Home > Storm (Dark and Dirty Sinners' MC #8)(5)

Storm (Dark and Dirty Sinners' MC #8)(5)
Author: Serena Akeroyd

I groaned. "Yes!"

"You can say no."

"Dammit, no!" I grumbled, lifting my legs so I could dig my heels into his ass. "Stop with the chivalry, Asher. I need you!"

He nipped my chin, then pressed several kisses down my jawline. When he reached my ear, he whispered, "Then you can have me. All of me, baby girl."

Ugh, his words made me melt into a puddle, which probably helped when he pressed the tip of his dick to my entrance because it stopped me from pulling back in shock at how much bigger he was than his fingers.

I gulped, a little nervous, then he bridged both of our hands together and raised them over my head, pinning them to the blanket.

When he settled on top of me, his eyes on mine, slowly, he pushed into me.

Nostrils flaring as his thickness invaded me, I breathed through it, relaxing when he whispered, "Do you know how fucking beautiful you are, Keira? Everything about you. From the inside out."

I nuzzled my cheek against his, not unaware that he thrust another inch into me.

"I’ve been dreaming about touching you and tasting you from the minute I saw you."

I moaned, but not because another inch filled me.

"I’ve been dreaming about what your pussy tastes like."

A mewl whispered from me.

"God, it’s better than fucking coke. Your pussy’s like crack, baby girl. All of you is."

My heels dug into his ass.

"You gonna take all of me? I bet you can. You’re so fucking beautiful. I know you can do it—"

I whimpered.

"So proud of you, sweetness. So fucking proud of you."

A high-pitched wail escaped me as his pelvis finally met mine. It wasn’t founded in pain, just need.

My fingers tightened on his and I rasped, "Oh God, Asher. Oh God. Oh God."

"It’s okay, baby, it’s okay. Let me take you there."

And he did.

As the sky turned to night and the stars began to twinkle, he made love to me. He cherished me. He made my first time unforgettable.

But that was Asher.

He was unforgettable.


Beautiful. Inside and out.

As I clung to him and he clung to me, he showed me what it meant to be with someone you loved. He made me realize, without us having to say a word, that he loved me and that I loved him and that was what made this perfect.

I screamed with the wonder of it as he made me come, as the pleasure burst through my being when I couldn’t contain it anymore, but what really added to the perfection of the moment was when his cries entangled with mine.

When his release and mine joined together in a wonderful harmony that, I recognized, I was only supposed to feel with him.









PRESENT - Day After Christmas



Savin’ Me - Nickelback



You ever stared at nothing for so long that it made your eyes burn?

That was me today.

With my feet propped up on the desk, my ass settled in a chair that only recently had been the throne for another Prez, and my hands resting on my abs, I stared out of the window as I watched snowflakes drift to the ground.

I wasn’t where I wanted to be.

I was neither in my family home, sitting with my woman and my kid as they watched cartoons and Christmas movies while I handled some work on my phone with a piece of pie in front of me, nor was I in West Orange. I was stuck in Coshocton, Ohio. The one advantage was this office—I was Prez here.

Rex, the Prez of the New Jersey Chapter of the Satan’s Sinners, lived up to both his birth and road names.

He was the fucking King of that place, and when I’d ruled at his side as VP, I’d admit that shit was too easy. Things flew by me because Rex was the kind of fucker who had everything under control, and because I could slack under his watch, I had.

I’d grown lazy.



Nothing was under control.

Everything was chaos.

I hated it because addicts like me functioned best with monotonous, controlled schedules, but it was a challenge that I guessed I needed too. I couldn’t rest on my laurels here. There was no Rex to save my ass.

I had to man up. In more ways than one.

I’d kill to be playing games with my kid right about now. To be eating leftover pie with Keira on my lap as we watched some dumb movie.

A knock sounded at my door, rupturing my contemplative state of mind, and I called out, "Come in."

I didn’t bother twisting around to see who it was, just stayed staring out at fucking nothing because until tomorrow evening, that was the sum total of my life.


I was allowed in through the gates to my personal paradise once a day. I broke bread with the two girls who were my world. We sat and talked about our day as we ate, and then I was tossed out once again.

My whole day revolved around dinner. Twenty-four hours boiling down to a two-hour meal that I always dragged out because leaving added to the cracks in my soul, creating more and more pressure on the other splinters in my spirit.

Which rammed home the one truth I was learning to live by—there was no Storm without his girls.


I recognized the voice as Little. Quite naturally, he was the size of a fucking mammoth. I pitied his hog, that was how goddamn big he was.

"What’s up?" I asked tiredly, swiping a hand over my face.

God, I wanted nothing more than to climb into Keira’s bed and just go to fucking sleep. I was so tired of being tired. So tired of missing what kept me awake.

"Bitch outside the gates, asking to come in."

"Bitch?" I frowned as he ambled into my line of sight, then my temper stirred and I growled, "That’d better not be my wife you’re fucking talking about, Little."

His eyes flared wide, a smart prey reacting to the sudden awakening of a predator in its midst, as he quickly shook his head. "Naw, Prez, it ain’t Keira. I’d never talk smack about your woman."

As his eyes widened further, mine narrowed more. "Good. You’d better fucking not."

Though Keira and Cyan had been living down here for a good six weeks, they’d only come to the clubhouse three times. That was enough for the guys and the clubwhores to recognize them, and for Keira to have left a great impression.


I didn’t blame her, not with our history, but I wished she’d made an effort—even if it was only for her sake.

Before she’d thrown me out, she’d said she wanted to be a part of the Sinners. Here was her chance to merge into club life and she was snubbing it and the people under the clubhouse’s roof.

Heaving a sigh, I asked, "What bitch, then?"

"She says she knows you. MaryCat’s her name."

I straightened up and jerked to my feet. "MaryCat?"

My phone buzzed as I strode toward the door.

A quick glance at the Caller ID revealed that Lodestar, the latest addition to the Sinners’ cyber armory, as well as a massive pain in the ass, was on the line.

As I connected the call, I barked, "I ain’t got time for your games, Lodestar—"

"Fucking nerve," she ground out. "I know MaryCat arrived. Let her in, dumbfuck. She’s got her kid with her."

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