Home > Loved by Liam (Vested Interest : ABC Corp, #3)(26)

Loved by Liam (Vested Interest : ABC Corp, #3)(26)
Author: Melanie Moreland

Aiden burst out laughing and kissed her. “That’s my woman. Blunt and direct.”

Bentley rose and left the table, and I made a concerted effort to join in on the conversation. There was lots of talk about family, upcoming plans for the summer, and a pending visit from Richard VanRyan and his wife, Katy. I had heard a lot about them, especially from their daughter Grace, and I was looking forward to meeting them. It was obvious that he and Maddox were especially close, and I had a feeling lots of shenanigans ensued when they were all together. Many people stopped by the table, shaking hands with the BAM members, talking for a moment or two, then drifting away. On occasion, I stole a glance Alan’s direction, trying not to laugh at his not-so-subtle way of spying on our group. I knew he was curious who was at the table and why it was such an attraction. No one stopped by his table or spoke to him or his wife—even the other people seated with him. They seemed to make no attempt to interact either, and I wondered if Alan thought the people around him were beneath him. He often did.

Bentley returned, sliding into his seat as they announced dinner would be served in ten minutes. He picked up his drink. “Mr. and Mrs. Forsyth are here as guests of the Image Corporation. He’s a management analyst?” He looked at me to confirm, and I nodded. “Mrs. Forsyth is the daughter of Wayne Wallis, the CEO of the company Alan works for.” He paused, taking a sip of his wine. “Apparently they are both a handful.” He met my gaze. “And neither of them is important to our evening or this event. So, let’s forget they even exist, shall we? I, for one, am all about having a great time with my family this evening.”

My heart warmed at his words and the hidden meaning behind them. Bentley raised his glass, and everyone at the table copied him. We toasted to a great evening, and I turned in my seat, studiously ignoring the man across the room. It took everything in me to pretend he hadn’t upset me, but I was determined not to let him see that. Not to let him win again. He no longer mattered. The wonderful man sitting next to me did.




I controlled my anger as best I could, pushing it down and copying my family’s behavior. My dad was extra outrageous, making everyone laugh, and the mirth was loud. I couldn’t help but watch Alan on occasion. He and his wife sent their dinner back three times and, even when the plate was deemed acceptable, barely picked at it. I noticed they never touched and rarely spoke, and I could only imagine the silence and cold they lived with on a daily basis. A huge part of me was grateful for Alan’s callous nature since it meant it wasn’t Paige beside him, silent and miserable. I had a feeling he was a brutal management analyst, cutting jobs and costs with no regard for the human element. I couldn’t imagine him around Lucy. I shuddered simply thinking about it.

Since our amusement seemed to annoy Alan, I made sure to encourage my dad and his antics. I knew Paige was still struggling, despite her efforts to seem otherwise. Her shoulders were tense, and her fingers held her wineglass too tightly. She ate her dinner, but her actions were reflex. She chewed and swallowed, but I doubted she tasted a thing.

I seethed inside, wishing I could simply walk up to him and drag him outside to teach him a lesson. But I also knew that wasn’t possible. All I could do was be there for Paige and make sure to drive home the message she was far better off without him.

My dad helped get that message across—very effectively.

Between dinner and dessert, there were always a couple of speeches. Because BAM was such a major contributor, they were usually asked to be one of the speakers. I listened as the emcee spoke of BAM, their tireless work against bullying, the outreach programs they sponsored, their generous donations of time and money to many causes, and the excellence of their business. Then he invited Dad up to the podium to speak. As he went past me, Dad squeezed my shoulder. He stepped up to the microphone, smiling widely at the crowd. He began with his usual spiel, thanking the organizers, all the catering staff, everyone involved with the event. He leaned on the podium, looking relaxed and at ease.

“I’m going to get a little personal for a moment, so indulge me. Tonight’s event is close to our hearts at BAM because, at the core, it’s about family. We’re all about that. I have been blessed in my life to have people in it who became family. I have my own family too. A wonderful wife who makes me smile every day because of how special she is. Friends I call brothers. I get to work with my kids.” He waved his hand toward our table. “My son, Liam Callaghan, runs his own company—Branching Outward. Trust me, folks, you want the best landscaping company in the province? He’s your man. I’ve lost count of the number of awards he’s received, and I’m damn proud of him.” He paused. “Here’s a shameless plug while I’m at it. It’s not too late to put in a bid on his donation. Last time I looked, the page was getting full, so I suggest you don’t let the opportunity pass you by. Only an idiot would let that happen.” His tone was teasing, but his stare was focused on Alan before he finished. “It’s a great cause, and you’ll be the envy of your entire neighborhood.”

I tried not to laugh at his not-too-subtle dig. Alan now knew, without a doubt, who I was. He’d dismissed me as a gardener twice. He wouldn’t be happy knowing he was wrong.

Dad kept going. “I’m sitting with my family, and we’re all honored to be part of this evening. To make it even more special, my son brought his girl. We consider her the newest member of our family, and we’re all thrilled she agreed to join us tonight. She is bright, beautiful, and to top it off, her little Lucy has totally captured our hearts. So, Paige, thanks for putting up with my son, and welcome to the BAM clan. I hope to have you with us at many more of these fabulous events.”

Paige startled at his words, but my smile was huge. As with Evan, my family had just claimed her outright. She was part of us. Under our protection. Unable to help myself, I pulled her close and kissed her. She gazed up at me in wonder.

“Your family,” she breathed.

“Loves you,” I finished for her.

I spared a glance at Alan. He was furious. What I thought was a frown before was now a deep scowl indicating his unhappiness. His glare was directed at Paige, and I held her close so there was no mistake. He’d get nowhere near her. Ever. And he knew her life was far better than his—and there was nothing he could do about it.

Dad finished off with more encouragement to donate, pushed the auction, and praised the charity. His speech was clear, short, and perfect. He returned to the table amid a round of applause, and I had to blink again when Paige stood and flung her arms around his neck. He grinned, lifting her off her feet as he hugged her back. Mom laughed as she watched them, and even Bentley chuckled. After Dad sat down, Bent lifted his glass.

“Good job, Aiden. Hardly any cursing.”

Dad lifted his glass. “I had an important message to send. I think it was received.”

I toasted him with a smile. “Loud and clear.”



Chapter Thirteen






The dinner finished and the music began. I was surprised when Paige didn’t ask to leave. Instead, I led her to the floor and held her in my arms, swaying to the soft music. She had relaxed once Alan stood after dessert and disappeared. His wife left not long after, and I assumed they had departed. Good riddance.

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