Home > Deadly Love (The Deadly Series Book 1)(17)

Deadly Love (The Deadly Series Book 1)(17)
Author: Erin Trejo

“Do you agree to fuck me unrestrained from now on?” Her question has my head cocking to the side. What is she asking me? Why would she even want me to?

“I’m not broken, Enzo. I don’t need you to baby me.” Letting my hand move from the back of her neck to her cheek, I lean closer.

“I promise.” Her eyes shine brightly as I say the words I never say to anyone. This girl has me breaking all my own rules and I want to own her for it.

“I promise to not kill him then.”



Chapter Seventeen






I’ve never been on a plane let alone a private plane. Who the hell would have thought that Enzo would own a plane? A whole fucking aircraft? I’ve heard about mafia Bosses owning shit like this but I’d never seen it till now.

“Why are you so antsy?” He asks looking up from his laptop.

“Never been on a plane,” I admit.


“Well, it could crash. Then everything would have been a waste of time, you know? We would be dead and those bastards would still be out there,” I inform him. I’m not afraid of much but knowing how far away from solid ground we are has me frazzled.

“We won’t crash.”

“How can you be so sure? Don’t you watch the news? Planes crash all the time, Enzo.”

“We have parachutes if need be,” he says as if it’s nothing. Are you kidding me? Switch snorts a laugh which is something I rarely hear from him. Hugo just smiles and shakes his head as I look between the three of them.

“Am I the only one concerned with this shit crashing?” I ask.


“Yeah, I ain’t too worried.” Fucking Switch isn’t worried about anything. Asshole.

“Would you like a drink, Tessa? It may help calm you,” Enzo offers as he returns to pecking away at his keyboard.

“No! I don’t want to be drunk when we get there.”

“I said a drink not multiple. Come here,” he says nodding toward the seat next to him. Shaking my head, there is no way in hell that I’m leaving this seat. The seatbelt is fastened around my waist, not like it would help if we did go down. Hugo and Switch are talking amongst themselves when Enzo slides his swivel table to the side and stands. He moves toward me, leaning down to unbuckle my seatbelt.

“Are you insane? Do you know how high up we are?” I hiss at him. He chuckles and grabs my hand pulling me to my feet. I wrap my arms around his waist, clinging to him. I never thought I’d be afraid of flying, then again I never thought I’d be in a damn plane either. I hold on tightly as he walks us back to his seat. He tries to pry my hands from his waist but I don’t move.

“Tessa, it’s okay. Sit with me, yes?”

“In your lap? That’s as far as I’m going. You got me out of my safe seat and drag me across a plane that is in air might I add!”

“Tessa, I promise you it’s okay.” I don’t care what he says, this is not okay. I can handle a lot of things but knowing that we are in the air is not one of them. If I never have to get on a plane again I will be happy. Enzo shifts, pulling my arms free as he sits and pulls me into his lap. I keep my hands twisted in the front of his dress shirt praying to God that we don’t go down.

“You’re okay,” he whispers.

“I don’t know that.”

“I wanted to show you something,” he says moving to pull the laptop back in front of him. I shift slightly in his lap so that I can see. He taps a few buttons and a video comes up. I gasp. Anger eats away at my insides.

“That’s him,” I whisper knowing that face anywhere. I can see him clear as day, smell the mint on his breath. I can hear his words as they repeat in my mind. “You will die,” I whisper. I can feel Enzo tense under me before he clicks the screen off.

“What did you just say?” I open my mouth as memories flash behind my eyes. The way he looked at me, he was serious. He wants me dead and I don’t know why.

“He said that to me. He leaned over me as he burned me with his cigar. He said, you will die.” I’m off his lap, and placed in the seat next to him as he storms toward the back of the plane. I pull my legs up to my chest and wrap my arms around my knees. I don’t like this. I don’t like being on this plane or seeing that bastard again. I thought I could handle and now I’m not so sure. Hugo moves to follow Enzo as Switch comes to sit next to me.

“He will kill that motherfucker,” he says resting a hand on my knee.

“No, he won’t. I will but I flipped, Switch. I saw his face and everything just came back.”

“Block it out.”

“What?” I ask glancing over at him.

“I said block it all out. You can’t handle business when you see it over and over again,” he says.

“You say it like you know,” I whisper.

“I do know. Just trust me on this. If you can’t step up, Tessa, let him do it. Killin’ leaves a mark on your soul that you can never scrub off. Somethin’ this personal isn’t worth ruinin’ who you are.”

“I’ve killed before,” I add but when I think about it, it wasn’t this personal. It was a means to an end.

“What’s his name?”

“I can’t give you that.”

“Please. I need to know his name,” I nearly beg.

“Wish I could tell you darlin’ but I got my orders.” Just then I hear the small door at the back of the plane slam and Hugo and Enzo come back. Enzo sits in the seat next to me, anger painting his features. I slowly uncurl myself and reach over, resting my hand on his arm. He doesn’t move but I feel him tense.

“His name is Fredrick Rozano. As I told you I believe he is somehow involved with what happened to my sister. I also believe he has connections to my father.”

“That’s isn’t everything is it?” Enzo swallows hard as he slowly turns to look at me.

“No, it isn’t. While my men have been digging for information we have also learned that he has children.”


“Yes, more than one.”

“What do they have to do with anything? Are they helping him in some way?”

“I don’t know, Tessa. I’m still working on that.”

“So why are you so on edge?” I ask seeing the way he’s looking at me. He reaches over, running his fingers along my cheek before cupping my face in his hand.

“His words, Tessa,” he says softly.

“What words?” I ask knowing deep down what he’s getting at.

“The words he said to you. I will kill him for those words.”



Chapter Eighteen






The ports are demolished. There are only a few remaining. I already have men in the cleanup process, ready to rebuild. The area isn’t secure and I don’t like Tessa being out here. She glances around, taking in everything she can. I never asked her where she was from and since my men have found nothing on her, I can’t even speculate but judging by the way she’s looking around, she hasn’t been here before.

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