Home > Jett (Arizona Vengeance #10)(36)

Jett (Arizona Vengeance #10)(36)
Author: Sawyer Bennett

And just like that, my legs practically buckle over his dirty, dirty words. He holds me tight by the waist though.

Bringing his mouth to my ear, he whispers. “And after I finger fuck you to orgasm, I’m going to pull those hips up and slide you right back onto my cock.”

“Shit,” I mutter. “That’s sexy as hell.”

“Then,” he says so softly I barely hear him. He bites gently at my earlobe before licking it. “Then, I’m going to fuck your brains out.”

I’ve never had a man talk dirty to me like that, but just those words have my panties damp and I can feel my pulse thrumming between my legs. I ache for Jett to be inside me.

And just as much, I ache for him to hold me afterward and let me settle into sleep with him at my back.

Yeah… nothing about him is meaningless anymore.






Felicity squeals in delight from the living room and I wonder what game she and Shane are playing that elicits such exuberance from her. I apply another layer of mascara as I hear her say, “Do it again, Daddy.”

I wince, equally happy Felicity’s having fun with Shane as I am worried this is all just a ruse for a life she can never have with him.

Sticking the wand back into the tube, I recap the mascara and toss it in my basket of makeup, studying myself in the mirror. I actually went a little heavier on my eyeliner, knowing it would make my blue eyes appear lighter than what they are. Against the backdrop of my hair which I’m wearing loose and wavy, as well as the fact I’m wearing my contacts and not my glasses, I admit to myself that I’m hoping Jett likes the way I look. I mean, I already know he likes me with glasses and little to no makeup, so I’m thinking he’ll like this.

Tonight we’re making a statement. I’ve got the Olsson jersey he bought for me and I’ll be attending my first Vengeance game to sit in the fan section with the sole intent of cheering on my man. It makes me almost giddy.

Felicity shrieks from the living room again, and then proclaims loudly, “Magic isn’t real, Daddy.”

I can’t help but smile. I know Shane is doing some lame magic trick with her. He learned several of them when she was about three years old as a means to entertain his daughter and he got pretty good at them. This was ironically during the time he was convalescing from his ski accident and starting his journey toward addiction.

It’s been a week since Shane and Felicity have reconnected and he’s seen her in some fashion almost every day. It’s usually him coming here after she gets home from school, where they will play until I get home for dinner. This is all done under Jenna’s supervision, and she’s been an angel to take on this task. She swears it’s not a bother because she’s here anyway, but it can’t be easy watching my ex-husband like a hawk to ensure he’s not only sober but also doesn’t say something inappropriate to Felicity. I wouldn’t put it past him to start mental manipulations with her as a means to get more time together.

He’s already done it once, and that was just a few days ago when I came home from work. Jenna had prepared a chicken and broccoli casserole and I was exhausted and starving.

This was the time that Shane would normally give me a brief hello and leave, promising to see Felicity the next day. But before he could get to the door, Felicity was tugging the sleeve of my blouse and looking up at me with big, hopeful eyes. “Can Daddy stay for dinner with us? It’s so lonely for him to have to eat all alone each night.”

My blood pressure surged in anger because there’s no way Felicity could come up with that on her own. I glanced at Jenna and while not a single muscle on her face ticked, I read it in her eyes. I knew she’d confirm for me later when we talked that Shane put the bug in Felicity’s ear to get the invite.

I couldn’t say no to her. Not when confronted so blatantly, so I relented.

Since then, he’s eaten with us every night and I’ve gritted my teeth through it, telling myself to give grace to Shane since he’s worked hard to get sober and is making an effort to re-connect with Felicity.

More importantly, I grit my teeth and allow it because Felicity radiates happiness to have him back in her life.

It won’t last though.

Shane being here is shiny and new, and it’s fulfilling something in Felicity that she had shut off the valve to long ago. I need to talk to Nora for some advice on how to handle it, because I need to figure a way to stop him from getting rooted into my personal life, and when he’s eating dinner at my table, that’s definitely encroaching on me. I’ll need to make sure Felicity understands that we are not a family unit again.

The obvious answer would be to let Shane take her out to dinner, but I still don’t trust him enough to do it. So, tonight he sat down at our dinner table again.

I excused myself after we’d eaten and did the dishes—Jenna cooks and I clean—simply saying I was going to the hockey game.

Studying myself in the mirror, I don’t think there’s one more splash of makeup or another curl I can put into my hair. This is my best, and I’m doing it for Jett. In that way, it almost feels like a first date.

As I step into my closet to grab a jacket, I make a mental note to ask Nora about how much leeway to give Shane. In a very short time, she’s become an amazing friend, encouraging me to call her or text whenever for advice. She had invited us out to her ranch to ride horses and we’re going tomorrow. Felicity actually took riding lessons for about six months before we moved to Phoenix and wants to get back into it, but I haven’t had the time to find a place yet. Nora’s ranch is designed for equine therapy and not for riding lessons, but I’m sure she’ll have some good recommendations for me.

Tossing my jacket over my forearm, I nab my purse and head out of my bedroom. When I reach the living room, Shane is doing a card trick with Felicity and I watch for only a few seconds before turning into the kitchen where Jenna’s sitting at the table. She has her phone in hand, scrolling, but I know she’s really attuned to Shane and Felicity.

She glances up at me and I get an encouraging smile from her. It says, Hang tough. This will all settle down and work itself out.

Jenna is telling me to have patience. This thing with Shane being back in our lives is new, and it will take getting used to.

“I’m heading out,” I say in a low voice that doesn’t carry out of the kitchen. “Are you sure it’s okay that I stay over at Jett’s tonight?”

My sister rolls her eyes at me. “Yes, Emory. You’re entitled to have some fun once a week.”

Her sarcasm laden voice makes me snort. We had this conversation last night when I vacillated on whether or not to go to the game and stay with Jett after. It’s a work night. A school night. I feel like I shouldn’t be bunking over at my boyfriend’s house when I have a child.

Jenna pointed out to me that I’ve devoted my life singularly to Felicity, putting off dating, self-care, or anything else that might be to my benefit. “You need to have a life too, Emory.”

Those words still ring in my head, but the guilt for spending a weeknight away is heavy in my gut.

“Go,” she instructs. “And I’ll see you in the morning.”

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