. Lacey was actually being nice, but it felt so forced on her part. I’m not buying it. She is not a kind person and she’s made that very clear.

After mingling with the crowd and sipping on my drink, I realize it’s gone. I also realize that I need to build my tolerance because I’m already feeling tipsy. So far, I’ve actually been having a really good time. Zack hasn’t shown up and part of me is just aching to see him. Even if I don’t talk to him, I just feel like I could watch him from afar and be completely content.

Bree and I are standing around the fire talking when TJ comes up to us. “Having fun, ladies?” he asks.

Bree just nods and I use this as the perfect opportunity to get these two talking. “If you two will excuse me, I need a refill.” I hold up my cup and waggle my brows at Bree before spinning on my heels and heading back to the punch table.

I catch myself staggering a little bit, and begin laughing at my own movements. I think I’m getting drunk, and it feels fucking fantastic. Oh, to be this carefree all the time.

“Hey, girl,” I say to Lacey as she stands behind the table. “Can I get a refill of that yummy juice you got there.” I slam my cup down on the table.

“You sure can. Drink up, sweetie.” She grabs an already filled cup from behind the bowl and hands it to me. “Enjoy.”

“Ya know,” I say to her, “you’re really not that bad. Here I thought you were just a royal bitch. But look at you being nice.”

“Ditto,” she responds with a crooked smile before taking a sip of her own drink.

By the time I make it back over to the fire, I realize that I downed half of my cup. Suddenly, everything begins spinning and the giddiness I was feeling is getting replaced by the dire need to sit down.

My head begins wobbling like a bobblehead toy and I stumble a few steps to my left. Someone comes up and grabs a hold of me, stopping my fall. “Woah, girl. Let’s get you inside so you can sit down.”

I look up with squinted eyes to see who my hero is. “TJ?” I question. “I thought you were talking to Bree. Where is Bree?” I begin looking around.

“She’s over by the fire. You can talk to her in a little bit. Right now, you need to have a seat and drink some water.” He begins leading me through the garage.

“But, I want you to talk to Bree. She likes you. She’s liked you for a lonnnnnng time.” I slap a hand over my mouth, immediately eating my words. “Ooops.”

TJ laughs, “It’s all good. You won't’ remember any of this tomorrow, baby girl.” He pushes open the door that leads into his house and we step inside, him holding me around the waist and leading the way.

A little dog comes running up to us, yelping and clawing at my leg. “Aww, she’s so cute.” I bend down to pet her but fall face first into the floor, knocking the little pooch out of the way. “Oh no. Is she ok?”

“She’s fine.” TJ responds, trying to pull me back up to my feet. Everything spins faster as he lifts me up and tosses me over his shoulder. “Let’s get you upstairs so you can lie down a little bit.”

My long hair cascades around my face as I stare upside down at TJ’s back. Something swirls inside of my stomach, and I’m pretty sure it’s the liquor wanting to come back up.

Each step up makes me feel even more nauseous, but even more so, extremely tired. My eyes begin to shut, unable to keep them open any longer and the next thing I know, I’m lying on my back on the bed.

In an attempt to lift my head, I’m pushed back down. “Lie down. Just relax.” Someone says, but it’s not TJ’s voice. It’s someone else—another man.

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