Home > Serves Me Wright (Wright #9)(27)

Serves Me Wright (Wright #9)(27)
Author: K.A. Linde

“I’m down,” Blaire agreed.

“I’ll try anything,” Piper said.

Chester and Hollin both agreed to go out. All eyes swung to me. I was still distracted by Julian. Now, his hip wasn’t the only thing pressed against mine. Half of his leg was also touching. And fire was running down my entire body at the contact.

I looked up at him again. The last time we’d gone out together, I’d gotten wasted, and we’d hooked up. Was going out a good idea if we were keeping this…casual?

He smirked. “Well, Dreamsicle?”

I flushed at the nickname. “I’m in.”









Desire had simmered in Jennifer’s eyes when I suggested we all go out tonight. It had been pointed. The whole damn day had been. Helping her with the cats and moving and feeling her pressed against me while eating. It was all because I couldn’t keep myself from being close to her, and I wanted her to feel that, too. I wasn’t sure that she had until I called her Dreamsicle. Then our entire night at graduation flashed in her eyes. And she’d agreed to come out.

Saying we were casual and just having fun was one thing when I was trying to get her not to destroy what we’d built that weekend. But when she was around me, it didn’t feel casual at all. I didn’t want to scare her. Sometimes, she was as skittish as Avocado.

“How did I get forced into this?” Jordan asked as he came to stand before me and Hollin inside Walkers, a coffee shop by day and pub by night.

I leaned back against the bar and took a sip of my Jack and Coke. “You’re whipped.”

Jordan snorted. “Sure, that’s it. Not that I want to please the love of my life.”

“I’m sure you could do that a thousand other ways,” Hollin said with a suggestive shift of his belt.

“Subtle,” Jordan drawled.

“Why are you here without Annie anyway?” I asked.

“She wanted to help Jennifer get ready.” His eyes slid to mine. As if he already knew exactly what had transpired between me and Jen. “Were you going to tell me that you were dating our photographer?” He flagged down the bartender and ordered a drink.

Hollin crowed, “Good luck nailing him down on that.”

“We’re not dating.”

“Fake dating,” Jordan said. “Whatever.”

“Don’t big-brother me,” I said, bumping his shoulder. “You friends-with-benefitted Annie.”

“She was leaving,” he growled. “It was different.”

I didn’t want to get a lecture from my overprotective, older brother. I loved Jor. I just didn’t need it today.

“And what about Hollin? He managed to carry on an entire conversation with Piper without either of them biting each other’s heads off.”

Hollin scoffed, “We didn’t make it that long. You missed the cutdown every time I passed her while we were moving.”

“What is with you two?” Jordan asked.

Hollin shrugged. “Fuck if I know. She hates everything that comes out of my mouth.”

“And you love baiting her,” I added.

“How could you not enjoy baiting someone who reacts like she does?” he asked with a chuckle.

“So, are you going to three-date-rule her?”

Hollin punched me in the shoulder. “That is not what I said.”

“What the fuck is a three-date rule?” Jordan asked, grabbing his drink off the bar.

“It’s nothing. Julian is making shit up,” Hollin grumbled at me. “And I’m not dating Piper. I’m not dating anyone. I’m too busy, living up the bachelor life.”

“Enjoy it while it lasts,” Jordan said with a laugh.

Said the happiest motherfucker I knew. He and Annie had had a bumpy start, but it was worth it to see that stupid smile on his face when he thought about her. At least that made one of us.

All thoughts fled my mind as the girls arrived en masse. Though I only had eyes for one. Jennifer’s new roommates had clearly decided to give her a full makeover. Not surprising, considering the resources at Blaire’s disposal and Piper’s flair for the dramatic. Jennifer wore an orange dress that I’d never seen before. It didn’t seem like something out of her closet, not with that neckline. I tried not to let my eyes wander to the way her breasts popped out of the top. Or imagine having my hands on them graduation weekend.

I straightened when our eyes met. Those hazel eyes were lined and bright as could be, almost gold in the lighting. She gave me a tentative smile, and something tightened in my chest. Just that one smile, and I was done for.

Annie tugged Jen forward, Blaire and Piper following in their wake. Piper practically dragged Peter along after them. Annie launched herself into Jordan’s arms. His eyes lit up, even as he laughed at her enthusiasm.

“Hey,” Jen said when she reached me.

“You look great.”

She flushed. “Thanks. Blaire got ahold of me.”

“And didn’t I do a fabulous job?” Blaire asked with a flip of her black hair.

I rarely saw her out of a baseball cap and workout clothes. It was a jolt to see her hair down and her in a dress. That just wasn’t Blaire.

“You did,” I assured her.

“Could have gone for better company though,” Piper said. She brushed past Hollin and leaned forward across the bar.

Hollin smirked. “You know you want a piece of this, sweetheart.”

Piper’s glare was fierce. “Hasn’t everyone already had a piece?”

“And that precludes you how?”

“I’m not a fan of sloppy seconds.”

“Guys,” Blaire groaned. “One night. Just please, one night.”

Piper rolled her eyes and ordered drinks. Peter looked between them and sighed, taking a barstool without a word. He looked like he’d been run over.

“Hey, man,” I said, holding my hand out.

Peter shook it and nodded. He accepted a drink from Piper and began to down it as if it were water. I winced.

Jennifer frowned and then drew my attention back to her. “How’s your arm?”

I showed her the three perfect cuts down my forearm. “Pretty mangled.”

“Do they hurt?” She trailed her fingers down the raised lines.

My pulse jumped at the contact. Fuck. I was going to need to figure this out.

“Oh shit, sorry,” she said, mistaking my jump as pain.

“They’re not too bad.”

“I’m still sorry about Avocado. She really hates men.”

“That makes two of us,” Piper muttered.

“No Bradley? What a shame,” Hollin said with another pointed grin.

I nudged Hollin. Why did he have to antagonize her?

He just shrugged, mouthing, What?

Peter yawned, finished his drink, and dropped it down on the bar. “He’s working.”

Piper flicked her eyes to Hollin and dismissed him as easily.

Chester appeared then at the front door. He’d gotten dressed up, and his smile was wide. “Sorry I’m late. Not used to the city anymore and got lost.”

Blaire laughed. “In Lubbock?”

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