Home > Loved by Liam (Vested Interest : ABC Corp, #3)(29)

Loved by Liam (Vested Interest : ABC Corp, #3)(29)
Author: Melanie Moreland

“Pizza, Sweet Pea?” Liam asked, his voice quiet. I knew he was looking at my arm, his anger still simmering. He hated to see the bruises. He was furious Alan had even touched me, never mind left marks. My hand wrapped in ice was a further reminder of the end of the evening.

I made a decision. Cami was right. I wasn’t going to let Alan spoil this for us. He was done.

“Please. Two pieces. I’m starving. And a beer would be welcome.”

His smile was wide. “Yeah?”

I leaned back in the chair. “Yeah.”

He bent over and kissed me. “You got it.”



Lucy was full of news when we went to Ava’s to pick her up the next morning.

“We ate wings, Momma! We watched Nemo and had popcorn,” she told me, clutching my neck and talking fast as if she might forget a detail. “And look at my toes!”

I grinned at the sparkling nails.

“I did Ava’s for her,” she said. “She said I did the best job evah.”

I glanced at Ava’s feet, trying not to laugh. The polish looked as if it had been applied by a drunken person. In the dark. But Ava grinned. “Evah,” she agreed. Then she chuckled. “You should see Gracie’s.”

I grinned, and Lucy stretched toward Liam, entirely content to rest in his arms. She repeated the conversation, adding details she had missed in her excitement. Her bubble bath in the big tub. The soda Ava let her have with dinner. The cinnamon toast Ava made her this morning at six.

“We had a morning nap,” she told Liam. “Ava says it’s a rule here. You hafta have a nap on Sunday mornings.” She cupped his ear, not lowering her voice, but thinking their conversation private now. “I not really sleep, I just pretend. Ava did.”

“Did she snore?” Liam whispered back, cupping her ear, his hand encompassing her whole head.

“Yes.” Lucy made a little snorting sound. “Like that. It made Mr. Teddy laugh.”

Ava chuckled. “Pretty accurate. I’ve heard myself do that.”

“You coming for brunch?” Liam inquired.

Ava yawned. “Later.”

“Another nap?” I asked quietly, knowing Sundays were the day she liked to sleep in.

“Yeah. If there’s any Danish left, snag me one and hide it from Dad. He’s like a hoover around those.”

“I will.” I hugged her. “Thank you.”

Her hazel eyes, unique and beautiful as she was, were soft. “Anytime. Really. I had a blast with her. She is such an awesome kid.” Then she tapped my hand. “And so is her mom.”

I knew Liam had told Ava what happened. I smiled and shrugged. “Thanks for your tips.”

She winked. “Anytime.”



Monday, Liam showed up with lunch. I was on a call, and he waited patiently until I finished. He insisted on looking at my hand even though I told him it was fine. He’d hovered all day yesterday, even driving his parents crazy. Aiden dragged him off to run on the beach so I could relax with Lucy and Cami. Ronan and Beth dropped by, and we all ended up in the pool. It was a fun, relaxed day, even with the hovering.

I finally convinced him my hand was fine by wrapping my fingers around his cock and stroking it. That led to another type of hovering, and when he left, we were both smiling and more at ease.

And the week continued. He would appear at some point, lunch in hand. I would hear his truck and wait with anticipation. Sometimes we’d eat and talk. Other times, he’d pull me toward my room, the glint in his eyes unmistakable. He was passionate and demanding, his lovemaking thorough and complete. One day, he insisted we sit outside and enjoy the day, and we both took the afternoon off. On Thursday, I texted him in the morning, telling him not to bring lunch. Instead, I made him macaroni and cheese, having heard him tell Beth that was one of his favorites. He devoured the dish, the smile never leaving his face.

After he finished, he sat across from me, playing with my fingers.

“I have something to ask,” he said.


“I was wondering if I could have you and Lucy this weekend. Pick you up tomorrow and keep you with me in Port Albany.”

“Wow. We would love that. Lucy will be beside herself.”

“There’s a bed in the guest room. Not much else.”

“I’m sure she can bring a few friends to keep her company,” I said dryly. “She has a couple to pick from.”

“Okay, I’ll pick you up around four. It probably means I won’t be around for lunch.”

“You don’t have to come for lunch every day, Liam. I know you work all over the city and the outskirts. I don’t expect you to keep rearranging your schedule.”

He smiled, still playing with my fingers. “I like it. Lunch is ours. I share you with Lucy and everyone else in the evenings. I like knowing I get to have just you for a bit every day.”

“You must hate all the driving.”

He met my eyes. “No. The only thing I hate is saying goodbye and leaving you. I dislike it at lunch, I hate it at night. I look forward to the day I don’t have to.”

Every time he showed his love, every time he said something unexpectedly sweet about our future, my doubts faded. Little pieces of them disappeared as if they had never existed. I wanted to tell him that, but the words didn’t come. All I could do was smile.

“One day.”

He nodded and stood. “I have to go. I have consultations tonight, so I won’t see you until tomorrow.” He kissed me, long and hard. “I’ll call you later, though, and I’ll see you tomorrow at four. You, me, and the munchkin all weekend.”

He paused before he went out the door. “And, Paige?”

I looked up. “Yeah?”

“That one day? It’s gonna be soon.”

Then he was gone.

I stared at the door for a long time.



Lucy’s laughter filled the pool area, her high-pitched squeal of glee piercing the air as Aiden and Liam tossed her back and forth like a football. A special football. They were only a few feet apart in the pool and she barely left one set of arms before the next caught her, but she was loving every moment. Aiden caught her, settling her on his shoulder.

“All right, Lucy-loo. Time to swim.”

He had been teaching her, never rushed or impatient. She could paddle a little, but he showed her how to kick her feet and move through the water. A pool noodle under her arms helped keep her afloat. He told me earlier he was investigating different techniques to help one-armed swimmers. He was quiet for a few moments, then lowered his voice.

“You ever considered a bionic-type arm? For when she is a little older?” he asked.

“Maybe one day. She hates wearing the prosthesis she has. The War Amps were great with their programs and help and we tried a few, but she has always done better on her own. She has to want it.”

“She might surprise you one day.” He studied her. “They’ve made great progress with them.”

“If it helps her, I’m all for it.”

He nodded. “Good to know.”

He joined Liam and Lucy in the pool via a cannonball and joined back in their fun. Watching them together, they looked like a family. Lucy seemed to resemble Liam more all the time, her smiles as wide as his, her hazel eyes filled with laughter. She had started copying his gestures, even taken to using a few of his sayings.

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