Home > Sweet Talking Rancher

Sweet Talking Rancher
Author: Kate Pearce


Chapter One

Miller Ranch

Morgan Valley, California



Danny Miller gently released his horse’s foreleg and straightened up.

“Looking good. Thanks for doing this, Andy.”

His gelding, Applejack, snorted and tried to knock Danny’s Stetson off as Andy Ferraro gathered his tools. They were in the horse barn, which sided onto the ranch house, and it was as hot as hades.

“You’re welcome,” Andy said. “I’ve built up the shoe at the back, but I’ll change it out once he’s walking better. Anything else you need me to look at while I’m here?”

“Nah, I think we’re good.” Danny clapped his friend on the back. “Come on in and have something to drink before you go.”

“That would be appreciated.” Andy narrowed his eyes and looked up at the unending blue sky. “It’s darn hot out here. Mind you, it’s better than that endless rain we had all spring.”

“Which is probably why you prefer to live in Bridgeport these days.” Danny put Applejack away in his stall, made sure the door was bolted, and headed toward the ranch house.

“I’d come back if it was worth my while,” Andy said. “My parents still live here, and I know they’d love it if I was closer.”

Danny held open the screen door that led into the mudroom. “We could do with a farrier in the valley. You should talk to the Morgans. With all the horses they have for the dude ranch, I bet they’d love to have you around full time.”

“Yeah?” Andy paused to heel and toe off his boots and wash his hands. “Ron McDonald used to do a lot of the local horses in Morgan Valley, but as he’s retiring, maybe they will need someone new.” Andy gave Danny a sidelong glance. “You did know he was retiring, right?”

“Yup.” Danny braced himself for the inevitable follow-up question.

“I hear Faith’s coming back to run the veterinary business with Dave,” Andy said in a way-too-casual voice.

“Is that right?” Danny led Andy through to the large family kitchen, which was mercifully free of his siblings and parents.

“You worried about that, bro?”

“Why would I be?” Danny smiled. “She’s just as entitled to come home to work for her family as anyone else.”

“So, you guys won’t be changing vets or anything?”

“Why would we? The McDonalds have always been awesome.” Danny gestured at the refrigerator. “What would you like to drink, Andy? Something cold? A beer?”

“Seeing as I’m driving, I’ll take something cold, but not alcoholic if that’s okay.” Andy wandered over to the window that looked out over the fenced-in paddocks. “Grass is looking good because of all that spring rain. Wonder how long that will last?”

“Not long enough I can tell you that.” Danny opened the refrigerator, took out a jug of lemonade, and held it up. “This okay? Mom made it this morning.”

“Looks great.” Andy’s gaze went to the kitchen door. “Hey, Mr. Miller, what’s up?”

Inwardly Danny groaned as his father, Jeff, entered the kitchen and sat at the table. He still couldn’t get used to seeing his old man around the house during working hours. Since his heart attack Jeff had been unable to maintain his five-in-the-morning-until-whatever-time-the-work-was-done schedule. He also made sure that everyone in the family knew how much he hated his current existence.

“Afternoon, Andy. I don’t know why Danny called you all the way out here just to look at something he could easily have fixed himself, but it’s good to see you.”

“It’s good to see you, too, Mr. Miller,” Andy replied. “My mom said to say hi, and that she’s looking forward to seeing you back at church.”

“I’m looking forward to being allowed off my own ranch, too.” Jeff gave Danny a pointed stare. “My family act like I’m incapable or something.”

“We’re just following doctor’s orders, Dad. You’ll be good to go this weekend.” Danny gave his father and Andy glasses of lemonade and sipped his own. “Where’s Mom?”

“She’s over at the Morgans’. She said that someone can start dinner if she’s late.”

“Will do.” Danny liked to cook and with Adam staying in town with Lizzie right now, he was the backup chef. “There’s no need for her to rush home. I’ll text if I need any instructions.”

Andy sat at the table with Danny’s father. “Did you know Ron Mac is retiring, Mr. Miller?”

“Yup, and about time, too. He’s getting way too old for that job.”

“He’s the same age as you,” Danny pointed out. “And you’re not willing to retire yet.”

“His mind is on the golf course way too much these days and not on the job he’s supposed to be doing. Dave’s getting better, but he’s still got a long way to go to impress me.”

“No one impresses you, Dad.” Danny grinned.

“True enough.” Jeff sipped his lemonade.

“So, I suppose it’s good Faith’s coming home,” Andy said. “From what I hear she’s had a lot of large animal experience up in Humboldt County.”

“I’m sure she’ll do great.” Danny chugged his lemonade rather faster than he wanted to and stood up. “I’m just going to text Mom. I’ll be back in a minute to see you out, Andy.”

Andy rose, too. “I’ve got to get back myself, Dan, so I’ll follow you out.”

Danny escorted his friend back to his truck, saw him on his way, and returned to the kitchen where his father was still sitting at the table. He busied himself putting the glasses in the dishwasher and put the jug of lemonade back in the refrigerator.

“Faith McDonald’s coming home, then.”

“So they say.” Danny wiped his hands on the towel and turned to find his father’s penetrating stare focused on him.

“You worried about that?”

“Why would I be?” For the first time, Danny let some of his annoyance leak into his voice. “You’re about the tenth person who’s asked me that this week. Why would I care what she chooses to do? I haven’t seen her for seventeen years. I’m sure she’s a different person now.”

His father shrugged. “No need to get mad when you’re asked a simple question, Son. Anyone would think you’ve got something to hide.”

“Jeez, Dad.” Danny shook his head. “You know what happened, you were right there. It’s not like there was anything suspicious going on.”

“Well, she did hightail it out of here pretty darn fast,” his father commented. “And she didn’t come back, which people might say makes her look guilty of something.”

“Then people would be wrong.” Danny met his dad’s stare. “Can we just stop talking about it now?”

“Why? When the whole valley is buzzing with the news that she’s finally coming home?”

“Because . . .” Danny carefully folded the towel and put it back. “Faith has a perfect right to come here, and she doesn’t deserve all this stupid attention.”

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