Home > Deadly Love (The Deadly Series Book 1)(19)

Deadly Love (The Deadly Series Book 1)(19)
Author: Erin Trejo

“What are you doing?”

“Shut up a minute,” she whispers under her breath. I shake my head and glance out the window needing to be on that phone so I can find out what the hell was happening and who that was.

“I need to know what the hell is going on, Tessa. Give me the phone back,” I hiss this time.

“Wait a minute you impatient ass,” she sneers as her fingers keep moving. I’m about to move and grab it when she freezes. Her face falls, the phone falling from her hands. Confusion hits me hard as I move toward her, grabbing her shoulders.

“Tessa? What happened?”

“Fuck,” Switch grumbles. I pull my gaze from hers and look to him where he now holds my phone. He turns it so the screen is facing me and that’s when I see it. Rozano’s face smiling at the back camera. He knew we were there.



Chapter Nineteen






Anger burns me alive. He was there. He was so close and I never saw him. Not that it would have mattered because this fake fucking front I put up isn’t working. I thought I could do this. I thought I could look him in the eye and take his life but every time I see his face, I freeze. Now I’m in the corner of the hotel room, lost in my head. My knees are pulled up to my chest as I squeeze my arms around them. My mother’s face, Tino’s sneak into my vision.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper to Ania. To all of them. What is wrong with me? I’ve wanted this for so long. I’ve dreamt of the day that I could wrap my hands around his neck and watch the life slowly slip from him. But I froze!

Bringing my hands up to the sides of my head, I ball them into fists. The noise in my head doesn’t stop. Not this time. I need to focus. I need to stop letting him get the best of me.

“Tessa? Baby?” Tino? What the hell? Slowly lifting my head, I see his face on the screen. I look to Enzo quickly before grabbing the phone and cradling it in my hands.

“Tino. I’m sorry. I fucked up,” I tell him. My hands shake, my head pounds.

“No you didn’t. Look at me, Tessa. Look at me,” he demands. I lift my head and look at his face on the screen so full of worry and concern. He loves me. I know he does.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper once more.

“Stop, Tessa. Baby, you did what you set out to do. You got in, yes?” I nod my head as he does the same. “That man isn’t going to let anyone hurt you, Tessa. Whether you shut down or not, he will protect.”

“You don’t know that! You protect me, Tino! You!”

“And I always will, baby. I promise I will but right now I’m not there, Tessa. Let him be there for you,” he urges me. I shake my head, thinking of Ania. So helpless. So lost.

“Ania,” I whisper as tears fall down my cheeks.

“Tessa! Look at me. Now!” He demands roughly. I blink my eyes and look at him once more. “You are stronger than this. You are so much more than what you’re thinking right now. Enzo?”

“I’m here,” he says without moving from his place next to me.

“You need to hang up the phone and give her whatever she needs.” He chokes on the last words but holds my gaze.

“I don’t know what she needs, Valentino,” Enzo admits.

“She doesn’t know what she needs, Lorenzo. Take the phone and hang it up. You can figure it out from there.” The screen goes black and so does my heart.

“He left me,” I whisper.

“No he hung up.”

“Same fucking thing! That coward!” I shove off the floor as anger settles in my chest. It blazes like a fire that I can’t put out. I start to pace the room when Enzo stands, setting the phone on the table. I watch as he shrugs out of his jacket and lays it over the chair.

“What do you need, Tessa?” He asks his dark eyes burning into me.

“I don’t need you. I need Tino! I need that bastard that did this to me. I need Ania!” More tears trickle down my cheeks as he moves toward me slowly. I shake my head, trying to stop him. He can’t come near me. Not now. He isn’t him. He isn’t Tino. The need to have him hold me, break me is causing my chest to ache.

“Come here, Tessa,” he says trying to keep his tone calm. I shake my head, grit my teeth and nearly growl at the man. I’m losing it. I’m losing me, her. I don’t know what’s happening to me. I’m a complete mess.

“Stay the hell away from me!”

“I wish I could,” Enzo says, pain lacing his words. When he’s within reach, I pull back and slap him across the face. His head jerks to the side before he slowly pulls it back to face me. My nostrils flare as I look him in the eye. His hand comes up quickly, wrapping around my throat. The heat between us is burning with such intensity that I can hardly stand it. His eyes are narrowed as he takes me in. That’s when I fight. I swing my fist, slamming it into his ribs. He barely flinches. If anything he looks madder. Releasing my throat, he lunges for me but I move out of the way. He stumbles before spinning and coming back toward me. I taunt him, a sick smirk on my face. That’s when I lunge first. Leaping into his arms, I hit and punch, screaming at the top of my lungs until they burn. Each hit makes me feel harder. Each swing calms the ache in my chest, the noise in my head. Enzo moves us, slamming me into the wall. The glass of the picture that hangs there shatters around us. The door flies open and I can vaguely hear Hugo saying something but Enzo tells him to leave. The fight keeps going until my back is pinned to the bed. I buck my hips trying to throw him off me but it’s no use.

“I’ll kill you!” I scream as loudly as I can. Enzo doesn’t smirk, smile or otherwise. He holds his gaze, transfixed on mine as I continue to fight his hold. Enzo leans down looking like he may kiss me when I swing my head up. It collides with his, an immediate rush of warm crimson begins coating both of us. I look up and see the gash that I caused on his head before I smirk. Enzo still doesn’t look away. He just leans down again, his lips coming in contact with mine this time. I never once thought I could be kissed into submission. Never thought that anyone aside from Tino could calm me but as his lips move over mine, the aches simmer, the pain begins to fade and the anger subsides.

Releasing one of my hands, Enzo moves his other between us. I’m already naked, considering I ripped my clothes off in a fit when we got back to the hotel. I wasn’t in the right state of mind. I wasn’t ready to handle things.

“Are you done?” He asks, nipping at my lip. When I begin to buck a little more he bites my lip harder. Pain shoots through me as I raise my hips. His fingers already there, pushing inside of me. I moan as soon as I feel them. He works them in and out of me, nipping softer now at my lip. All the fight slowly leaves me as I let the feeling of him touching me course through my veins. Swallowing hard, I arch my back. He releases my hands from his much larger one and I begin to tear at his clothes. It doesn’t take long for me to have him naked. I shove at him until he lays on his back. His cock is hard and waiting for me.

“What do you want to do here, Tessa?” He asks huskily. Without saying anything further, I climb up and straddle him. Standing above him, Enzo grabs my legs and slides his hands up and down until I begin to lower myself down.

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