Home > All In (Complicated Parts #3)(30)

All In (Complicated Parts #3)(30)
Author: Ashley Jade

“Thank you.”

On second thought, maybe it’s not so bad after all. I did slather a shit ton of frosting on it.

Curious, I take the fork from him so I can try some. I grimace when a variety of tart and burned flavors assault my mouth at the same time. None of them good. “Lord have mercy. It’s awful.”

I vow right there and then to never bake another cake again for as long as I live.

A laugh rumbles out of him. “I’m pretty sure dog shit tastes better.” His expression becomes serious and he shifts on the couch to face me. “I appreciate the sentiment, though. No one’s ever gone through the trouble of baking me a cake before.”

Sadness sinks like a stone in my chest, because there’s something so heartbreaking about that. My mom always baked my birthday cakes when I was little, only unlike mine, hers were incredible.

Clearly, I didn’t inherit her awesome culinary skills.

Reaching between us, I squeeze his hand. “I just told myself I’d never bake another cake again.” I give him a small smile. “But I take it back. I’ll bake you a birthday cake every year.”

Because I want him to know someone cares about him.

The corner of his mouth curls. “Please don’t.” I’m insulted, but then he moves closer, his gaze drifting from my eyes to my lips. “I hate my birthday.” His thumb glides over my jaw. “Although this one turned out to be my favorite.”

My heart takes flight when he leans in…at the same time Lola jumps on the couch, firmly wedging his body between us.

Laughing, I pat his head. “Hey, buddy.”

“Cockblocker,” Preston grumbles under his breath before he presses a button on the remote and the movie starts.

“By the way.” I reach for the throw blanket to drape around myself and Lola. “We have to go to my Nanna’s for brunch tomorrow.”

His jaw bunches and I know he’s pissed. Heck, I can’t blame him. I don’t want to go either.

“Don’t worry,” I assure him. “Everything will be fine.”



Chapter 19






“Next time keep the canine at home,” Reggie says snidely, turning his nose up at poor Lola before leading us out to the veranda.

It seems my furry friend isn’t well liked by many, which makes no sense because I adore the shit out of him.

I take in the extravagant place settings and table décor when we enter the patio. “Where is she?”

Reggie makes a sweeping motion with his hand, indicating we should sit. “She’s finishing up with her doctor.”

I can’t help but wonder if things have gotten worse…or why my stomach drops at the thought. Even though I have every reason to hate this woman, she’s still the only family I have left and I’ve always held on to this stupid notion of hoping our relationship would get better one day.

“Is she okay?”

“She has cancer,” Reggie responds, his tone making it clear he thinks I’m a moron.

“I know that—”

A maid wheels my Nanna onto the patio, so I clamp my mouth shut.

Preston, however, doesn’t. “Speak of the devil and she’ll appear.”

Nanna glares at him before looking at Reggie who gestures for the help to start serving us.

I’m taking a bite of my eggs when she hands her notebook to Reggie.

The tips of his ears turn pink as he reads it. “Madam, I don’t feel comfortable using that kind of language.”

Nanna stabs the notebook with her finger, making it clear she doesn’t give a flying fuck that he’s uncomfortable.

No surprise there.

His uneasy gaze lands on Preston. “She would like to know if you’ve fu—” He clears his throat. “Consummated your marriage with her granddaughter.”

I start choking so hard Preston has to reach over and slap my back.

“Oh, my God,” I sputter. “That’s none of your business.”

Rolling her eyes, she snatches the notepad and scrawls something else on it.

Reggie pins me with a look as he speaks. “It is if you want your parents’ estate.”

Just like that, whatever sympathy I felt for her before vanishes into thin air.

Preston crosses his arms and stares her down. “You’re a fucking cunt.”

Reggie gasps. “You are out of line.”

He narrows his eyes at my grandmother. “What’s out of line is forcing a person to have sex against their will.”

I can’t help but notice the wicked smile on her face as she slides the notebook across the table.

It wouldn’t be against her will if you knew how to court and seduce a woman, you inept shithead.

Good Lord.

Preston leaps up from his chair with so much force it hits the floor. Thinking quick, I hook my fingers into the belt loops of his jeans, yanking him back before he can dive across the table and strangle her.

“Trust me, he knows how to seduce me,” I blurt before I can stop myself.

My cheeks heat because I can feel everyone’s eyes on me.

And because there’s a kernel of truth to it.

I can tell she wants to press me further, but her attention shifts to Lola who’s laying on the floor next to my chair. As expected, she doesn’t look thrilled by his presence either.

“We’re dog sitting for a friend,” I explain, giving him a piece of bacon off my plate.

The rest of brunch continues in uncomfortable silence and the moment the staff starts clearing the table, I nudge Preston with my elbow, silently hinting we should make a run for it. However, when we push our chairs back, Nanna snaps her fingers.

Reggie sighs. “Your grandmother hasn’t given you permission to leave yet. We still have pressing matters to discuss.”

“For fuck’s sake,” Preston mutters as she scribbles on her notepad.

“What pressing matters?” I start to ask, until I remember. “Oh, that. It’s been taken care of.” Grabbing my purse and Lola’s leash, I jut my chin toward the exit. “Let’s go.”

Preston stands, but I don’t miss the curious expression on his face.

“Very well.” Reggie picks up the notebook. “Madam would like you to be pregnant by next month.”

I feel every ounce of air whoosh out of my lungs.

“Madam can shove that notebook up her wrinkly ass,” Preston growls beside me. “That’s not fucking happening.”

Reggie’s annoyed gaze falls on me. “Your wife has already agreed.”

“Bullshit.” Turning his head, he looks my way. “Kit would never agree to that.”

My mouth goes dry as I glare daggers at my Nanna. “I agreed to try.”

She waves a hand like there isn’t a difference. However, I can’t argue the semantics with her because Preston storms out of the room.

Giving Lola’s leash a little tug, I charge after him.

By the time I catch up with him outside, he’s already on the phone…calling a cab.

Panic rises up my throat. “I’m sorry.”

Angry eyes the color of storm clouds peer down at me as he hangs up. “Fuck you.”

I deserve that.

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